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2951[Diary entry: 20 January 1774] (Washington Papers)
20. Little or no Wind, and more moderate than yesterday—but sometimes threating falling Weather being lowerg. all day.
In June, Eighteen hundred and Six I addressed you a Letter covering some others, which at this time would very much benefit me to be in Possession of—therefore use the freedom now to ask the favor of their return; and am with respect Sir Your Very Obt Servt. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
The first dispaches from our Envoys Extraordinary, since their arrival at Paris, were received at the secretary of states office at a late hour the last evening—They are all in a character, which will require some days to be decyphered, except the last, which is dated the 8th of January 1798—The contents of this Letter, are of so much importance to be immediately made known to Congress, and to...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania . . ., v (Philadelphia, Henry Miller, 1775), p. 454. Inclosed is a Copy of our last, with a Duplicate of the Address to the House of Commons therein mentioned, on the Subject whereof, and the other Matters recommended to your Attention in the said Letter, we have nothing more to add. We have laid Mr. Richard...
2955General Orders, 27 May 1777 (Washington Papers)
One Sub.—one Serjt and twenty privates, of Lieut. Col. Olney’s detachment to do duty as Artillery Men, under Lieut: in Morristown, ’till further orders. Varick transcript , DLC:GW . For the general orders regarding the establishment of guards and patrols to protect the new camp at Middlebrook, N.J., that Gen. Nathanael Greene issued on this date, see “Muhlenberg’s Orderly Book,” 33:259; see...
I send you an extract from the General orders of this day; which you will be pleased to announce. The letter to the Board transmitted to General Greene will inform you of the subject of their meeting—After reading, you will forward it to General Greene. I am Your most Obedt servant. Df , in Alexander Hamilton’s writing, DLC:GW ; Varick transcript , DLC:GW . GW’s aide-de-camp Richard Kidder...
The opinion is, 1. that the attorney for the district of Kentucky do forthwith take the most effectual measures for prosecuting according to law O’Fallon; and that he be informed, that unless the testimony within his reach will clearly subject him to the charge of treason, the prosecution be for a riot. 2. that a proclamation issue, reciting the treaties, law and further proclamation on this...
2958[Diary entry: 5 April 1771] (Washington Papers)
5. Rid to the Mill Dam and contd. there all day. Returnd home by the Mill.
The above articles were forwarded several days ago by Brice Harlow ’s Boat, & hope they will reach you safely, there is not a Bll: of nice clip d shad in the place, they have been quite scarce and very de a r all the spring—as I could not get them really good, tho’t it best to send none—    The Nail Rods were the best assorted I could find in the place, they are also scarce— I rec d to=day a...
I have the Honour to acknoledge the receipt of your Esteemed favour of the 14th Currt by your Domestick Christopher and to mention to you that I paid Imediate attention to its Contents by writeing to a Friend at Lebanon where Mr Stoy resides to render every assistance to the Lad which may be Necessarry during his Stay With the Docter and to pay any Expence attending the Cure, He has however...
The many distinguished favors which I am proud of having received from your Excellency, embolden me to have recourse to you, in this, the most trying moment of my life, when I stand most in need of your high protection. Mrs. De La Croix, who will have the honor to deliver you this letter, will inform you of the unfortunate circumstances under which I am placed, and of the object of my...
28 May 1804, Gibraltar. No. 151. “Not Being favourd with any of yours, I beg leave to referr to my last which I had the honor of adressing you No. 150 under 18: Instant, nor have I heard further regarding the Tunis business. “I now beg leave to anex Copy of a paragraph of a Letter to me from Consul Simpson of Tanger yesterdays date, which I received this day.” RC and enclosure, two copies (...
We would be most unhappy not to see the young gentlemen Sunday. It is a day made for them since the ceremony is not repeated often, and I have taken the necessary steps so that they can see it comfortably. We are expecting them and beg you not to disappoint us. Commodore Jones will surely honor us by accepting our invitation to breakfast . I will serve good tea which has not been taxed by...
I inclose you an order of the bank of the US. of this place on that of Philadelphia for 111. D 34 c now due, and tender you the assurances of my friendship & respect. MHi : Coolidge Collection.
The inclosed papers will give you the latest intelligence from Poughkepsie. It seems by no means certain what the result there will be. Some of the most sanguine calculate on a ratification. The best informed apprehend some clog that will amount to a condition. The question is made peculiarly interesting in this place, by its connexion with the question relative to the place to be recommended...
I have been favoured with your letter of the 17 th respecting a box of wine & some seeds sent to my care, for you, by the Collector of Alexandria & have the pleasure to inform you that I had previously received & forwarded them to Richmond consigned to Mr Patrick Gibson . The duties I presume were paid in Alexandria & no expenses on those articles have been incurred here. I beg you to be...
Incomplete AL : American Philosophical Society Having heard that you have been told at Paris, that Lord Shelburne had used foul play about the instructions for removing the troops from New York, I have only to state as a fact, that Genl. Gray in a letter I have in my possession addressed to Lord Keppel, requests to know on what means he may depend for removing the troops from New York, which...
Various conversations with Mr. Short on the situation of things in Richmd. seem to render it very evident that the improvement of ground in that place is of certain and great profit. I have been induced to reflect on the subject as it furnishes a resource for subsistence independent of the usual one which spreads our couch with thorns. A particular building lately erected here which has...
We wrote to you on the 9 th Ins t with a copy of your Sales and Account Current to which we refer you—As the writer is under the necessity of leaving town tomorrow and may possibly be detained longer than he at present proposes, we take the liberty of forwarding you a note for your signature, we leave the amount blank, that you may fill it up with whatever sum may suit your wants— O. Philpotts...
AL (draft): National Archives Mr. L. thanks Mr. Franklin for the Pacquets he was so good as to forward to him. They contain only the Journals of Congress & old Newspapers without any Letter. Mr. L. will be obligd to Mr. F. for letting him know if he can have it, by what vessel they came, to what Port & when She saild.
2971[1779 December 26. Sunday.] (Adams Papers)
1779 December 26. Sunday. The General, the Governor, the French Consul and Mr. Lagoanere, had influence enough to procure Us the best Guides, accommodations and Attendants, which the Country afforded, upon Terms very hard for the miserable Things We had, according to a Contract made for Us by Mr. Lagoanere. Senior Raymon San, the Owner of all the Post Chaises, or Chaises or Calashes or...
I have the honour of informing you that in obedience to your orders, I have directed to you per mail, from New York , the two volumes (the Second on this day) of Cormon’s and Manni’s Italian and french Dictionary, and from Philadelphia where I have also an establishment, the little pocket Dictionary of Graglia, English and Italian. The whole is $ 8.50 . I am very anxious of knowing what is...
I received your very complimentary letter of the 6th of September, I rejoice with you at the splendid victory obtained by Capt. Hull fighting under the brilliant Colours of the Constitution and I mourn with you, for my Country at large, on the fatal Capture of the Northwestern Army under General Hull, there is no calculating the immensity of the horrid scenes, which must inevitably follow,...
This Letter Goes in the first packet from the Havre, a Change Advantageous Both to Passengers and Correspondants, and through the Hands of C ol . Franks whose Good Conduct at Morocco Has Entitled Him to a share of that Respect which Has Been deservedly paid to the American Embassy. M r . Barklay’s Refusal of the patents, Has Been a Matter of wonder to Every Affrican, and I dare Say to Some...
I gave you, on the 4th instant, a short account of the death of your old and valued friend Mr Monroe; and now perform the promise, then made, to write to you again before I left this City. I have been his constant attendant & nurse, since the first of May, with the exception of one week; during all May & part of June, he had chills & fever every day, they were however subdued early in June,...
ALS (draft): American Philosophical Society; copy: National Library of Scotland I have received here your Favour of September 18th. enclosing your very valuable Paper of the Numeration of Manchester. Such Enquiries may be as useful as they are curious, and if once made general would greatly assist in the prudent Government of a State. In China, I have somewhere read, an Account is yearly taken...
You will particularly obliege by informing where you left my papers deposited with you respecting my Claim againts the U.S. for sevices rendred at the Mariene Barracks in this city. I have made enquiry of M r Goldsborough he informs that he has not seen them your goodness will Excuse RC ( MoSHi : TJC-BC ); endorsed by TJ as received 30 Oct. 1809 and so recorded in SJL .
ALS : Yale University Library I am but lately return’d from my Tour of these Northern Colonies, having been from the Southernmost Part of Virginia to the easternmost Part of New England. I think I wrote you from Boston that I had by a Fall dislocated my right Arm at the Shoulder Joint; it is now pretty well recovered, tho’ not quite so strong as before. Your obliging Favours of June 8, and 28;...
2979[End] (Adams Papers)
End End of the second Volume of My Journal. J.Q. Adams MDCCLXXX
On reading a paragraph in the N.Y. Evening post, I took up my pen to write a squib on it; but the subject ran away with me till I found I had written a treatise. it is one on which I have a great desire to reconcile the parties among the republicans, & the paragraph in the post seemed to offer an occasion of taking just ground, & introducing a public discussion of it, on which I have no doubt...
I have received a Letter lately from Mr Smith wherein he makes no mention at all of the Tract of 600 Acres on Goose Creek & chattins Run; so that I may dispose of it [to] you without waiting longer for the Man he had agreed with, which it was kind in You to propose. I wish we could agree about the Land on Pohick or that on the Kittocktan for which I must take a less price still than I have...
As soon as you shall have received such intelligence of the evacuation of Philadelphia, as will warrant your sending a party there—you are to detach a subaltern and a few men, to ascertain the fact—with orders, to approach under every proper precaution, and when he finds it safe to enter the City, to do it in the greatest order, keeping his men together and forbidding under the severest...
29 September 1804, Málaga. “Altho’ I have already transmitted duplicate of my last Letter to you of the 30 Ulto. I take the liberty of again enclosing a Copy for your Information. “The Sickness therein mentioned, continued to encrease with amazing rapidity, untill about the 12 of this month, the mortality by the distributed Lists having at times exceeded 300. tho’ I am positively assured as...
I have received your favour of the 30th. of November and transmitted to Dr Belknap as you desire the Papers enclosed. The Utensils and ornaments represented in the Drawings are great Curiosities, and Seem to shew more skill in Art, than any of the native Indians, at this day are possessed of. I am not enough in the habit of Antiquarian Speculations to hazard any Conjectures concerning them. I...
It is my wish that you would look among the officers of the thirteenth regiment for some character qualified to fill the office station of Brigade Inspector — Quarter Master. Captain Meigs has been highly spoken of to me by his Colonel. I mention this mainly to draw call your attention to this Gentleman, ———— his merits, confiding however that you will have an equal eye to those of other...
My nephew delivered me your letter of the 21st of April. For the kind attention shewn him by Mrs Washington & yourself he entertains a grateful sense, & I offer you my sincere thanks, which I should be glad to renew to you both, in person at this place. He enjoys a tolerable share of health, but is gone to (what are called in this Country) the Sweet Springs, to obtain a better stock to fit him...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Vous verrez, par l’imprimé ci-joint, que je n’ai point tardé de faire usage de ce que vous m’avez envoyé dernierement. Les mêmes pieces sont insérées aussi dans les gazettes Hollandoises. Voilà dequoi il faut remplir les papiers, & non des altercations entre particuliers, tristes effets de la mésintelligence, de l’ambition peut-être & de l’envie. J’espere...
ALS : American Philosophical Society My avocat informed me that you have the Goodness for me, to imploy Mr Barclay to do what will be Nessesary to Render me justis. When I was arrested the inspecter of the Polize Put a gardien in to my house to garde my goods and gard de Robe, two days ago I was informed that the Person Stole all that was left in to his Care but Very fortunate we have got him...
15 April 1812, War Department. Lists proposed alterations and appointments in the U.S. Army for JM’s approval. RC ( DNA : RG 46, Executive Proceedings, 12B-A1); letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 107, LSP ). RC 2 pp. Forwarded by JM to the Senate in his 15 Apr. 1812 message ( Senate Exec. Proceedings Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States of America (3 vols.;...
7 March 1803, Bremen. Last wrote on 2 July 1802 . On 1 Dec. received a 26 Aug. circular regarding expenditures for seamen Encloses a list of American arrivals and departures during the last six months of 1802 [not found]. Notes that the report lists fewer ships than formerly as the major part of the trade between the U.S. and Bremen is carried on in native ships, which are able “to navigate at...
Immediately on my return from the mountains this fall, I seized the first opportunity to fulfill the promise I gave you, in endeavoring to obtain the documents desired & am sorry to say that owing to causes not within my controul, I have as yet been unsuccessful. Mr. Randolph is not only willing, that you should have any letters which you may wish in his possession, but expresses much...
2992[Diary entry: 2 July 1771] (Washington Papers)
2. Rid to the Harvest Field in the Neck & back to Dinner.
I thank you sincerely for the letter with which you have honoured me. I did not intend that the Dissertation of Playfair Should be returned, as I possessed another copy; but I am heartily glad, at all events, that I have been the means of contributing to your amusement. The Professor himself would attach no Small importance to the opinion which you have pronounced on his work, and I rejoice in...
I inclose you the message, and pray you to suggest, on a separate paper, such alterations as you shall think for the better either in the matter or style. I must ask the return of it this evening because mr Coles has to make 4. copies, & will have only two days to do it in. it comes to you thus late, as time was necessary for it to go through the hands of the other gentlemen. Affectte....
Treasury Department, March 25, 1794. “The enclosed is a Copy of a letter which has been received from the Surveyor of Beaufort in the District of New Bern. I request to be informed what steps have been taken in regard to the seizure alluded to by the Surveyor.” Copy, RG 56, Letters to the Collector at New Bern, National Archives; LC , RG 56, Letters to Collectors at Small Ports, “Set G,”...
The judge of the Admiralty of Pensylvania has given notice to our Delegates in Congress that there are three Negroes, Tom, Hester and Celia confined in jail in Philadelphia in consequence of a condemnation of a vessel in which they were taken. They say they are the property of a certain Money Godwin of Norfolk, that their Master went off with the British Fleet under Leslie, and gave them...
Your letters of Jan. 10. 12. & Feb. 1. came to hand only a fortnight ago. the inclosed contains my answer to the latter, for communication to the Legislature . so many false views on the subject of the Batture have been presented in & out of Congress that duty to myself, as well as justice to the citizens of N. Orleans & of the Western country generally required that I should avail myself of...
Treasury Department, February 4, 1790. Announces that Olney has been selected by the President to pay “pensions to Invalids for the Space of one year.” LS , Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence. On June 14, 1790, the Senate confirmed Olney’s appointment as collector of customs at Providence. This letter, except for the sums specified as owed to the “invalids,” is the same as the one...
Yesterday at 5 o’Clock p.m. I received your Excellency’s Letter of the 15th with the enclosed for Majr Genl Heath. As it was of importance he Should have it as soon as may be, I immediately went with it to Roxbury, and delivered it to him. I told him I would assist him in enquiring for information relative to the particulars mentioned in your Letter: And if I should obtain any worth notice, I...
Your favour of the 27th. ult. arrived when I was at Worcester attending a session of the Supreme Court to get some redress for a most gross and injurious Fraud. Immediately on my return, I set out for Boston, from whence I returned last evening. These jaunts have occasioned this delay in the acknowledgment of your Letter. “Poor Democrats, Republicans, and still poorer Americans, are,” you say,...