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Results 2951-3000 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
One of these Days I shall devote a Leisure Hour to forming a Cypher, and will send it to You by...
I recieved your letter my dear Child only a few days since and am charmed to find that George and...
The information I gave you relative to M r. Hammonds official Character at the moment of your...
I do not ask you to consider this as a letter to you. I have writen so much for several days that...
Voici une petite Cargaison de Lettres, qui m’ont été remises par M. le D. De la Vauguyon pour...
While I feel with keenest anguish the late Dispensation of Divine Providence, I cannot be...
May I begg leave to inform yoúr Excellency of the invitation I have gott on a súdden to vizit...
I have taken the liberty to forward you by mail a volume of Letters on the past & present State...
Your kind Letter by my Brother was delivered a few days since; as the proposal it contains is of...
Le Baron Dedem a échoué. Mr. Van Berkel le Bourguemaître de Rotterdam, frere du Pensionaire...
I intended to have written to you previously to my departure from New York— M r. Jay has...
The orders I have lately reicived from Your Son M r: J: Q: Adams for packing up his goods, on...
Decbr. 3d Did not attend at Church Mr Ryland was to preach and his last sermon was such a strange...
I know not how to satisfy the demands you make upon my time and patience without entering into...
I reached Leide in the Scout at 6. o Clock, and finding it impossible from thence to get to...
I have the favor to acquaint you that pursuant to the directions of Philip Mazzei Esqr. I have...
The petition of Collen Williamson houmbly saieth that your petitioner recived a letter when...
Inclosed you have a letter from Saml. Moody Esqr. dated the 5th. Inst. came to my hands by his...
Since you know the ardor and sincerity of my feelings for the cause of liberty, you can...
At a meeting of the freeholders of Prince Edward county, in the state of Virginia, convened on...
I Som three weeks ago took the liberty of writing to you in Concequen ce of the Advice of Mr...
Agreable to the Direction of the inclosed Resolution, I am to acquaint you that by a joint Ballot...
We rec’d with pleasure your respected favor of 12 Sepr: by your Son John Quincy Adams Esqr: &...
J’apprends dans l’instant par l’une de nos Gazettes Hollandoises que Votre Excellence est...
Your letter, dear Sir, of May 6. had already well explained the Uses of grief, that of Sep. 3....
A Gentleman of Maryland, not long from France, where he was a Prisoner, but after a time was...
At length I have been released from a situation, equally remote from all public utility and all...
I have really occasion to make an Apology for troubling you so often with my personal...
Ever since the last week in Octo r I have been engaged in composing & delivering a new Course of...
I hope I may by this Time congratulate You on your safe Arrival, and happy meeting with your Son...
By this conveyance I send a case directed for you, containing two prints of the Death of Lord...
I did not write you last Tuesday as I had it not in my power to inform you with any certainty on...
I inclose a letter which I received last evening under cover from Mr. Pedro Josef Caro,...
A considerable time has elapsed since I had the honour of conversing with you on the subject of...
Sister Adams informs me that you complain that your Friends this way neglect writing to you. I...
By the enclosed Letter from M. De Sartine expressing his Majestys Desire that the Alliance should...
Three days only did it want of a year from the date of your last Letter, when I received by Capt....
I wrote to you on the 7 th: of last Month, and also on the 18 th: of this enclosing some Papers...
I take the liberty of Recommending to you John Rousby Plater Esqr. as one of the Judges for the...
I Hope this will find Your Excellency’s Health well established, and that your Disorder has not...
I have the honor to communicate to you the substance of a note, without his signature, which I...
Après la Lettre que j’ai eu l’honneur de vous écrire hier, n’ayant plus rien à vous apprendre,...
I hope this will find you agreeably reposing at your pleasant Seat after a tedious and fatiguing...
D’après Le desir que vous avez temoigné hier devant moy de Retourner a L’amerique et Les...
The Secretary of the Treasury in obedience to the command of the President of the United States...
Our vast Extent of Territory requires a great Land Forrce to defend it. The Spirit of Commerce...
Je dois réponse aux honorées vôtres des 1 er. & 10 du cour t. J’écris ce fois à Mr. Cerisier afin...
I have the honor, in fulfilment of my official duty, to transmit to you a copy of the...
I take the liberty to inform you that Colo. Robert Rowan the Commissioner of Loans for the...
I had this day an opportunity to examine our Town Records. In May 1765 the representatives chosen...