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Results 29461-29510 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I duly rec d your two letters of the 26. & 30. Ult: The State of Col. Monroe’s mind is very...
Your letter of Aug. 1. did not get to my hands till the 7 th of Sep. two long absences from home...
Your Letter of the 23d. of October reached me on the 25h. of last Month. That of the 23d. of...
I have been looking with great anxiety for some time for a letter from you—My own situation has...
I am indebted to you for your favour of the 29th. ult. If you will compare your Letters of the...
Thursday the 30th of November was our thanksgiving day. I was not able to go to meeting owing to...
Thursday, 30th November, was our Thanksgiving Day; I was not able to attend church, owing to my...
Your favor of the 25th Oct. afforded me much pleasure by the information it gave of the success...
Agreeable to your request I have considered the Substance of Mr. Dearborns letter— And hereby...
AMSTERDAM, May 27, 1781—wrote to Congress: “In the assembly of the States General, the following...
I took the liberty of placing before you some few ideas on the subject of an application of the...
Docr. Fraser of South Carolina, whom I take the liberty of mentioning to you for nomination to...
Major Clarke and I had the honor some time ago to receive thro’ our friend Mr. Wirt, letters from...
Al: McRae returns his respects to Mr. Madison. As it will be known on Al: McRae’s arrival in...
The Bearer Mr. McRae, heretofore Lieutenant Governor of Virginia is represented to me as about to...
I should sooner have informed you of Francis’s safe arrival here but that the trip you meditated...
having had the honor of receiving from you the appointments of Collector of the revenue for this...
I send by Squire the Gigg harness, and shall be very happy if after your return, instead of...
I have the honor to transmit herewith, two astronomical tables; one for computing the Moon’s...
The inclosed letter is from Father Richard, the Director of a school at Detroit; & being on a...
7 December 1809, Washington. Tells of his invention, a method “to propel Ships and Vessells of...
7 December 1809, New York. Introduces William Cutting, “a gentleman of the first respectability &...
I would Esteem it as a singular favour of you if you would be so Good as to lend us your Gigg...
The inclosed letter is from Father Richard , the Director of a school at Detroit ; & being on a...
Philadelphia Decemr: 5th: 1809 I picked up some time ago a magazine in which I met with a revival...
I have revolved for some time in my mind the ideas which in a crude form I have taken the liberty...
As the inclosed letter to bishop Madison, contains the principles of an useful method, not...
Account between the Honble. James Madison—and Mr. Thornton. William Thornton Dr: 1806 Augst. 4....
5 December 1809, Knoxville. Encloses a letter from John Dickinson of Nashville, who seeks the...
5 December 1809. Petition requests the appointment of a brigadier general of militia for the...
5 December 1809, Washington. Provides Forrest with the statement he requested that Forrest had...
I received your letter of the 30th Nov r in which you mention that M r Leitch required payment of...
yours of the 30 Nov. I rec d the 3 rd of this month and delivered the inclosed, to M r Barry ....
I acknowledge with sincere gratitude and respect, the receipt of your obliging note , inclosing a...
In undertaking to give you an account of the Manafactories in this neighbourhood I am...
I recd. your two favors of June 12. & Sepr. 17. & am extremely concerned that I cannot give you...
Your favor of Aug. 19. came duly to hand, and I tender my thanks for it. I have very little to...
The death of Mr Keith Spence, late navy agent at New Orleans, having been duly notified to this...
The high estimation in which I have ever held your Character has induced me to Christen a Child...
4 December 1809. Transmits report of the secretary of the navy referred to in the annual message...
I have recd. your favor of July 11. with the several setts of Mr. Turgot’s valuable works. I...
I have received your letter of Oct: 29 covering the resolutions of the 119 Regiment of the...
I duly recd. your favor of Sepr. 15. to which was annexed the copy of Count Romanzoff’s letter to...
3 December 1809, Rapids at Lower Sandusky. Informs JM that the Wyandot chiefs have agreed that...
You will receive from the bearer of this note the books, whose names are subjoined.— I have read...
I recieved within a few days past your favor of Feb. 29 . (for September I presume) in either...
I am offered the $4000 for your land payable $1000 on the first day of april next an three annual...
Every man owes to his country the best services of which he is capable; if in an upright zeal to...
1 December 1809, Columbia, South Carolina. Sends JM a copy of his “first Communication” to the...
1 December 1809, Navy Department. Encloses report on condition of “Vessels of Warr & Gun Boats,”...