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Results 2951-3000 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
2951 Jefferson, Thomas Brockenbrough, Arthur S. From Thomas Jefferson to Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 2 May … 1826-05-02 I was just getting on my horse to see you when some members of Congress arrive and keep me at...
2952 Jefferson, Thomas Emmet, John Patten From Thomas Jefferson to John Patten Emmet, 2 May 1826 1826-05-02 The difficulties suggested in your favor of the 28 th ult. are those which must occur at the...
2953 Terrell, Dabney Carr Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Dabney Carr Terrell, 2 May … 1826-05-02 Very soon after the death of my friend, the late M r Gilmer, M r Davis made known to me your wish...
2954 Hassler, Ferdinand Rudolph Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Ferdinand Rudolph Hassler, 1 … 1826-05-01 Circumstances induce me to attempt the publication of the courses of analytical trigonometry...
2955 Marsh, James James Marsh: NY subscription list to aid TJ … 1826-05-01 The Subscribers, being desirous of aiding Thomas Jefferson, the Author of the Declaration of...
2956 Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson: Lottery Ticket, Apr. 1826, April 1826 1826-04-01 state of virginia. JEFFERSON LOTTERY. Register No. managers. John Brockenbrough , Philip Norb....
2957 Jefferson, Thomas Brockenbrough, Arthur S. From Thomas Jefferson to Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 30 … 1826-04-30 I am very glad you have engaged mr Southall to assist us in the affairs of the Univ y and...
2958 Randolph, Thomas Jefferson Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Jefferson Randolph, 30 … 1826-04-30 I arrived here this morning from New York. Every thing is now ready to commence the sale of the...
2959 Pseudonym: “Amicus” "Amicus": Notices Concerning Subscriptions for Thomas … 1826-04-30 A public meeting will be held at the Exchange Hall on Thursday evening next at oclock for the...
2960 Boylston, Ward Nicholas Adams, John To John Adams from Ward Nicholas Boylston, 29 April … 1826-04-29 I wrote before I left Roxbury expressing as I really felt my deep regret that I could not see you...
2961 Madison, James Appointment of Harrison Blanton and Jacob Swigert as … 1826-04-29 Know all men by these presents that I James Madison of the County of Orange & State of Virginia,...
2962 Brockenbrough, Arthur S. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 29 … 1826-04-29 I have employed V. W Southall Esqr as counsel for the University and now send you his opinion on...
2963 Madison, James Notes on Frankfort Bridge Company Stock, [ante 29 April … 1826-04-01 The D. of Trust—to J. M. witht. nam[in]g Heirs or Exor [Executor]; Can attorney be made to Exec:...
2964 Riker, R. Adams, John To John Adams from R. Riker, 28 April 1826 1826-04-28 The Corporation of the City of New York have caused medals to be struck, to commemorate the...
2965 Madison, James Peyton, Bernard From James Madison to Bernard Peyton, 28 April 1826 1826-04-28 I have just recd yours of the 24. with the articles referred to in it. Subjoined is a list of...
2966 Madison, James Van Buren, Martin From James Madison to Martin Van Buren, 28 April 1826 1826-04-28 I have recd. your favour of the 22d. and at the same time, under another cover, the paper...
2967 Riker, Richard Madison, James To James Madison from Richard Riker and Others, 28 … 1826-04-28 The Corporation of the City of NewYork have caused medals to be struck to commemorate the...
2968 Emmet, John Patten Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Patten Emmet, 28 April … 1826-04-28 I have just received your letter in relation to the Botanic garden, accompanied by suggestion, as...
2969 Riker, R. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from R. Riker, 28 April 1826 1826-04-28 The Corporation of the City of New York have caused Medals to be struck, to commemorate the...
2970 Sanford, Nathan Madison, James To James Madison from Nathan Sanford, 27 April 1826 1826-04-27 Jeromus Johnson, Bartow White, Nicoll Fosdick and Henry Ashley, members of the house of...
2971 Jefferson, Thomas Emmet, John Patten From Thomas Jefferson to John Patten Emmet, 27 April … 1826-04-27 It is time to think of the introduction of the school of Botany into our Institution. not that I...
2972 Harrison, Jesse B. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Jesse B. Harrison, 27 April … 1826-04-27 I hope you will believe me sincere when I assure you that it is with the greatest reluctance that...
2973 Madison, James Bailey, Chester From James Madison to Chester Bailey, 26 April 1826 1826-04-26 I have just recd. yr. letr. of 12. postmarked 22. It is proper that I sd acknowledge the friendly...
2974 Madison, James Hayne, Robert Y. From James Madison to Robert Y. Hayne, 26 April 1826 1826-04-26 J. Madison presents his respects to Mr. Hayne with many thanks for his politeness in forwarding...
2975 Madison, James Todd, John Payne From James Madison to John Payne Todd, 26 April 1826 1826-04-26 I will not attempt my dear Payne to express what you have added to our preceding distress by...
2976 Copeland, E., Jr. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from E. Copeland, Jr., 26 April … 1826-04-26 I have been duly honoured with your esteemed fav of the 18 th Inst t —I rec d this morning a...
2977 Rives, William Cabell Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Cabell Rives, 26 April … 1826-04-26 You will perceive from the enclosed letter of Mr. Lambert that he has presented to the University...
2978 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 25 April 1826 1826-04-25 I have recd. yours of the 21st. The refusal of the offer to Mr. Wirt, inviting as it was, does...
2979 Dearborn, Henry Alexander Scammell Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Alexander Scammell … 1826-04-25 Permit me to remind you that the bond for the marble capitals will be due the 6th. of may next....
2980 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Madison, 25 April 1826 1826-04-25 I have rec d yours of the 21 st The refusal of the Offer to M r Wirt. inviting as it was. does...
2981 Matthews, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Matthews, 25 April … 1826-04-25 I enclose you a copy of a subscription paper which has been presented to a number of the students...
2982 Randolph, Thomas Jefferson Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Jefferson Randolph, 25 … 1826-04-25 I have returned thus far on my way home and can yet report nothing definitively some feeble...
2983 Rives, William Cabell Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Cabell Rives, 25 April … 1826-04-25 I beg leave to introduce to your acquaintance Messrs. Johnson, , & Ashley, members of the House...
2984 Van Buren, Martin Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Martin Van Buren, 25 April … 1826-04-25 My friend Mr Ashley—a representative from N York with three of his colleagues Mess rs Johnson &...
2985 Peyton, Bernard Madison, James To James Madison from Bernard Peyton, 24 April 1826 1826-04-24 I am favor’d with yours of the 21st:, covering receipts for four Hhds: Tobacco, which I will have...
2986 Adams, Charles Francis Adams, John To John Adams from Charles Francis Adams, 23 April 1826 1826-04-23 My last letter I believe, evinced a degree of excitement very uncommon for me. But the...
2987 Boylston, Ward Nicholas Adams, John To John Adams from Ward Nicholas Boylston, 22 April … 1826-04-22 I have from day, to day, for the last fortnight flatter’d myself with an improvement, so far as...
2988 Van Buren, Martin Madison, James To James Madison from Martin Van Buren, 22 April 1826 1826-04-22 I appreciate most highly the favourable opinion you have been pleased to express of my remarks on...
2989 Jefferson, Thomas Cummings, Jacob Abbot From Thomas Jefferson to Jacob Abbot Cummings, 22 April … 1826-04-22 Since my last of the 9 th I have recieved representations from the faculty of our Professors, on...
2990 Jefferson, Thomas Divers, George From Thomas Jefferson to George Divers, 22 April 1826 1826-04-22 you perhaps noted in the newspapers some 3. or 4. months ago the mention of cucumbers in a...
2991 Jefferson, Thomas Paxson, Joseph Rodman From Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Rodman Paxson, 22 April … 1826-04-22 The mr Ware after whom your letter of the 3 d enquires came on here as an undertaker of two of...
2992 Peyton, Bernard Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Bernard Peyton, 22 April 1826 1826-04-22 The balance of Trade being in favor of the North at present, we cannot obtain dfts: in that...
2993 Jefferson, Thomas Rives, William Cabell From Thomas Jefferson to William Cabell Rives, 22 April … 1826-04-22 you mentioned in your last favor that until the term of payment of our bond to the Collectors...
2994 Watts, E. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from E. Watts, 22 April 1826 1826-04-22 Mr Jefferson will please say, whether he wishes the plates of Nicholson’s Encyclopedia to be...
2995 Anonymous Adams, John To John Adams from Anonymous, 21 April 1826 1826-04-21 a Bostonian who reveres the “Sage of Quincy” takes the liberty of transmitting him this newspaper...
2996 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Jefferson, 21 April 1826 1826-04-21 Mr. Wirt declined the offices proposed to him. Mr. Lomax has accepted the Professorship of Law,...
2997 Jefferson, Thomas Bonnycastle, Charles From Thomas Jefferson to Charles Bonnycastle, 21 April … 1826-04-21 I omitted, in conversn with you yesterday to observe on the arrangement of the Elliptical...
2998 Jefferson, Thomas University of Virginia Board of Visitors From Thomas Jefferson to University of Virginia Board … 1826-04-21 M r Wirt declined the offices proposed to him. M r Lomax has accepted the Professorship of Law,...
2999 Woodward, Augustus Elias Brevoort Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Augustus Elias Brevoort … 1826-04-21 I have the honor to enclose an explanation of the chrestomathie system of Jeremy Bentham,...
3000 Madison, James Shaler, William From James Madison to William Shaler, 20 April 1826 1826-04-20 I have recd. from the publishers in Boston, a copy of your “Sketches of Algiers”; forwarded as...