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Results 29461-29510 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Mr. Lincklaen, the bearer of this, is a Young Gentleman of Holland, nephew of Mr Cazenove, of whom you have heard. He is about to travel through the part of the Country in which you reside and has among other objects that of Examining what can be done with regard to the manufacture of the Maple Sugar. I have told him that you could give him more light on the subject than any other person and...
[ Albany, August 3, 1791. On August 10, 1791, Hamilton wrote to Elizabeth Hamilton : “I received your precious letters of the 31 of July & 3d. of August.” Letter of August 3 not found. ]
It is a cause of no small regret that there appears in a considerable part of the citizens of South Carolina a strong disinclination to the law laying a duty on distilled spirits; and that in consequence of it, difficulties occur in obtaining proper characters to carry it into execution. This was the more unexpected as the duty in question has been rendered necessary by a measure peculiarly...
The Treasurer has received directions to remit you a draft for six thousand, two hundred and ninety four Dollars to enable you to pay a half years pensions to the Invalids of your State, which according to a notification from the Department of war is to be paid on the fourth day of September ensuing. You are to pay under such regulations as shall have been communicated to you from that...
Boston, August 4, 1791. “Agreeably to your directions I now improve the first oppo. to transmit an Account Current of 6 ⅌ Ct. & 3 ⅌ Ct. Stock funded in this Office to the 1st April 1791. They should have been sent forward sooner but a few errors occasion great delay in examining so many Accounts. The Acct. of the defered Stock shall be forwarded as soon as possible. About 1,300,000 Dollrs....
I find myself obliged to remit the proceedings on the Petition of John Osborn in order that a further inquiry be had. Having had occasion heretofore to consult the British Acts of Parliament respecting the admeasurement of vessels, I am satisfied that there must be some incorrectness in the evidence from which it has been stated that the Tonnage, according to the rule prescribed by the British...
[ August 4, 1791. On September 1, 1791, Hamilton wrote to Foster : “I have had the pleasure of receiving your two letters of the 23rd July & 4th of August.” Letter of August 4 not found. ] Foster, a Providence, Rhode Island, lawyer, had served in the Rhode Island House of Representatives from 1776 to 1782, as town clerk of Providence from 1775 to 1787, and was appointed judge of the Court of...
As the tea mentioned in your letter of the 13th of July is confessedly not simply Bohea but a different kind of black tea and was entered under a different denomination, I see not how it can be exempted from the duty laid on the second class of teas namely “Souchong and other black teas.” I cannot find that Bohea Congo is a species of tea known in the China Market, tho the Bohea of the...
[ Philadelphia, August 4, 1791. On August 15, 1791, Seton wrote to Hamilton : “I am honored with your Letter of the 4th.” Letter not found. ] Seton was cashier of the Bank of New York.
It is deemed conducive to the general order of the department that the respective Commissioners of loans should henceforth transmit to the Comptroller of the Treasury all such official statements returns and documents respecting the public debt as they have been or shall be directed to furnish, except the summary of the amount of each kind of stock standing upon their books which has been...
Information has been given to me, that the Sloop Lurana, of Washington in North-Carolina, lately commanded by Thomas Eastwood, has been sold in Hispaniola to a person unknown, and there is some reason to apprehend that her certificate of registry has been disposed of with her, or retained for illicit purposes by the Captain. This certificate is numbered 28, and bears date at the port of...
It has been represented to me by Messrs. Sherman & Procter of New Bedford, that some things which they deem improper have taken place. The Substance of the information is that their Brig Hawk, Hathaway Master, was remeasured in Baltimore altho she had been measured in New Bedford prior to her sailing [and was possessed of a Register of the U States] that she was registered anew in Baltimore,...
Newport [ Rhode Island ] August 8, 1791 . “… On the 4th. of this month arrived here the Sloop Dove Pardon T. Slocum master from Surinam and imported among other articles one hogshead and one barrel of Pumpings. Pumpings is a compound of the drainings from casks of sugar in the holds of vessels, and bilge water; which being pumped up is preserved in casks for sale. By distillation it yields...
Norfolk [ Virginia ] August 8, 1791 . “On monday last the foundation of the Light house was laid on Cape Henry; it was found necessary to go twenty feet deep below the water table, at the depth of thirteen there was nothing but loose sand, at twenty it appeared solid & firm.… I cou’d come to no others terms with Mr. McCoomb than what is enclosed.… He is perserving & merits much for his...
The letters which I have lately had the honor of writing to you are of the dates of July 8.—19—24—26—27. In them I informed you of what had been done with respect to the intended loan. Since then I have recieved your letter of the 24th. of May, which increases my powers both as to the repetition of the loans & the disposition of the sums arising from them. At the time of its receipt a sudden &...
I came to this place my beloved Betsy a day or two since to meet some Gentlemen from New York on business. Since you left me I have received but one letter from you, which informed me of the indisposition of My Dear James and left me in no small anxiety on his account. I hope on my return to Philadelphia I shall find a letter from you & Heaven Grant that it may assure me of your being all...
On behalf of a Society for the Establishment of Manufactures, of which we are Members, we request you to procure and Engage for the Service of the Society such Artists and Workmen, as you shall deem necessary, and upon such Terms, as shall appear to you reasonable, for the Purpose of Carrying on a Manufactory of Cotton in its various Branches, and printing the same. And we Engage to Indemnify...
[ New York, August 10, 1791. On the back of Hamilton’s letter to Duane of August 4, 1791 , is the endorsement: “Answered 10th.” Letter not found. ]
[ Philadelphia, August 10, 1791. On August 23, 1791, Ellery referred to Hamilton’s “letter of the 10th of this month, requesting the particular circumstances that led to a remeasurement of the Brig Sally.” Letter not found. ]
This day, my beloved, on my return from Brunswick I received your precious letters of the 31 of July & 3d. of August. I was surprised to find you had received none from me; as without recollecting dates, I think one, which I wrote you, before my departure from New York, ought to have got to hand previous to your last. You will easily imagine how much pleasure it gives me to learn that my Dear...
Providence, August 11, 1791. “A Sailor belonging to the Ship Providence, Entered here on the 5th Instant from Cape Francois, started out of a Barrel (which was included in the Manifest of her Cargo) about Eighty pounds of brown Sugar, and while she was unloading, attempted to carry it off in a Box before it was weighed; but the Surveyor meeting him some distance from the Wharf, seized and...
In about eight or ten days after my inclosing you the Extract from the Council Books, the Comptroller of the State agreable to his instructions came forward with a small part of the Certificates collected from his office, with an intent to begin the business of subscribing in my office in behalf of the State for the Certificates in his and the Treasy. offices; this Subscription I considered it...
On examining the Accounts of Daniel Benezet, Collector of the Customs, for the district of Great-Egg-harbour, from the 1st: of January to the 31st. of March last; it appears, that he has collected duties on American Coasting Vessells, under 20 Tons burthen, at the rate of Six Cents per Ton, per annum, to the amount of one dollar & Eighty six Cents. As the Collection of those duties, seems to...
In the month of July last Mr Thomas Arnold left at the Treasury a note relative to the tonnage and impost on the Sloops Betsy & Peace, stating that those duties had been paid at the foreign rates by their Captains on entries at Wiscassett and Bath subsequent to the adoption of the federal Constitution by the Convention of Rhode Island. On examination it appears that the entries were made in...
An Officer at the Head of an Executive Department Mr. —— Since I saw you, we have got Mr. Ternant, the minister pleniopotentiary from France; I have seen him for a few minutes only. You will find him a man of easy, pleasing manners, and very fit for the objects of his appointment. There has been a sort of alarm in France, and a degree of jealousy of your having lately turned your attention...
[ New York, August 12, 1791. On August 17, 1791, Hamilton wrote to Duer : “I have received your two letters of the 12th and 16th.” Letter of August 12 not found. ] Duer, a prominent New York financier and speculator, had served as Assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury from September, 1789, until early in 1790.
Our parting conversation has deeply employed my mind & I continue to lament exceedingly the existence of any event which puts us even politically opposite. No man is more warmly attached to his friends than I am; among the first of whom my heart places you. I thoroughly confide in the unstained purity of your principles, altho I feel enmity to the measures flowing from them. I am solicitous...
In the hurry of writing my letter to you of the 2nd instant an idea is expressed which does not conform to my real intention, namely that the Certificates of State Debt of which there are no Registers nor other checks, should be sent to the Treasury for examination previous to their admission by you as valid. The reasons which dictated this regulation in regard to Certificates of Federal debt,...
Aug. 13. 1791. Notes of a conversn between A. Hamilton & Th: J. Th. J. mentioned to him a lre recd. from J. A. disavowing Publicola, & denying that he ever entertd. a wish to bring this country under a hereditary executive, or introduce an hereditary branch of legislature &c. See his lre. A. H. condemning mr A’s writings & most particularly Davila, as having a tendency to weaken the present...
[ Philadelphia ] August 13, 1791 . Encloses the following commissions: “A Commission for Thomas Marshal Inspector of Survey No. 7. in the District of Virga. Do. for Sylvanus Walker, Inspector of survey No 3. in the Distt. of South Carolina. Do. for William Ham second Mate of a revenue Cutter. Do. for Bathurst Dangerfield, third mate of Do. Likewise a commission for Josiah Murdaugh Inspector of...
Providence, August 13, 1791. Asks that Jeremiah Greenman be appointed “Second Mate of the Cutter fitting in Connecticut.” LS , George Washington Papers, Library of Congress; ADfS , Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence. See Olney to H, February 17, 1791 .
One Month after Date I Promise to pay to Alexr. Hamilton Esq Or Order fifteen pounds for Value Red. ADS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.
Some investigations in which I am engaged induce a wish to be able to form as accurate an idea as can be obtained of the usual product in proportion to the value of cultivated lands in different parts of the United States. As I am persuaded no person can better assist me in this object than yourself, I take the liberty to ask the favor of your assistance. It has occurred to me that if the...
The Brigantine Hawke, Robert Hathaway, Master, arrived at this Port the 28th February last from Havre de Grace, having on board sundry articles of Merchandize, the duties on which amounted to sixty one dollars and eighty four Cents agreeable to the enclosed abstract. The Brigantine Hawke was registered ninety eight tons, but some circumstance induced the Surveyor of this Port to remeasure her,...
Agreeably to your request, I shall endeavor to communicate, in as clear a manner as my abilities will admit, the ideas which result to me, from my experience in the trade from this country to Canton. It is needless to a gentleman of your historical information to make any remarks on the representation given by writers, on the government of China, as they must be merely speculative, and would...
I have heard that the Bank of N York propose to reserve a number of their shares for the acceptance of the U. S. Bank, so as to create a kind of partnership. Tho’ little seems to be known of the particulars, yet it is insinuated that the idea is suggested under your patronage. When I wrote you last, I was ignorant of all this. Tho’ the Bank is to govern itself, yet your opinion of the proper...
The fall of Bank certificates may have some good effects, it will operate to deter our industrious citizens from meddling in future with the funds, & teach them contentment in their proper vocations. So far as I am informed, the loss will be divided among a great number of individuals, and where it is heaviest, the sufferers will generally be characters who will neither excite nor deserve...
By the Presidents command T. Lear has the honor to transmit to the Secretary of the Treasury a letter from Mr. Governr. Morris to the president respecting the Debt of the United States in France; which the President requests the Secretary to take into consideration, and to draft such an answer as will be proper for the President to give to Mr. Morris on this subject. LC , George Washington...
I have the Honor to enclose a Letter and sundry Papers relating to it from Messieurs Schweizer Jeanneret & Co. I have referred these Gentlemen to Mr. Short telling them that it is most fitting in many Respects that they should apply to him. As it is possible however that this Business may come before you, I think it a Duty to convey some Observations which occur to me, and which may not...
By the President’s command T Lear has the honor to transmit to the Secretary of the treasury the proposals which have this day been submitted to the President, for rebuilding the lanthorn story & wooden work of the Light House in South Carolina which has lately been consumed by fire, and likewise proposals for plastering the same —All of which have been approved by the President of the United...
At a meeting of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund of the United States, on the 15th day of August, 1791: Present: The Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Attorney General. The Secretary of the Treasury having informed the Board, that a further sum, amounting, probably to between three and four hundred thousand dollars, may be applied, in pursuance of the act...
Inclosed is a resolution of the Trustees of the Sinking Fund appropriating a certain sum for the purchase of public Debt within certain limits therein specified. In consequence of that resolution I have concluded to apply One hundred and fifty thousand dollars towards purchases in the city of New York and to ask you to undertake the execution of the business. In thus forbearing to employ some...
I am honored with your Letter of the 4th. From the very sudden turn that Speculation has taken We have only now remaining in Bank of the Treasurers Bills on Collectors undisposed of No. 1648 for 200 Dollars on I. Gregory, Cambden 1339  50 on G. Biscoe, Nottingham It is certainly of considerable importance & a great accomodation to the mercantile Interest of this City that the Bank be furnished...
Treasury Department, August 15, 1791. Recommends that the President accept the bid of Conrad Hook and John Naverson for rebuilding the “Lantern Story and all the wooden work of the Light house” in South Carolina. LC , George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. See Tobias Lear to H, August 15, 1791 .
Treasury Department, August 15, 1791. Recommends that the President accept the bid of Robert McMahin “for plaistering, or rough casting the outside” of the lighthouse in South Carolina. LC , George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. See Tobias Lear to H, August 15, 1791 .
[ New York, August 16, 1791. On August 17, 1791, Hamilton wrote to Duer : “I have received your two letters of the 12th and 16th.” Letter of August 16 not found. ]
You will please to cause to be paid to Willm. Seton Esqr such sums not exceeding in the whole One Hundred & fifty Thousand Dollars as he may require to be applied by him towards purchases of the Public Debt at the request of the Trustees of the Sinking Fund. The advances you shall make, when known, will be covered in the requisite forms. Yours &c Copy, in the handwriting of William Seton,...
I send you herewith an official letter. This private one I write as explanatory of it. I hardly expect that you will be able to procure the debt within the limits prescribed—And yet I do not know what effect the imprudent speculations in Bank Script may produce. A principal object with me is to keep the Stock from falling too low in case the embarrassments of the dealers should lead to...
I now inclose accts of stock remaining on the Books of this office the 30th June 1791. I have paid the whole of the Indents last received & people are now waiting for Interest in Indents on their Certificates. I have the honor to be &c. Copy, RG 53, Pennsylvania State Loan Office, Letter Book, 1790–1794, Vol. “615-P,” National Archives. Smith was commissioner of loans for the state of...
[ Philadelphia, August 17, 1791. The minutes of the proceedings of the directors of the Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures for December 9, 1791, read: “The Governor laid before the Board a Letter from Collo Alexander Hamilton, enclosing an Agreement entered into by the said Colo Hamilton in behalf of the Society… and Thomas Marshal dated 17th. August 1791.” Contract not found. ]...