George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Brigadier General James Mitchell Varnum, 21 May 1778

To Brigadier General James Mitchell Varnum

Head Quarters 21st May 1778

Dear Sir

Upon perusing the Petition hand’d by you this Morning in favor of Lieutenant Peck—I have given orders that he may be released from his Arrest.1

The Nature of the Charge exhibited against this Gentleman is very weighty, & which, the excellent Character he has hitherto borne, could only induce me to overlook—I hope this Instance will sufficiently warn him, & prevent his doing any thing in future which may draw on him the Censure of his Brother Officers. I am Dear Sir your mo. Obedt Servt

Go: Washington

LS, in John Fitzgerald’s writing, owned (1999) by Joseph Rubinfine, West Palm Beach, Florida.

1This may be Jesse Peck (1754–1823) of Middletown, Conn., who was appointed a second lieutenant in Col. Henry Sherburne’s Additional Continental Regiment in March 1777 and resigned in April 1780.

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