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Results 2941-2970 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
When in conversation with you yesterday, I omitted to recommend what I had intended, that is,...
Your favor on the subject of the mathematical volume you propose to publish is just now recieved....
Being informed that the Professorship of the French and Spanish languages in the Univ y of N.C....
I had the pleasure of recieving your letter of 22 nd ult. some days ago; but unwilling to vex &...
I am very thankful to you for your friendly letter of Apr. 15. after so many years of reflection...
I write to you by a special influence while standing at my Desk, I was looking around the world...
I have percieved in some of our Professors a disinclination to the preparing themselves for...
Your letter of Apr. 26. came to hand on the 1 st instant, and I answer it by our first mail. it...
At the request of some military friends, and in compliance with a desire which I have for several...
I have percieved in some of our Professors a disinclination to the preparing themselves for...
I was just getting on my horse to see you when some members of Congress arrive and keep me at...
The difficulties suggested in your favor of the 28 th ult. are those which must occur at the...
Very soon after the death of my friend, the late M r Gilmer, M r Davis made known to me your wish...
Circumstances induce me to attempt the publication of the courses of analytical trigonometry...
The Subscribers, being desirous of aiding Thomas Jefferson, the Author of the Declaration of...
state of virginia. JEFFERSON LOTTERY. Register No. managers. John Brockenbrough , Philip Norb....
I am very glad you have engaged mr Southall to assist us in the affairs of the Univ y and...
I arrived here this morning from New York. Every thing is now ready to commence the sale of the...
A public meeting will be held at the Exchange Hall on Thursday evening next at oclock for the...
I wrote before I left Roxbury expressing as I really felt my deep regret that I could not see you...
Know all men by these presents that I James Madison of the County of Orange & State of Virginia,...
I have employed V. W Southall Esqr as counsel for the University and now send you his opinion on...
The D. of Trust—to J. M. witht. nam[in]g Heirs or Exor [Executor]; Can attorney be made to Exec:...
The Corporation of the City of New York have caused medals to be struck, to commemorate the...
I have just recd yours of the 24. with the articles referred to in it. Subjoined is a list of...
I have recd. your favour of the 22d. and at the same time, under another cover, the paper...
The Corporation of the City of NewYork have caused medals to be struck to commemorate the...
I have just received your letter in relation to the Botanic garden, accompanied by suggestion, as...
The Corporation of the City of New York have caused Medals to be struck, to commemorate the...
Jeromus Johnson, Bartow White, Nicoll Fosdick and Henry Ashley, members of the house of...