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I was just getting on my horse to see you when some members of Congress arrive and keep me at home. I am obliged therefore to request you to come to me , as it is of great necessity I should see you to-day if possible. we are called on by the Collector of Boston for immediate payment of our bond, due, as he says, the 6 th instant. I must answer him by tomorrow’s mail. ViU : Thomas Jefferson...
The difficulties suggested in your favor of the 28 th ult. are those which must occur at the commencement of every undertaking. a full view of the subject however will, I think, solve them. In every meditated enterprize, the means we can employ are to be estimated, and to these must be proportioned our expectations of effect. if, for example, to the cultivation of a given field we can devote...
Very soon after the death of my friend, the late M r Gilmer, M r Davis made known to me your wish that I should fill the vacancy thereby occasioned in the law department of the University of Virginia; and four days ago a letter from him informed me of the choice made by the Visitors at their late meeting. I hasten to avail myself of the first interval of ease which an acute, tho’ I hope...
Circumstances induce me to attempt the publication of the courses of analytical trigonometry which I had planed in 1806 and used at the Military Academy of West point, and adapted peculiarly to the habitual mode and order of studying elementary mathematics in this country. Supposing the Knowledge of the most elementary Books of Euclid, and the simplest Algebra, till quadratic equations...
The Subscribers, being desirous of aiding Thomas Jefferson, the Author of the Declaration of American Independence, and late President of the United States, from pecuniary difficulties, attributable in a great degree to his devotion to the public service, do contribute the sums set opposite their respective names, towards that object. Which sums are to be placed at the disposal of the General...
state of virginia. JEFFERSON LOTTERY. Register No. managers. John Brockenbrough , Philip Norb. Nicholas , Richard Anderson . Combination Nos. This Ticket will entitle the holder thereof to such prize as may be drawn to its numbers in the JEFFERSON LOTTERY. Richmond , April , 1826. For the Managers, Yates & M
I am very glad you have engaged mr Southall to assist us in the affairs of the Univ y and following his and mr Carr’s counsel implicitly you cannot go wrong. accding to the opn of these gent. the one in writing the other expressed to me verbally I observe that the following proceedings may be instituted against Mosby & Draffen, if they have license 1 . prosecute them for the forfeiture of 30.d...
I arrived here this morning from New York. Every thing is now ready to commence the sale of the tickets. But a movement has taken place in New-York promising some thing more in its effects than any thing of the kind heretofore. a meeting has been called (in pursuance of the request of individuals) by the mayor to be held to morrow to take the subject in to consideration. I had an interview...
A public meeting will be held at the Exchange Hall on Thursday evening next at oclock for the purpose of adopting measures for the relief of Thomas Jefferson by a general subscription. The meeting will be addressed by some of the gentlemen, who will explain more fully the objects of it. It is confidently hoped that all liberal men of all parties will attend. The rich and the poor, the humble...
I wrote before I left Roxbury expressing as I really felt my deep regret that I could not see you before I set out for this place—for the first since the 28’ of Jany I tried my strengh on Sunday last, but a ride of a mile wch I endured with wch the hope I should be able in the course of the week to have reachd Quincy, but the next day Tho’ Alken injured his hand so much as to render him...
Know all men by these presents that I James Madison of the County of Orange & State of Virginia, do hereby constitute & appoint Harrison Blanton & Jacob Swigert or either of them, my lawful Attornies for me & in my name to sell assign and transfer to Mrs. Lucy Todd of the Town of Frankfort & State of Kentucky ninety nine shares of the Stock of the Frankfort Bridge Company now standing in my...
I have employed V. W Southall Esqr as counsel for the University and now send you his opinion on the several subjected submitted to him, for your perusal, after which be pleased to return it that I may lay it before the Faculty at their meeting on monday evening—With respect to Mosby & Droffin, on monday next is the day for renewing their licenses, the court will no doubt refuse them ordinary...
The D. of Trust—to J. M. witht. nam[in]g Heirs or Exor [Executor]; Can attorney be made to Exec: the instrnts—sue for them—& proceed to enforce the Mortgage. The trust being power to Will can that vary or explain its import. How divided between Wife & Children? if will be in those vague terms! What the character of the assignment of it—according to Statemt. in Mrs. Ts letter if proved—what if...
The Corporation of the City of New York have caused medals to be struck, to commemorate the completion of the Erie Canal which unites the great Western Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean. The Corporation, influenced by a deep and profound respect for those memorable and patriotic citizens who affixed their names to the Declaration of Independence, and pledged in its support “their lives, their...
I have just recd yours of the 24. with the articles referred to in it. Subjoined is a list of what you will be kind eno’ to send by the bearer. I am not sure that some of them may not be out of the range of your plan of business. In that case you will not be again troubled with such. I return the rect for the last load of Tobo. and wish you to retain the ensuing rects. I am sorry to find the...
I have recd. your favour of the 22d. and at the same time, under another cover, the paper containing your observations on the depending modification of the federal Courts. The Judicial Department is evidently not a little difficult to be accomodated to the territorial extent to which the Legislative & Executive may be carried, on the federal principle. To prevent the gradual departure from...
The Corporation of the City of NewYork have caused medals to be struck to commemorate the completion of the Erie Canal which unites the great Western Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean. The Corporation influenced by a deep and profound respect for those citizens who by eminent public services have secured the confidence of our Country, and attained the highest office in the gift of the Republic,...
I have just received your letter in relation to the Botanic garden, accompanied by suggestion, as to its economy, from the late Abbé Correa. I need not say how much I approve of those Suggestions, as they obviously comprehend the most philosophical rules for making Botany as useful, & therefore important, study, and for freeing it from its present immense and cumbersome dress of...
The Corporation of the City of New York have caused Medals to be struck, to commemorate the completion of the Erie Canal which unites the great Western Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean. The Corporation, influenced by a deep and profound respect for those memorable and patriotic Citizens, who affixed their names to the Declaration of Independence, and pledged in its support “their lives, their...
Jeromus Johnson, Bartow White, Nicoll Fosdick and Henry Ashley, members of the house of representatives from the state of New York, are about to visit Virginia; and they propose to do themselves the honor of waiting upon you. I beg leave to present them to you, in this manner. They are gentlemen distinguished equally, by their personal merits and their public stations. With perfect respect, I...
It is time to think of the introduction of the school of Botany into our Institution. not that I suppose the lectures can be begun in the present year, but that we may this year make the preparations necessary for commencing them the next. for that branch, I presume, can be taught advantageously only during the short season while Nature is in general bloom, say, during a certain portion of the...
I hope you will believe me sincere when I assure you that it is with the greatest reluctance that I intrude on the quiet of your calm retreat, at an age when exertion must be irksome; yet when I reflect that there is a motive which has ever been more powerful with you than even the love of philosophie ease, the love of active kindness, I am emboldened to beg a few moments of your time. Having...
I have just recd. yr. letr. of 12. postmarked 22. It is proper that I sd acknowledge the friendly views you have mingled with the other considns. which led to the painful communication it makes. I shall write to yr. debtor, & press on him the immediate return you advise & promise to promote. Shd. the want of a sum for his travelling expences be an obstacle, you will oblige me by advanci[n]g as...
J. Madison presents his respects to Mr. Hayne with many thanks for his politeness in forwarding the copy of his Speech on the “Mission to Panama.” The subject appears to have been discussed with great ability on both sides; and the Speech is of high rank among the ablest on the side which it espouses. Draft ( DLC ). Robert Young Hayne (1791–1839), a Charleston, South Carolina, lawyer, served...
I will not attempt my dear Payne to express what you have added to our preceding distress by disregarding your mother’s last letter inclosing the means for your immediate return. You have not even mitigated her feelings and gloomy conjectures, by acknowledg. the rect. of it. And I now hasten to a subject which if disclosed to her, would but inflict new tortures. I learn that the arrears for...
I have been duly honoured with your esteemed fav of the 18 th Inst t —I rec d this morning a letter from M r Peyton stating that it was impossible for him to obtain a Bank check on this City, & therefore he desired me to draw on him at sight.—I have done so this day thro’ our Branch of the U.S. Bk, the Cashier of which obligingly offered to collect it for me at par, when he understood from our...
You will perceive from the enclosed letter of Mr. Lambert that he has presented to the University of Virginia, thro’ me, a printed copy of the calculations made by him to ascertain the longitude of the Capitol in this City. I beg leave to commit these calculations, together with the letter which accompanied them, to your guardianship, that you may dispose of them in such manner as is most...
I have recd. yours of the 21st. The refusal of the offer to Mr. Wirt, inviting as it was, does not surprize me. It is very gratifying to learn that Mr. Lomax takes so well with everybody. I hope his success will make some amends for the delay in filling the Chair which is to receive him. I have made a beginning with Capt. Peyton as the consignee of my business at Richmond, as recomended in...
Permit me to remind you that the bond for the marble capitals will be due the 6th. of may next. If Congress does not exempt the capitals from duty, before that time, I have given this notice, lest the time, when the bond becomes due, should escape the recollection if the Board of Overseers, who, no doubt, wish to be prepared to take up the bond at its maturity. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I have rec d yours of the 21 st The refusal of the Offer to M r Wirt. inviting as it was. does not suprize me. It is very gratifying to learn that M r Lomax takes so well with everybody, I hope his success will make some amends. for the delay in filling the Chair which is to receive him. I have made a beginning with Capt. Peyton as the consignee of my business at Richmond, as recommended in...
I enclose you a copy of a subscription paper which has been presented to a number of the students at the University and a sufficient number has subscribed to enable me to commence the school, at the time specified. A difficulty presented itself to me a few days since, which causes me to address you.—The time which I have to drill and instruct the students, has to be so early in the morning...
I have returned thus far on my way home and can yet report nothing definitively some feeble attempts have been made here and in Boston to raise money by subscription. they have neither succeeded or failed. the extreme pressure of the money market will I think prevent any thing being done at present in that way. altho it will not prevent the sale of tickets. persons do not like to subscribe ten...
I beg leave to introduce to your acquaintance Messrs. Johnson, , & Ashley, members of the House of Representatives from the State of New-York, who, in a visit they are about to make to Virginia, are desirous of paying their personal respects to you. You will find them gentlemen of great respectability, & of liberal sentiments.—I take the occasion to renew to you the expression of my grateful &...
My friend Mr Ashley—a representative from N York with three of his colleagues Mess rs Johnson & are induced by the respect they bear for your character and principles to visit Monticello and I take the liberty of introducing them to your politeness & hospitality. NNPM .
I am favor’d with yours of the 21st:, covering receipts for four Hhds: Tobacco, which I will have pleasure in disposing of, to the best advantage, whenever you may so direct. I quote it at present from $3¾ to 10, general sales, a very fine Hhd: might reach $11. This price tho’ I fear is temporary, & to continue only whilst the supply is limited, which is yet the case, the receipts up to this...
My last letter I believe, evinced a degree of excitement very uncommon for me. But the transactions of that week were of a nature to act upon the blood of persons less impetuous even than myself. And the feeling was shared by almost all persons in the city. You are probably aware of what took place the day before I wrote although at that time I was ignorant of it myself. Persons will praise or...
I have from day, to day, for the last fortnight flatter’d myself with an improvement, so far as to enable me to take the air, but in this I have been sadly disappointed. The utmost I have been able to do has been to walk from one Room to another, & even that with pain—my feet and ancles, being so much enlarged, tho’ I conclude in some measure from long confinement, & in some degree from the...
I appreciate most highly the favourable opinion you have been pleased to express of my remarks on the Panama Mission. A great change in public opinion has taken place and is still progressing on that subject. The discussions in the Senate were commenced under a general belief that the measure was a popular one. That belief was founded on the knowledge of the favourable reception by the people...
Since my last of the 9 th I have recieved representations from the faculty of our Professors, on the subject of the annual importations of the Periodicals desired by the Visitors. they say that to answer their views it is indispensable that they should come at shorter intervals, quarterly, for example, at least. I must therefore correct the request in that letter, and pray you to direct your...
you perhaps noted in the newspapers some 3. or 4. months ago the mention of cucumbers in a particular garden in Ohio which measured 2½f. V 3.f. in length. having a friend in that quarter I wrote and requested him to procure & send me some seed from one of the identical cucumbers. he has sent it, and to multiply chances of securing it, I send you 9. seeds, assured that no body will be more...
The mr Ware after whom your letter of the 3 d enquires came on here as an undertaker of two of our buildings. he compleated them, was paid, and did some work in other parts of the State, after which he went to N.Y. where I believe he is now resident. this is all the informn I can give you with which be pleased to accept my respects MHi .
The balance of Trade being in favor of the North at present, we cannot obtain dfts: in that direction, I have however written to M r E. Copeland J. of Boston, to draw on me at sight, for the acc t you specify, on ℀ Messrs: Dodge & Oxnard of Mersailes, which will no doubt be very satisfactory to him. MHi .
you mentioned in your last favor that until the term of payment of our bond to the Collectors should be approaching. it would be better to let that subject lie, to come on in it’s proper turn. the bond becomes due in the course of the ensuing month of May, the particular day I do not recollect, but it is after the middle of the month. and I believe I may say for one & all of us that it would...
Mr Jefferson will please say, whether he wishes the plates of Nicholson’s Encyclopedia to be bound at the end of each vol. or in a Seperate one—I have bound Several copies, and the owners prefer the latter. When a subject is 20, 30, or more pages & reference is frequently had to the plates it is considered more convenient to have them Seperate from the work MHi .
a Bostonian who reveres the “Sage of Quincy” takes the liberty of transmitting him this newspaper from Ohio—as possibly it may not reach his retreat He cannot avoid expressing his gratification, that after all the shallow abuse which has been recently poured forth upon the present administration, there is a good feeling in the Western country, correspondent to that which is felt by the high...
Mr. Wirt declined the offices proposed to him. Mr. Lomax has accepted the Professorship of Law, and will open his school on the 1st. day of July. He has paid us a visit, and his appointment appears to have given the highest degree of satisfaction to every body, Professors Students, Neighbors, and to none more than to myself. We have now 166. students, and on the opening of the Law school, we...
I omitted, in conversn with you yesterday to observe on the arrangement of the Elliptical Lecturing room that one third of the whole Area may be saved by the use of lap boards for writing on instead of tables, the room will hold half as many again, and, the expence & lumber of tables be spared. a bit of thin board 12. I. square covered or not with cloth to every person is really a more...
M r Wirt declined the offices proposed to him. M r Lomax has accepted the Professorship of Law, and will open his school on the 1 st day of July. he has paid us a visit, and his appointment appears to have given the highest degree of satisfaction to every body, Professors Students, Neighbors, and to none more than to myself. we have now 166. students, and on the opening of the Law school, we...
I have the honor to enclose an explanation of the chrestomathie system of Jeremy Bentham, esquire, of London. M r Bentham was, formerly, in the habit of communicating to you his publications; and may have forwarded his “Chrestomathia.” I transmit twelve seeds of the indigenous orange of Florida. I flatter myself with the happiness, soon, of a personal interview in Albemarle. DLC : Papers of...
I have recd. from the publishers in Boston, a copy of your “Sketches of Algiers”; forwarded as they intimate by your request. The work is welcomed by the public here, as it well deserves to be, as a very valuable addition to what was hitherto known of the singular and interesting quarter of which it treats. Your Country gains credit also from the example of such a publication by one of its...