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Colo. Byrd with 8 Companies of his Regiment arrivd here Yesterday. He left many Sick Men behind him as may be seen by the Inclosd return —this diminution, together with the Company Posted at Edwards’s & Pearsalls reduces our strength considerably. I am a good deal at a loss therefore to know how to Act for the best, since your last Orders for joining you at Rays Town were not positive, and...
I take this opportunity of acquainting you that I have sent off this morning 24 Pickt Warriors to Fort Du Quesne, with Orders to take a Prisoner if possible, and make what Discoveries they can about the Fort; I make no doubt from the good Opinion I have of them, but on their Return we shall receive some Intelligence of the Strength and Motions of the Enemy. Colo. Bouquet has thought proper to...
The 24th of this Month is appointed the day for the Election; Mr Jones has promised to be here. I wish with him and the rest of Your Friends, that it were possable that you could be present to give Life to the cause. I have done my endeavour to search into the Opinions of the people, and cannot percieve Your Interest on the decline, though some try to perswade me to the contrary. I must own...
The only Reason I had to desire you to march wth your Troops to Reas Town was the Scarcity of your Provisions, as it would otherwise not be adviseable to move you, till the General is fully determined upon the different Roads. As I See that you can be Subsisted for a Sufficient time, you will Stay at Cumberland till further orders. All your Waggons must be Sent immediatly back for the other...
Letter not found: from Francis Halkett, 8 July 1758. On 16 July GW wrote Halkett : “Last night I had the pleasure of receiving yours of the 8th Instt from Carlyle.”
Your favour of Yesterday was deliverd me last Night. I immediately directed all your Orders to be executed[.] The Waggons (save those attending the Road cutters) go of to day. three Companies under Colo. Mercer proceeds on the Rays Town Road, which we began to open Yesterday; they carry 6 days Pro[visio]ns with them, and are to apply to you for more if that don’t suffice—Captn Dagworthy & the...
Most honourabel Cornal this with Great Submishon and i hope with out a fens and i hope your honour is in good health. i have hear made Bold to let you no the Qualatys of your mill i have in gande now gaind 604 Barels of Corn and Sixteen Barels of wheat and have in gaind a Great Deal of Custum from meariland as well as heare and now She fails for want of water By reason of a good Deel of Dry...
I take this Opertunity which I hope is a Safe one, to Send the following Acct from Augusta. Vizt Morris Griffith[,] John Draper⟨,⟩ Smith and an Other Man, on their way to the Lower Shannoe Town, in a Buffeloe Bote untill about two miles beloe the Mouth of Sandy Creek they had got their Boat up a Little Creek on the S.E. Side of the Ohio, where they Laid by all day, one of the men went to their...
To The Honble Governor Fauquier— Honble Sir Camp at Fort Cumberland 10th July 1758 Your favour of the 25th past, I had the Honour to receive Yesterday. I am obligd to you for the blank Commission you sent me, your honour may depend, I shall have regard to strict justice in disposing of it. I Marchd from Winchester the 24th Ulto according to Orders, and Incampd at this place the 2d Instt; Colo....
Letter not found: to Charles Smith, 10 July 1758. On 20 July Smith wrote to GW: “. . . in your letter of the 10th Inst. . . .”
Letter not found: to Charles Smith, 11 July 1758. On 20 July Smith wrote to GW: “I have the favour of your letters dated the 11th & 14th.”
I recd your favor of the 6th and Communicated the Contents to Colonel Bouquet; I acquainted you in my last of a Party of 24 Indians being gone off to Fort Du Quesne, when they come near the Place they will divide into two or three small Parties by which means we shall have the greater Chance of getting a Prisoner, I expect them back in 14 days when I hope to send you good news; I really...
Major Lewis with the two hundred men under his command arrived here last night. I am extremely obliged to you for this extraordinary dispatch. Their dress should be our pattern in this expedition. The mistake of the 6000 of flour is a great disappointment. I beg you will continue to order provisions for the Maryland troops, as they are to be supplied by the crown. As soon as the communication...
This Serves to inform you that all’s Well Since you left this or my seeing you last. Likewise Serves to inform you of the great Drought Since then, that I have not had a Season to Plant one Single Plant. Every thing fit to Burn up with heat if any should offer though late I Shall use my best Industry that Way. The Wheat is now Ripe which Shall be laid up as soon and as Safe as Possible. I am...
Letter not found: to John Kirkpatrick, 12 July 1758. On 21 July Kirkpatrick wrote to GW: “Your intelligence of the 12th came regularly to hand.”
The four Days Provision We brought from Fort Cumberland, exclusive of Monday, will be exhausted to morrow Night, and as I am so little advanced and no Waggon Road to Raes Town, I find it impossible to send there for a Supply. I have detached a Serjeant & 15 Men with three Waggons which I beg you will dispatch to Me again to Day with Provision, I imagine what those three Waggons will bring may...
Your favour of the 11th by Doctr Johnston I had the pleasure to receive the same day. nothing extraordinary since my last has occurd. By a Party from Colo. Mercer to this place for Provisions I find, they have opend the Road only 6 Miles; and that they proceed much slower in this Service than I expected: this possibly may arise from the pains they take to make the Road good, and from the width...
Abt 4 Oclock this Afternoon—after I had closd my Letter to you—I receivd Information that two Men were killd & a third taken Prisoner on the Road about a Mile from this place. I got the Indians to go, and sent a Command of 50 Men immediately to the spot, where they took the Tract of Six Indians and followd them till near dark when the Indians returnd, as did our Party also. They discoverd that...
Your Letter came to hand just as I was seeking a Messenger to go to you, with an acct of the murder of two People by a Party of the Enemy on the Road, a Mile from this. I dare say I need not recommend watchfulness to a Person so sensible of the necessity of it as you are—but I hope notwithstanding, that you will cause the greatest vigilance to be observd by all under your Command, as we are...
Letter not found: to Christopher Hardwick, 13 July 1758. On 3 Aug. Hardwick wrote to GW: “Your’s of the 13th Ulto I have Received.”
I wrote to you as often as proper but fearfull Some of the Letters miscarried I sent you an Acct of all I Recd and what is Due to you, by the boocks Mr John Augt. washington Left with me, I shall be Cairfull and Dilligent you may be sure In Your business an all Accts I have paid Mr Piper and Recd all Rents and Cash I can, and Shall Render a Just Acct you need Not Doupt, the Great house was...
Inclosd is a Return of the Strength of the Six Companies at this Place. I wish you would order by the first Opportunity Breech-Clouts for the men; Send the Paymaster and the Store Accounts, in order the Officers of Companies might have time to Settle those matters before the Genl Arrives, when Some of us will be Orderd to pass the mountains, & perhaps have no Opportunity of Joining again,...
Letter not found: to Charles Smith, 14 July 1758. On 20 July Smith wrote to GW: “I have the favour of your letters dated the 11th & 14th.”
Having been out to visit the Roads I received this afternoon your two Letters of yesterday. I am obliged to you for the notice of the Sad Accident happened to your Men. This Warning may prevent more effectually than orders the Carelesness and disobedience of our People. The General recommands me to Send frequent Partys to harrass the Ennemies at home; I have actually four out, besides the...
This Serves Chiefly to Inform you that I reced the favr of yours the Day before you marched for Which I am Much Obliged, & Also to Inclose you A Letter from Mr Richd Washington the things Shipd by him for You ⅌ Capt. Merrie is in our Warehouse Safe As your own house is Now Uncover’d We Shall keep them for Sum Time, Yr People Shall want No Assistance in our Power. I Intend to be At the Election...
I wrote yesterday, intended by Capt. Bosomworth but was out when he sett off. Nothing new Since, only two men have deserted Viz. John Clandinnon a damnable tall fellow & Adam Clandinnon his brother inlisted lately by Lt Charles Smith—I have sent Advertisements through pennsylvania, & have trusted to the Officers of their Companies to send you by this Opportunity. I have thirteen of Capt....
To Francis Halkett, Esqr.—Brigade Major— Dear Halkett Camp at Fort Cumberld 16th July 1758 Last night I had the pleasure of receiving yours of the 8th Instt from Carlyle, covering general Orders from the General. I have all along acted agreeable to the greatest part of them; and shall now obey with the utmost exactness, so far as I am able, the others. but there are some things containd there...
To Lieutt Colo. Stephen of the Virga Regimt—Rays Town Sir Camp at Fort Cumberland 16th July 1758. Your favours of the 13th and 14th lye before me to answer. I have Orderd the Paymaster, and Quarter Master, to make use of the Escort that attends Governor Glen, and desire you will cause them to return to this place as soon as possible. The Quarter Master brings you all the stuff he has for...
I was favour’d with your’s of the 14th Inst. at 11 oClock last night: the Express who brought it informs me he was Fir’d at twice by 6 Indians, and oblig’d to abandon his Horse. There’s three Party’s gone from hence towards the Enemy’s Country within these few days; the largest of them (consistg of an Officer and 18 Cherrokees) March’d 3 days ago; I always send out some white people with the...
I was on a Vissit over to Long Island a few days agoe and unexpectedly Came here. shall Return in the morning for New London. am Very sorry to give an Accot of the Repulse our Forces met with before Tiondoroga[.] we Landed on the 7th near that Fortress with the Loss of abt 30 men. but what was Very Fatall, the Gallant Lord How there Lost his Life, we drove the Enemy from all their out Posts...
Capt. Robt Stewart Writes me he shew’d you my letter—wherein I wish’d to be in the Light horse—and tho. he is Engag’d if ’tis left to his Choice—and you will not interfere in it—Give me leave to Accept the Friendship Colonel Bouquet has for me—who told me he wou’d ask it for me of the General—I wait your permission (if it is not promis’d, tho. indeed I’m afraid it is Col. Bouquet will Endeavor...
Your obliging favour of this date, I just now had the pleasure of receiving. You make me quite happy by your coinciding in opinion with me, relative to the proposd Expedition. Captn Dagworthy’s Party returnd hither Yesterday, in consequence of Orders from Sir Jno. St clair forwarded by the Commanding Officer at Fort Frederick. I have directed him to finish a Bridge at this place, which I...
Letter not found: from Henry Bouquet, 19 July 1758. On 19 July, GW wrote Bouquet : “Your obliging favour of this date, I just now had the pleasure of receiving.”
The civilities I received from you at your Camp were many, but at present my acknowledgements must be few, for I have borrowed this single sheet of paper to pay my thanks to you both. The beauty, regularity, and cleanliness of this camp will charm you. It is slightly fortified with a parapet of wicker work, extreamly neat, rammed full of earth taken out of a Small ditch on the outside and...
I am desired by General Forbes to acquaint you that there is sent up to Rays Town in Order to be forwarded to you at Fort Cumberland Eighty tents with Tent poles compleat for the use of your Regiment & Colonel Byrds. This number is all we have at this place at present. I am Sir Your most Obedient & most humble Servt ALS , DLC:GW . Forbes wrote Bouquet on 17 July: “Capt Sinclair writes you...
dere Coll I Shold take it as a greait faver if you wold Send the Cash for the iron by the forst opertunetey to me as i have got the order and it is in Closed in this Leter and all youere frendes are dowing all that Lyes in thare power to have you alectid and I hope it will be ⟨mead⟩ out if you wore here youere Self it wold be out of despute So no more at present from youere Redey frend and...
Col. Bouquet was at first in a great dillemma betwixt his great inclination to serve you, & the Attachment he has to regularity, duty & discipline. He is sensible the Enemy we deal with is Active and Enterprizing, & thinks himself answerable for What happens in your absence: But as he is really a good man, & willing to Oblige; His Inclination to Serve you gaind the Superiority, and He has such...
20 July 1758. Worthington C. Ford printed the following as the text of a letter written by GW to Martha Custis on 20 July 1758: “We have begun our march for the Ohio. A courier is starting for Williamsburg, and I embrace the opportunity to send a few words to one whose life is now inseparable from mine. Since that happy hour when we made our pledges to each other, my thoughts have been...
I have the pleasure to acquaint you that Yesterday a Runner arrived here from one of the Parties of Indians which I had sent out to Fort du Quesne & brought the agreeable News of their having killed & Scalped one Frenchman & mortally wounding two others near the Fort, they only saw a few Indians but that a great Number of Frenchmen were at work in some Trenches at a small distance from the...
Letter not found: from Henry Bouquet, 20 July 1758. On 21 July GW wrote to Bouquet : “Colo. Byrd has given me your Letter of Yesterday.”
I received your Favour of the 10th on the 18th with an inclosed Acct of the Stores left at Winchester, and of the Tools deliver’d for the use of the 2d Regiment: but had no Acct from Mr Smith of the Arms, nor from Mr Ramsay of the Provisions issued for the Subsistance of the Men since Sr John St Clair’s Arrival at Winchester, when I apprehended our Men were to be provided for out of the Stores...
here with you have the agreeable News of taking all the Out works at Lewisburg your Papers will come by the Command & as the Carolina Soldiers had no Arms I Sent Capt[ain] Tom with 25 Indians as far as South branch who is to come back to this town, from ther; as no doubt you will Send a Guard to South Branch, to take Care of these 50 Waggons with Stores & Provisions & as your waggons will come...
It gives me real Concern to trouble you further—but the Continued Complaints of the inhabitants and intreaties of my Men; as almost the whole of them that have been in the Fort have Contracted Severe fluxes which has vastly weakend the Company; Obliges me to Presume to Mention One Step which Might be taken to relieve them; which is this; there are in Fort Loudoun Several of the new Regiment in...
In my last I omitted to inform you that I sent four Boxes in room of the three Barrells of flints ordered in your letter of the 10th Inst.; Since which I have the favour of your letters dated the 11th & 14th. I sent your horses imediatly to your Quarter and shall take the first safe oportunity of forwarding them to your house in Fairfax; The answere I had from old Mr Stinsons, was, that...
As you did not Acquaint me, when I was to Date the Commission, you was Pleased to send me, I have referr’d filling it up, untill I had the Pleasure of Seeing you. But as you Seemd to be of Oppinion when I spoke to you at Winchester, that I had a right to the Pay, from the Date of Col: Mercers Commission, I draw’d Pay from Mr Boyd—from the first of May—If the thing is Disagreeable to you I...
I send you the Copy of three Letters Directed to Mr Walker that you may see the Necessety of sending down the Waggons againe for another Load which I hope will be Ready for them before theay Return, have sent you 130 Barrills of Indian Corn whch I begg you⟨ll⟩ Employ some Cearefull hand to take Ceare of. have orderd two Waggon Load of this and two more at South Branch to be ground into Meale...
Before Colo. Stephen came to this place last Night, I had abandond all thoughts of attending Personally at the Election in Winchester—determining rather to leave the management of that matter to my friends, than be absent from my Regiment when there is a probability of its being calld upon. I am now much pleasd that I did do so. Colo. Byrd has given me your Letter of Yesterday, in consequence...
Inclosd are returns, one of the number of ⟨Troops⟩ we draw Provisions for; the other of the strength of the Regiment, made out from those lately receivd from the several Detachments. I hope they will please, but if any other form is requird be kind enough to advertise me of it, & I shall execute the Orders. It is morally impossible to get, at this place, covers for our Locks, having nothing...
Your intelligence of the 12th came regularly to hand—in which no circumstance equals the agreable account of your good health —the only blessing necessary for Life—but more especially, to promote Spirit & pleasure in the Toils of a Campaigne. The invariable attention, indefatiguably pursued by the Pensilvanians, without regard to the common interest, for advancing their private fortunes—have...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society Inclosed you have the third Copy (in Case of Miscarriages) of a Bill for £149.12 s. 5 d. , and the first Copy of another Bill for £100. which makes in all sent you £1049. 12 s. 5 d. One Hundred pound of which protested, for which you have Credit. The Exchange for the £100. to be paid you by Mr. Strahan was 60 as was that of £149. 12 s. 5 d. and...