Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Richard Bache, 9 August 1779

From Richard Bache

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Philadelphia August 9th. 1779.

Dr. & Hond. Sir

The preceding is Copy of what I had the pleasure to write you a few days ago per Brig retaliation.5 When I sent you your Bills, I sent Bills to Mr. Jonathan Williams for 210 Dollars, being Interest on some Money I put into the loan office for my Brother, and requested him to lay it out in Shirting Linen, Sheeting Linen, Stocking Gauze, Ribbons, & sundry other things for Sallys & the family’s use,6 their not coming has been a real disapointmt to us, and my not hearing from Mr. Williams on the subject seems still more strange; We fully expected these things in, by the begining of Summer, & expecting them every day since, we have rubed on, ’till we have rubed almost every thing out— As I cannot conceive that my Letters by the Marquis could miscarry, I do not think it necessary at present to send the fourth Bills, if it should be found necessary I must get them recorded here, and will send them, in the mean time I could wish Mr. Williams would ship to the amount of 210 Dollars or thereabouts agreeable to the within list, which is duplicate of what I sent him before. I remain as ever Dr. Sir Your affectionate Son

Rich Bache.

Dr. Franklin

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

5On Aug. 6, above.

6As Sally had reported in January: XXVIII, 390. JW sent the goods (worth almost 1500 l.t. or roughly $280 in specie) aboard the Squirrel, Capt. Jones, which did not arrive until the beginning of November; he also sent Sally a few articles on his brig the Three Friends: JW to RB, May 27 and Dec. 26, and to Sarah Bache, June 13 (Yale University Library).

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