Results 29451-29500 of 184,390 sorted by author
To you who like the greatest men of the Roman Republic, after having as them rendered the most eminent services to your Country, cast off the Robe of State, to cultivate your spot of ground, and give to your countrymen the best example.... I take the liberty to Send my maiden speech, in this Country, upon that great art, Agriculture. I have never forgot that the first words of English I...
The Bearer of this is my most intimate friend Mr Robineau de Bougon & the friend of my whole family. This worthy Gentleman has always enjoyed the esteem et respect of every one who knew him, he was one of the warmest friend the american Revolution had, et being nearly connected With the late Count de Vergennes he has been able to be usefull to that cause which he had always much at heart. Full...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mille graces, Monsieur, vous avez résolu ma question, comme je le désirois, en préférant que vos amis suivent le penchant qu’ils ont a sentretenir avec vous, a la discretion de ceux qui sen privent dans crainte de vous importuner, cette décision est tellement de mon goût, que je l’estime autant, ne vous en déplaise, que toutes celles que vous avez données en...
DS : American Philosophical Society Monsieur franklin doit pour dépenses Ci a Pres Savoir Loyer d’une Voiture pendant trois mois à Compter du 10. juin der. [dernier] au 10. court. [courant] à 360. Chaque mois 1080   Nourriture d’un Cheval de Main pendant Le dit tems cest 92. jours à 32. sols 147. 4 ferrages du Cheval pour 3. mois 9.   brosses étrilles, Longes, graisse &a. le tout pour 3 mois à...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je désire Monsieur, que ma lettre arrive aussi mâtin que j’aurois eu le plaisir de vous embrasser, de vous souhaiter une bonne année, a se souhait j’en joint bien dautres et sur tout la durée de la vie de Guillaume Pen; cest bien en meme tems souhaiter le bonheur du monde, a propos de bonheur je ne trouve pas de paroles pour vous exprimer ma joye sur vos...
I am mortified that I am again under the necessity of complaining to you of the base treatment recieved from a people that we are at peace with and who profess a wish to continue so, yet in the very face of those professions are guilty of the most unwarrantable and insulting conduct towards the Flag and citizens of a nation whom they hypocritically pretend to respect. I had the Honor of...
I was duly honoured with your letter of the fifteenth Inst. and am highly gratified in the approbation of Government of my conduct at the Boca Tigris. I should have forwarded the necessary documents immediately on receipt of your letter, but Mr. Ogden’s being out of Town prevented me from procuring his Deposition before yesterday. The Notary was of opinion that a would be too voluminous and...
On the evening of the 19th. Inst I had the mortifycation to be brought too and boarded by an officer from H. B. M Ship Phaéton lying at Cheumpu near the Boca Tigris who after examineing my papers and mens protections he took with him a seaman by the Name of William Bryant who entered with me in July last at New York as an american Citizen but by some accident lost his protection. I...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Your Exellencÿ will permit me, that on 14th of maÿ Last your petitioner was taken prisonner in the ship Called the nancÿ from boston bound to L’orient and Caried in to plÿmouth were I was in prison till the 18th of june were I found means to Escape into a flemish Vessel were the Captain give me a passage to st malos upon mÿ arival I took a Certificat...
Should the present Judiciary Bill, under Consideration of Congress, pass into a Law; and an appointment of a Judge or Judges, be made, if in this State, Permit me Sir, to ask to be considered as a Candidate, if not inconsistent with other arrangments; and, if my Qualifications & Character, shall be found suitable to the important Betrustment, to be indebted to Your Goodness, for A Nomination,...
I heartily congratulate you upon the peace , and your instrumentality in order to its being so advantagious an one to these states. I trust, they will not be forgetful to honor and reward you for your eminent services, which have gained you the highest reputation both here and abroad. The more special occasion of my now writing to you is, to bespeak your endeavours, so far as you may think...
Jay L’honneur de vous adresser un Memoire Pour Mr Segond mon parent, auquel Je dois le plus vif Intèrest. on ma assuré que la grace que Je prens la liberté de demander a Votre Excelence, nest pas Sans Exemple, lés assertions flateuse qui nous été doné de la Conduitte Militaire de Cet Offer particulierement Par Mr Le Vicomte de Noaille, redoublans mon Interest pour luy, monsieu hardy à Vous la...
En consequence de la lettre que vôtre Excellence m’a fait l’honneur de m’écrire, je vais m’occuper du soin de faire passer à nos malheureux freres americains détenus à Alger, les petits secours convenus pour adoucir leur Captivité, et je la supplie de compter sur mon Zele et sur ma discretion. Il paroit convenable qu’avant tout je sache au juste, le nombre et les noms de ceux que la mort a...
Quoyque je ne puisse scavoir par personne positivement si vous estes a paris de retour de vos voyages, l envie que jay de scavoir de vos cheres nouvelles, de celle de vos chers enfants et patriotes, mengage a avoir lhonneur de vous ecrire cette lettre, quand elle devroit voyager aprés vous. Je desire fort que votre santé nait point souffert des longues et dures courses que vous avez fait, et...
Although for some time I have had neither the honor nor the pleasure of inquiring after your health and that of your dear family, I, nevertheless, have been thinking about you and them, and, at the same time, shall never forget the kindnesses and friendship shown me by you and your countrymen, particularly by you. And if you do not enjoy, in our country, all the health and happiness that you...
My concern for you, Messrs. Dana and Thaxter, and your dear children leads me to have the pleasure and honor of inquiring after your health, which much concerns me, and to give you news of my own, since you were kind enough to ask. I have been feeling quite well since our departure from Brest on the 13th of this month. After eight days of smooth sailing we arrived by some miracle at Ferrol,...
I am very concerned about your health and that of your dear children and Messieurs Dana and Thaxter. I had the honor to write you more than two weeks ago, asking you for news and entreating you to send it to me, for I take the most lively interest in the continuation of our correspondence and, excepting the demands of business, it would give me great pain were it to end. The pleasant time that...
Si je nay pas eu l’honneur de vous ecrire depuis mon arrivée a brest, c est que ayant scau su a la corogne que votre projet etoit d’aller a madrid, je vous crois tout au plus rendu soit a paris, soit a versailles, mais je prends un interest trop sincere et trop vif a votre santé a celle de vos chers enfants, de messieurs denas et allain pour ne pas vous en demander des nouvelles, en vous...
L’interest que je prends a vous, a votre santé, a celle de votre chere famille est trop sincere et trop constant pour ne pas vous adresser de nouvelles lettres afin de vous en demander des nouvelles, et de vous reiterer les sentiments D’attachement que vous, les votres et vos compatriotes, avez si bien reussis a minspirer. Je vous ay ecrit a paris il y a quelques temps, vous navez pas...
D’après lespece de certitude que m’avoit donné monsieur allaine que j aurois Ihonneur et le plaisir de vous voir jeudy et de diner chez luy avec vous ce qui en grande partie m’a fait remercier monsieur déné a cambridge pour le même jour. Je me flattois de pouvoir prendre avec vous les arrangements qui vous eussent convenus pour votre embarquement qui reglera avec les vents notre depart. J...
Je me faisois une grande feste, samedy dernier, D’avoir Ihonneur de vous voir, de diner avec vous et de boire a votre santé chez monsieurs alain, mais 1’utilité de votre travail pour le bien public m’a fait supporter plus aisement cette privation, j eus cependant eté bien content de pouvoir vous parler moy même au sujet des besoins urgents ou commence a se trouver la fregatte du roy de france...
Le capitaine chavagnes est trop flatté de lhonneur de votre connoissance, et vous a voué des sentiments trop sinceres pour ne pas vous reiterer linterest quil prendra toujours a votre santé a celle de vos chers enfents et de monsieur dena, et vous souhaiter tout le bonheur que vous meritez, je desirerois bien après vous avoir vu travailler fructueusement pour votre nation qui ne peut pas estre...
La lettre que vous m’avez fait lhonneur de m ecrire, et que jay receu deux jours aprés mon arrivée a brest, ma faite grand plaisir en m’apprenant que vous jouissez ainsi que vos chers enfents, mrs. dena et taxter, d une bonne santé. Je fais des voeux bien sinceres pour que vous las conserviez telle longtemps. La mienne est assez bonne aussi quoyque jaye eu bien du chagrin de me separer de mde....
Jay receu la lettre que vous m’avez fait lhonneur de mecrire a l’honneteté que je vous connois jen ay deviné une partie, un americain de boston qui est icy dont je cultive la societé m’a expliqué le reste. Jay eté infiniment sensible ainsi que madame de chavagnes a votre souvenir, et aux nouvelles preuves de votre amitié que je cheris beaucoup. Je ne lay pas eté moins D’apprendre par vous,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Laccueil favorable et les bontés que jay eprouvé dans votre patrie, mont penetrés de la plus vive reconnoissance envers vos compatriottes nos bons alliés, je desirerois pouvoir avoir lhonneur de l’exprimer dans toutte sa force a votre excellence et que les circonstances pussent me permettre de vous presenter moymême mes respects et les voeux sinceres que je...
Quoyque depuis bien du temps je n aye pas eu l’honneur ny le plaisir de vous demander des nouvelles de votre santé et de celle de votre chere famille, je nay pas moins eté occupé de vous et d’eux, et je ne vous oublieray jamais ainsi que vos compatriottes leurs bontés et amitiés et les votres particulierement pour moy. Et si vous ne jouissez pas dans notre patrie de toutte la santé et le...
Although no one could tell me positively if you were in Paris back from your journeys, I felt a desire to find out any news from you, your dear children and patriots. It is for this honor that I have engaged myself to write to you, even if the letter has to travel to find you. I hope very strongly that your health has not suffered from the long and hard course that you have had, and that you...
Occupé de vous, de mrs. Dena, taxter, de vos chers enfants et de tout cequi vous interesse par continuation, je suis bien aise D’avoir lhonneur de vous demander des nouvelles de vos santés qui m’interessent bien fort, et de vous donner des miennes auxquelles vous avez la bonté de vous interesser. Je me suis toujours assez bien porté depuis notre depart de brest du 13 de ce mois. Après une...
Je suis fort inquiet de votre santé, de celle de vos chers enfants de mrs. Dena et taxter, jay eu lhonneur de vous ecrire il y a plus de 15 jours pour vous en demander des nouvelles et vous prier de men donner, car j y prends l’interest le plus vif par continuation, et a moins de grandes affaires, ce seroit une grande peine pour moy de n’en point recevoir. Je me suis porté a merveilles pendant...
Depuis bien du temps jay fait des recherches inutiles sur la partie de la terre que vous habitiez, on m’avoit même dit que vous etiez retourné a boston, mais mon beaufrere qui est a paris depuis un mois et que javois chargé de prendre des informations en consequence vient de me mander que nous avions le bonheur de vous posseder encor en france et que vous habitiez auteuil, je mempresse D’avoir...
If I have not had the honor of writing to you since my arrival at Brest it is because, having understood at La Coruña that your plan was to go to Madrid, I thought at the very most you would have arrived at Paris or Versailles. However, I take too strong and sincere an interest in your health, and that of your children and Messieurs Dana and Allen, not to ask you for news while reiterating my...
The interest I take in you and your health, as well as that of your dear family, is too sincere and constant to keep me from writing to you and to ask you for any news. Also, I would like to reiterate my sentiments of at­ tachment that you, yours, and your compatriots have inspired in me. I wrote you at Paris a while ago, but you apparently did not receive my letter, which expressed just how...
Mr. Allen’s assurance that I would have the honor and pleasure of seeing and dining with you at his house on Thursday was my major reason for declining Mr. Dana’s invitation to Cambridge of the same day. I flattered myself that I would be able to make suitable arrangements with you for your embarkation which will, with the winds, govern our departure. I also would have liked to share with you...
I was greatly looking forward to having the honor of seeing you, dining with you, and drinking to your health at Mr. Allen’s house last Saturday, but the usefulness of your work for the public good has allowed me to bear this deprivation more easily. And yet, I would have liked to have been able to speak with you personally about the urgent needs that are beginning to be felt by the frigate of...
Captain Chavagnes is very flattered by the honor of your acquaintance and promises to you the most sincere sentiments in reiterating the interest he has in your health and that of your dear children and Mr. Dana, and wishes you all the happiness you deserve. I would like it very much if, after having seen you work so fruitfully for your country, which could not be in better hands, I could...
The letter that you did me the honor to write, and which I received two days after I arrived at Brest, gave me great pleasure on learning that you, your dear children, and Messrs. Dana and Thaxter were enjoying good health. I sincerely hope that it will remain so for a long time. My own health is quite good, despite my sadness at having to leave Mme. de Chavagnes, who asked that when I wrote I...
I have received the letter that you did me the honor to write. Knowing your honesty, I was able to understand a portion and an American from Boston, whom I have befriended here, explained the rest. Madame de Chavagnes and I have been very touched by your remembrance and by the new proofs of your friendship, which I greatly cherish. I was equally pleased to learn from you that after suffering...
Altho’ I am not personally known to your Excellency I hope that a summary acct of my situation and that of an ancient & illustrious family who are, at this time, overwhelmed with miseries, will be sufficient to excite your attention, and draw down your beneficience upon the father & the children. A particular detail of my misfortunes would be too long & tedious for your Excellency’s perusal; a...
4 March 1788. This letter is almost illegible. From what can be read it appears to be a reprise of his letter to GW of 10 July 1787 . ALS , DLC:GW .
Le politique Hollandais est mort, et le Mercure Hollandais vient reprendre sa place. J’ai l’honneur d’envoyer à Votre Excellence le premier N o de cette feuille nouvelle. Vous pourrez vous procurer les suivantes chez les Libraires de la Haie qui débitent le Courrier van Europa. J’espere que le public n’aura pas à regretter M. Cerisier pour le zele et le patriotisme, mais moi je regretterai...
Two French Ladies, who have always Admired your Virtues, find themselves, by an Unlucky accident, in great Distress, & we take the liberty of Addressing you, as to a feeling, & Compassionate Heart, (with the Same Confidence, that all the World have[)]. Adieu. 3000 Ml. Livres in a Purse, will be of Great Service to us, we have the Honour to be with Respect Sir Your Hble & Obedt servt My Adress...
Marc Chazal, résidant à Villeneuve lez Avignon, a l’honneur d’exposer à Votre Excellence qu’il a un fils auprès de M. de Banistere, qui partit de france le 21. Avril 1786, pour Petersbourg en Virginie. Depuis ce Tems, ledit Chazal n’a point eu de nouvelles de ce fils cheri quoiqu’il aye Tenté plusieurs voyes inutilement. M. de Banistere avoit permis à l’éxposant de s’adresser à Vôtre...
Author of A New System of Banking To establish either, A Merchants Bank of General Deposits, or A Grand National Bank , subjects, intimately connected with wellfare of this nation, the honour and prosperity of which are placed under the paternal care of your excellency, I have thought it my duty to present your excellency with a copy of the same, and to accompany it with a request, that you...
Author of, A New System of Banking To establish, either a Merchants’ or A Grand National Bank, a subject intimately connected with the wellfare of this republic, the honour, prosperity and liberties of which you have long been the exalted and faithful guardian and are deservedly considered as the most illustrious of its citizens; I make it a duty for me, to present you with a copy of it, and...
WHEN Plato depicted his imaginary just man, covered with the opprobrium of crime, although worthy of all the prizes of virtue, he was far from conceiving that a political system could ever be brought into operation, that would not only realize, but prove more perfect than his fancied republic. Amongst the sages who command the veneration of ages, you stand without a rival, because you alone...
Permit me again to trouble you, and allow me, to do myself the honour of presenting of you with a pamphlet, containing facts and observations, on the policy of immediately introducing the rich culture of coffee, cocoa, vines, olives, capers, almonds, & a & a In East Florida and in the Southern States, and which, I flatter myself, you will do me the honour to accept and give to it a moment’s...
Your indulgence for my former productions has enboldened me to present you with the enclosed , “Introductory Lecture on the Metaphysics and Philosophy of Languages” and which, I respectfully request you to accept. But that which you will not perhaps excuse, is my having dedicated this work to you , without having previously obtained leave. Hence, the answer, the Priestess of a Temple formerly...
Author of an “Essay on the formation and progress of Languages and particularly, on the best method of teaching foreign languages” I beg leave to present you with a Copy of it, which I humbly hope you will do me the honour to accept, and to give it a perusal. RC ( MHi ); dateline at foot of text; at head of text: “To his Excellency Thomas Jefferson Esq r ”; endorsed by TJ as received 25 Dec....
I have the honour of sending to you, a Pamph[l]et, containing Facts and Observations, on the policy of immediately introducing the rich culture of coffee, cocoa, vines, olives capers, almonds, &a &a in East Florida, and in the southern States, and which, I flatter myself, you will do me the honour to accept, and give to it a moment’s perusal. On a subject of such national, importance, the...
[C.9 August 1776] . Accuses Lt. Col. Herman Zedwitz of misappropriating or withholding the personal effects of his son, Capt. Jacob Cheesman, “who fell at the unsuccessful Attack of Quebec. . . . Your Petitioner therefore humbly begs that your Excellency would be pleas’d to order him to Account for his Conduct in the Premisses by such Ways and Means as to your Excellency shall seem best.” DS ,...