Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Schweighauser, [15 July 1780]

From Schweighauser

Extract:9 Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères

[July 15, 1780]

Having just received Advice from Messrs. Puchelberg & Company1 that the Alliance Sailed the 8th. Instant, I seize this Post to acquaint you therewith. Notwithstanding the positive orders I gave to the above House not to furnish any longer to that Frigate, they write me that they have been obliged to continue, no other House there having presented itself to do it.

Extract of a Letter from J.D. Schweighauser of Nantes, dated, July 15. 1780 to B. Franklin.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

9The extract was made in 1783; see our annotation of Gourlade and Moylan, July 10, above.

1It was Schweighauser, acting as American commercial agent in Nantes, who had appointed Puchelberg in 1778 to oversee American affairs at nearby Lorient: XXVII, 59, 62n.

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