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Results 29521-29550 of 184,264 sorted by recipient
ALS : American Philosophical Society Jay Eté tres faché Monsieur que Mr Votre petit fils et vous vous Soyez trouvés Engagés mercredi mais vous pouvez m’en consoler aisement en me donnant Jeudi ou Samedy. Je vous offre ces deux Jours afin que vous Choisissiez celui qui vous sera le plus commode. J’ay Eu si peu lhonneur de vous voir cet hiver que Je desire infiniment que vous ne me refusiez pas....
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania The Committee for Mr. Canton’s Experiments meet Again on Tuesday next 23 Instt at 11 O’Clock precisely to prosecute the same. I am Sir Your humble Servant Emanuel Mendes da Costa (1717–1791), son of a London merchant, was trained as a notary, became a student of conchology, mineralogy, and fossils, and during his checkered career published several books...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the honour of writing to your Excellency the 23d. of last Month from Ghent, since which Nothing has arisen of Consequence enough to give You the trouble of a letter. I shall be detain’d here longer than I wish, owing to the ship which I Expect to take in the goods not being Yet arrived. As she Comes a Neutral vessell I am obliged to keep a Neutral...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania When You did me the pleasure of calling on me last week, I mention’d to You that I had been trying to freeze water in which different quantities of Sea Salt had been dissolv’d, You then said You wish’d I had tasted the Ice, for it was thought to be fresh; At that time I had not tasted it, but since have tried the following Experiment; I took two ounces...
AL : American Philosophical Society J’ignore les usages d’un autre monde mon cher papa; mais je sçais que dans notre civile europe, on ne se rend léttres et portraits que lorsque l’on veut rompre ensemble: un homme de votre connoissance, un homme que vous ne pouvés vous empêcher d’aimér; hier au soir á jetté par térre et foulée aux piéds une léttre d’une fémme; un jeune homme la ramassée et...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai apris avec plaisir que la lettre que j’ai eu l’honneur de vous ecrire le 22 may dernier vous a bien eté remise. Supposant que vous ne seré pas faché d’etre instruit a la continue de ce qui ce passe ici, et en particulier de ce qui peut etre relatif a vos Colonies, j’aurai donc l’honneur de vous dire Monsieur, que le Chevalier Yorke vient de faire...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I again acknowledge receipt of your Favors, per Captain Paul Jones, of the 16th. March, 3d & 27th June, 4h Octr. & 9h. Decr., & copies of Letters to & from Ben, all of which have given us the greatest satisfaction & pleasure, his profile too, which you sent us, has added not a little to our gratification; we have had it framed, and it hangs now in our...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I take this opertunety to inquier after your helth and should have Done it much sooner had I have known how. But the time I wrot to Jonathon the gentelman who took it told me he was not Cartain he should Be premited to Carrey it or I should have wrot to you at the same time. I hope when you heard from America last all our frinds are in good helth altho in a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We Receiv’d Your Excellency’s honored Letter 23d. May in answer to the One we had the honnour to Write to you the 10th. Do. but whereon we forgot to put the date. We are Very Sorry to See what your Excellency is pleased to mention about the Prize Betzey, and are Surprised that the Papers relative to that Vessell have not been produced to you, as We have...
AL : American Philosophical Society Dr: Rush begs leave to inform Dr. Franklin that the members of the Canadian Committee will wait upon him this afternoon at 6 oClock at his own house. Addressed: Dr Franklin The committee was to hear Canadian petitions; its meetings determine the note’s possible dates. See Smith, Letters , IV , 537 n.
Copies: University of South Carolina Library (two), Library of Congress (three), Massachusetts Historical Society Mr Lawrens while under Confinement in England, proposed that, upon his being liberated upon his Parole, he would apply to you for an Exchange in favour of My Lord Cornwallis, by a Discharge of his Lps. [Lordship’s] Parole granted upon the Surrendry of his Garrison at the Village of...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania As you have Been so good to Premitt Me to have the Honour to Pay you a Visit, Thought it my Duty to Aquint you that I Set out from hence in Two or Three Days. Would Have Come Amatley [immediately] on Recipt of your Letter To Mr. Le Grand only waits for the Arivell of the Englesh Post By which I Expect to Recive Some Letters. Mr. Le Grands Behavour to Me...
LS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères Congress has ordered me to prepare and lay before them a State of the pay Rations and Subsistence of the Officers and Men in the Armies of the different powers in Europe—as these often vary I have no means of procuring the necessary information with accuracy from any books I have seen— I am under the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I did myself the honour of Incloseing you some American News Papers the 29 Ultimo which I hope you got safe. Inclosed you have the only one I have received since. Some time ago you was so obligeing as to write me that you had procured an exemtion of the Duties on my Furniture. I would rather pay ten times the sum than to be troublesome, but the ungenteel...
ALS : American Philosophical Society L’Ingénieur françois qui a commandé au siége d’York-town, pour lequel je vous avois demandé audience, n’a pu profitter de la faveur que vous luy avies accordeé, les lettres par lesquelles je luy en faisois part ne luy etant point parvenües, soit qu’il m’aie mal indiqué sa demeure, soit qu’il soit parti de Paris dans le même tems, ce qui me paroit le plus...
DS : University of Pennsylvania Mémoire Pour Monsieur franklin Pere Du 19. fevrier 1779 La façon d’un habit Complet de drap de Vigogne 17 l.t. fourni 3 aus. drap de Vigogne à 90 l.t. 270 ” ” 4. aus. ¾ Satin pour doubler à 8.5 39 3 9 ⅞ toille de Coton pour défaut
ALS : American Philosophical Society After my most hearty and Sincer love to you and your grandson—Friends &ce. I have The pleasure to tell you my hopes is more fixt on you then Ever My Inthuizam encreases Evry day and from good authority Can Say my politicall Creed is well founded: you will be Very Shortly Calld upon by the People—. (Providence Whome I trust) will Call all the wise honest...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’avoue qu’il y a longtemps que je ne vous ai écrit cependant je pense toujours à vous si j’avois eu plus de temps je vous aurais écris en anglois il y à aussi longtems que vous ne m’avès ècris mais je sçais bien que ce n’est pas de vôtre faute et que c’est les affaires qui vous en enpechent. J’espère que vous aves reçu mon prix dans la derniere lettre je...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Nessessaty obliges me to trouble you to forward the Inclos’d letter, as I have the Misfortune to be detain’d a Prisner in Newgate, and not Knowing when I shall obtain my Liberty. Therefore am under the Nessessaty of Writing to my Pardner in Savannah in Georgea, to make me a small Remitance, by way of France, and have taken the Liberty to request him to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I send you the News Paper. The Spanish Declaration was not made on Tuesday, But I have a Letter, which says, That it was to be deliver’d on Wednesday. They write from London, That the New York Mail brings Advice,—of General Clinton’s detaching three thousand Men upon an Expedition (to sail the 8th of May) and That Genrl Washington supposing it to be to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have not words to express, the Pleaseur I had in Receving your very kind leter, which you was so good as to send me by Mr. Lamot, for allthoug I have not seen you for this lage(?) Past, my heart warms when ever I here your Naime mensiend, as does my wife, for She Loves you sincearly. Could wee but have the Pleaseur to Injoy you here, was it but for a few...
AL : American Philosophical Society M. de Chaumont a L’honneur de proposer a S. E Monsieur franklin d’aller faire unne visite ce matin a M. Le Comte Dorvilliers qui a Si Bien accueilli nos freres americains. M. franklin voudra Bien dire a quelle heure il partira Si la proposition luy Convient. When the comte d’Orvilliers ( XXVI , 236n), the recently retired former commander of the great...
ALS : American Philosophical Society My Father joins me in compliments and thanks for the trouble you have had in procuring such accurate information concerning the Fire Engine, and also for inquiring about the microscopes which at length I have recieved. Agreeable to your desire I have send you two drawings of an Ice-boat. That without the mast is in the proportion of an Inch to a foot, and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je viens de recevoir une lettre de Mademoiselle de fay par la quelle J’apprends avec un plaisir vraiment indicible que vous aviés bien voulú jetter un Coup d’oeil favorable sur les deux ouvrages qu’elle vous a presentés en mon nom. Ma satisfaction seroit Complette si j’etois persuadé que vous les avés trouvés dignes sinon de votre suffrage aumoins de votre...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. D’amezaga est dépuis Six semaines à la Campagne. Il meurent d’envie de voir son cher Monsieur de Franklin. Il â trouvé à la Campagne un Noble Genois qui S’apelle Mr. de sélezia qui a porter chés Monsieur de Franklin, un Paquet dont on L’avoit changé [chargé]. Il n’a point trouvé Monsieur de Franklin chés luy et à Laissés Son Paquet. Mr. de Sélezia qui...
The Extracts of Letters You was so good as to send me, have been inserted in the Papers, and I should be obliged to You, for future Communications of the same kind. Notwithstanding the flow of Spirits, and the vigorous Exertions of our Countrymen this Year, I am sorry to say I cannot see a prospect of any thing decisive this Campaign. The fatal defect in the plan of the Campaign, in not...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief Dimanche 21 au soir arriva enfin le Courier attendu, sur les Dépêches duquel on étoit déjà préparé ici par celle du Résidt [Résident] Swart reçue le 21 & écrite par la poste le 5, & dont voici la Substance. “Le 31 Xbre. dernier, les Plenipes. holl. [Plenipotentiaires hollandais], & Mr. Swart, eurent une derniere conférence...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the pleasure to See your Son at my house govonour Franklin and acording to my Custom I had a long Chatt with him—as I am now in Fashon at Court or in other words am not in the Same Disgrace as while America was in Rebelion —Wherefore now I Can Speak out Such truths as may be useful to the honest Well meaning Rulers: who all own, they have not had...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Though I presume Mr. Cumming’s Letter, which you receive at the same time with this, informs you of the Motive which induced the Friends of the Bearer to send him to Philadelphia; yet as being the Father of the Boy, I thought it necessary for your Satisfaction, briefly to relate to you my Reasons for taking this Step; and likewise to give you some Account...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I took the liberty of writing You a Letter last April to enquire after your Health. At the same time (not doubting the continuation of your friendship) I made so free as to trouble You with some account of my present Situation, entreating your Advice, but I am so unfortunate as never to have had any Answer. I have been and am still in the greatest Anxiety...