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Results 29401-29450 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
ALS : American Philosophical Society I would be wanting in Gratitude if I did not make some Acknowledgement for the honour of your Letters to Messrs: Timothy and Lemprie: My Name barely mentiond in them by you would have been sufficient but the Additional Compliment on my behaviour makes me as much at a loss how to Thank you as to restrain my Vanity. Mr: Timothy receiv’d me very kindly, but I...
AL : American Philosophical Society Tho’ your residence in Paris be proclamed in the public papers, (you arch Rebel) yet having left England some months ago, I should have known nothing of you but for a Mrs. Playdell who happened to lodge in the House with you at Paris. Oh tell me I pray you how were Mr. and Mrs. Barrow when you left America? Did you see them were they safe, had they thoughts...
Letterbook abstract: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I return’d him the Reliquiae Bodleianae which he took out of the Library for me, blaming the Editor for not digesting the Letters according to their date, and kept Peter Kalm’s Fauna Suecica by Linnaeus taking notice of his being of Aboae in Finland which as being in that Province I wonder’d he should call their Academy Stockholmiae....
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’avois prié Mr. de chaumont, Monsieur, de me renvoyer Le paquet que je lui avois addresse pour Vous ou de vous redemander les deux lettres qu’il renfermoit; mais il ne m’a renvoye que celle qui le concernoit. Je vous prie, Monsieur, de vouloir bien me renvoyer également La Seconde; je Suis obligé de la mettre sous les yeux du Ministre ce matin à 7. heures....
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have spoken here with a man to make you a model of an Iceboat, but as it must be made in the proportion of an Inche, or perhaps less to a foot it will cost you about 10 Duc., that is between 4 and 5 guineas, and this is the reason why I ask you first if you will give so much for it, if you like it, I’ll take care it shall be made soon, and send it over...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I came here on Thursday last to attend the Funeral of my poor old Mother who died the Monday Noon preceeding. Mr. Bache sent his Clerk Express to me on the Occasion, who reached Amboy on Tuesday Evening, and I set out early the next Morning, but the Weather being very severe, and snowing hard, I was not able to reach here till about 4 o’Clock on Thursday...
Two LS : University of Pennsylvania Library; AL (draft): New-York Historical Society; copy and transcript: National Archives Since my last of which I send a duplicate by this Conveyance nothing material has happened here, unless it be the evacuation of Wilmington, which is perhaps the most important Post of Communication with the disaffected People of the Country of any they held in America—...
AL : American Philosophical Society [November 15, 1769. An invitation to dine with Sir John Pringle on Friday next.] The noted physician, for whom see above, XV , 172 n. The note is merely dated Wednesday, but the invitation is for Friday, Nov. 17; between the knighting of Pringle and BF ’s departure from England Friday fell on the 17th only in 1769.
LS and copy: American Philosophical Society; copy: Library of Congress The Bearer of this Letter Monsieur le Baron d’Arndt will shew you a Certificate for Two Thousand Nine hundred & Ninety Seven Dollrs. & 37/90ths signed by Joseph Nourse Esquire Register of the Treasury of the United States and issued by Virtue of a Warrant this Day from me. This Money is on Interest at six per Cent from the...
Copy: Library of Congress J’ai l’honneur, Monsieur, de vous envoyer differentes Lettres que le Capitaine du Parlementaire Anglois le Dowe arrivé a Cherbourg a remis à Mr. Deshays Commissaire des classes. Comme ces Lettres [ in the margin: 11. Lettres] sont de quelques Prisonniers Americains detenus en Angleterre, et qu’elles sont adressées à des Particuliers de la nouvelle Angleterre, J’ai cru...
AL : American Philosophical Society L’ambassadeur d’Espagne ne pouvait point oublier l’invitation de Mr. Franklin pour samedi, il desirait meme le moment d’y concurrir avec la plus grande satisfaction. Mr. le chevr. del Campo profitera egalement de ses bontès. A l’egard du jeune Mr. Campos s’il etait de retour pour ce jourla, puisqu’il est atendu d’un jour a l’autre il sera bien flatè du...
Reprinted from William C. Lane, “Harvard College and Franklin,” The Publications of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts , X (1907), 238. <June 16, 1772: The President and Fellows vote to extend their thanks to Franklin for the gift of Dr. Priestley’s History and Present State of the Discoveries Relating to Vision, Light, and Colours (London, 1772), and to request Dr. Winthrop to forward a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We were duly honoured with your favr. of the 2 Decemr., & are extreamly obliged for your attention, but are at the same time sorry that it’s not in our Power to give a more explicit explanation of the bills in question. This is Principally intended to request that your Excellency will furnish us with a Passport for a Brigg we have bought at Morlaix of about...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je meriterois le titre d’ingrat si je laissois passer l’occasion qui se presente de Vous assurer de mon estime parfaite et de la plus vive réconnoissance que je Vous ai, pour toutes les marques de bienveillance et d’amitié que Vous daignates m’accorder pendant mon séjour à Paris, ou j’avois l’honneur de Vous voir souvent chès Msr. le Comte de Buffon, nôtre...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’avois employé mon ciseau à sculpter la statüe de mon Roi, dont je voulois me faire un monument à la publication du traité d’alliance conclu entre Sa Majesté très chrétienne, et les très honnorables et intimes seigneuries des treize provinces des colonies unies. Je résolus de faire hommage de cette statüe de mon Roi aux illustres Etats, dont vous êtes le...
LS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Having received certain information from a friend of some Consequence at Bruxelles, that the Government of the Low Countries has taken the Resolution of sending a person of Rank to America in quality of a plenipotentiary to negotiate a treaty of Commerce between the united States & this Country— I most respectfully take the liberty of enclosing you a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je me mets à vos pieds pour vous remercier de L’honneur que vous m’avés fait Hier et je n’ai point d’expressions pour vous dire combien j’en suis flatté. Une heure plus tard vous eussiés trouvé notre bonne et respectable amie qui vous embrasse, qui vous fait mille amitiés. Elle aura L’honneur d’aller diner chés vous Vendredi prochain, et L’Excellent...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania En accompagnant les Incluses de M. Stockton, qui m’a eté particulierement Recommandé, Je dois Vous dire qu’il m’a fait confidence de ses Engagements avec M. Wm. Lée; et des inquietudes qu’on luy à donné trop tard, sur son caractêre, en l’informant avant son départ de Londres, de la Réputation des deux Freres. Je n’ai pas pu en consçience le consoler,...
LS : American Philosophical Society We the Subjects of the thirteen United States of America, actually at Bordeaux with all Submission to your Will and pleasure take the Liberty to represent to you that having been taken prisoners and being actually in great Necessity for Supplys to pay our debts as there are no American Vessels here at this time nor No Work to be done, on which Account...
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Baron de Arendt présente Ses trés humbles rêspects et répéte Ses adieux a Monsieur Le Docteur Francklin, il est trés mortifié d’être obligé de l’incommoder encore car il n’aime pas d’être a charge à quelqu’n, mais se trouvant dans la plus grande peine par le refus que M. Le Docteur lui fit hier, il L’invite d’avoir la complaisance de dire seulement au...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Le nommé francisque Sube, ci devant Soldat au regiment d’agenois, compagnie de peyre, á servi dans vos guerres, et á Recû plusieurs Blessures au Siege d’yorc; il est actuellement dans sa patrie à Tours, ou on lui á envoié avec son congé absolû les certificats les plus honorables. Ce Brave Soldat auroit envie de retourner dans vos Etats, et il le desire...
LS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft) and transcript: National Archives I am honored in due Course with your esteemed favor of the 22d. Ult.— I send this by an Express that has given me no warning, but sets out immediately; so that I have not time to be very particular— The Ariel is in the Road, nearly ready for the Sea— I have taken on Board 146 Chests of Arms and 400 Barrels of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Yrs. of the 6th Instant by Mr. Penet, and of the 11th. by Mr. Williams I safely rec’d. I am happy that Messieurs Morris and Penet are safely arrived. The papers respecting the Prizes I have put in Mr. Morris’s hands. Nothing material has been agitated with respect to a reclamation since I had the Honor of writing to You last. Cap. Cod has offered to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous envoyer l’Exempl. in 40. pour le Grand Duc de Russie. Je vous renvoye aussi l’Ex. in 80. que vous m’aviez fait passer. Je suis avec un respect infini, Monsieur, Votre très humble & très obeissant serviteur Notation: Pierres 30 Août 1783. Grand Duke Paul of Russia, whom BF had met in the summer of 1782: XXXVII , 311–12, 316, 445–6.
ALS : American Philosophical Society I recvd the Catalogue of the Marquis de la Fayettes Cargo only last Night—and I now return it with marks & a note on the other side which I hope may answer your Purpose. I have been very uneasy on accot of your Illness but a Letter from Billy this morning has relieved me, & I hope by the Time you receive this you will be perfectly recovered. I am as ever...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Having but lately returned from Congress, where I have been ever since you left America, and Captain Dunn and Mr. Curlis being about to depart from this State to France, I do myself the honor and pleasure of congratulating you upon the great and signal successes of our arms this campaign. The two defeats of General Bourgyne’s whole army, and the subsequent...
I have received your favor of Oct. 8. but the volume of the transactions mentioned to come with it, did not; but I have received one from Mr. Hopkinson. You also mention the diplomas it covered for other persons, and some order of the society relative to myself, which I suppose were omitted by accident and will come by some other conveiance. So far as relates to myself, whatever the order...
LS : American Philosophical Society Permettez moi d’avoir l’honneur d’adresser à votre Excellence un mémoire pour M. le Marquis de Segur. Messieurs Le Duc Dayen et le Prince de poix ont déja parlé en ma faveur; Mme La Marquise de la fayette doit aussi en parler aujourdhui. Ils sont tous d’avis que si votre Excellence veut bien appuyer leur demande, cela ne souffrira aucune difficulté. Les...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The packet sent me for Mrs Barry shall be taken care of, & this letter for Governor Pownal as it relates to her affairs I shall deliver my self & shall be glad if he can say any thing that may be advantageous to the good little Woman. My Niece & I return you our warmest thanks for your polite wishes on our journey & for the many Civilities shew’d us at your...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr & Mrs Hartley & Mr Batley present their respectfull compliments to Dr Franklin—they will do themselves the honour of accepting his kind invitation on Fryday next. Addressed: To / His Excellency / Dr Franklin / &c &c &c / Passy Notation: Mr. & Mrs. Hartley. Paris 4 Oct. 1780 Possibly John Batley, like Hartley, a London merchant. A lacemaker, he is listed...
Copy: Archives Nationales M. de sartine fait ses complimens à Monsieur franklin, et a l’honneur de le prévenir qu’il vient d’etre rendû un Arrêt du Conseil portant que la Requête du Sr. Walpole sera communiquée aux Srs. Alexander pour y répondre dans la quinzaine; les choses demeurant en même état où elles étoient avant l’Ordonnance de M le Comte de Durat les Srs. Alexandre ont écrit à M le...
ALS : Library of Congress I take the opportunity of Mr Laurens going to Paris to transmitt one line to you, only to express to you my constant & affectionate remembrance of you, in your public character, & as a private friend; And my sincerest wishes for your personal health & happiness, and for success to all your pacific Counsels. The report wch prevails at present on this side of the water,...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mon illustre Docteur avez vous beaucoup de monde à dîner aujourdhui dites moi le Sans façon parceque si vous n’en aviez pas beaucoup Je vous demanderois à dîner pour ces Dames qui glorieuses de vous connoître et s’en allant ce Soir à Paris souhaiteroient de passer encore quelques momens avec vous. J’imagine et J’espere que la Jeunesse de Monsieur votre petit...
AL : American Philosophical Society The background of this note was Lee’s dispatch from England to the committee of secret correspondence of June 3, 1776. William Carmichael was supposed to deliver it but did not for more than two years; he and Silas Deane opened it, kept it, and used it, Lee believed, to cause trouble for him. The statement about the episode that Lee enclosed with his note is...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The imperial crisis, long before it erupted in war, began to affect parts of the empire that were remote from the quarrel; and one of them was Bermuda. The small island, with a population of only 12,000, was in danger of being crushed between the upper and nether millstone. The embargo that the Continental Association laid on trade with other British...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I take it particularly kind of you to write to me at a time when I know you must have so much Business on Your hands. However I hope tis hapily setled before this and that we shall have the Satisfaction of seing you here in the fall, which we long for. As I know my dear Papa likes to hear of Wedings I will Give him a list of my Acquaintance that has enter’d...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The preceding is Copy of what I had the pleasure to write you a few days ago per Brig retaliation. When I sent you your Bills, I sent Bills to Mr. Jonathan Williams for 210 Dollars, being Interest on some Money I put into the loan office for my Brother, and requested him to lay it out in Shirting Linen, Sheeting Linen, Stocking Gauze, Ribbons, & sundry...
AL : American Philosophical Society Je suis dans un beau pays, je suis avéc un bonne maman qui m’aime tendrement, que j’aime de mesme; on me feste, on me soigne, on me chérit, on me gaste; éh bien mon bon papa mon Coeur n’est pas Content, il pense que demain ce sera mércredi, et qu’ensuitte arriverons succéssivement deux samedi et un autre mércredi qu’il faudra passer sans vous voir, point de...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I forgot before I left London to desire You wou’d (if Mr. Durden shoud write to me on the subject of the Springsborough estate) direct it to me at Sir Charles Bunbury’s Barton near Bury St. Edmonds Suffolk. I shoud ask ten thoushand pardons for this liberty, and intreat You to believe me, Dear Sir, Your most obedient Servant Alexander Durdin, a Dublin...
Draft (letter and enclosure): New-York Historical Society; copy (enclosure only): American Philosophical Society I have your favour of the 25th of last month. While you are employed in affairs of consequence to the public I must submit to the Want of that pleasure which I allwise receive from your letters. You will oblige me much by a Copy of your Treaty with the Ohio Indians as I hope thereby...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai appris par Mr. Leschevin que vous aviez eté voir à versailles Le Cabinet de Minéraux de Mr Son frere; Les objets qu’il renferme sont tous beaux, bien choisis, le Catalogue en a été fait par Mr Delisle, et je me suis chargé avec plaisir de le Completer de sorte que Les Morceaux qui n’y Sont point indiqués sont etiquetés par moi. Cette Collection fera...
Transcript: Library of Congress It is so many months since I have heard from you that I fear the Communication between the two Countries is but too effectually Stopt. I have writ to you from time to time letters which perhaps you have never received. My object is the same with yours viz. the restoration of peace. The Stoppage of communication between the two countries seems to have had the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society M. Bernier et gourlade qui vendent avec moy la fregatte que vous avez fait visiter par le Capitaine Lambert Vickes me prient de leur envoyer promptement vostre decision; Ils veulent vendre cette fregatte quatre cents mile livres. Il fait beau tems, venez diner avec nous amenez vos deux confreres et nous concluerons. J’ay l’honneur d’estre avec Respect...
AD and copy: Library of Congress Vergennes had advised the American commissioners against delaying negotiations over the issue of Oswald’s commission. As he wrote to La Luzerne, in politics one should yield on form when satisfied with the substance. Franklin agreed. When Jay continued to object, Vergennes and Lafayette proposed to him a solution that might expedite matters: having Oswald write...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I hope you (as an American) have not caught that epidemical Disorder, that infects our Senators on this Side the Atlantic: Law Makers should not be Law-Breakers! You and I, cum aliis, laid our wise Noddles together, and framed a wise Statute; that we and all other Persons under a certain Predicament therein express’d, should dine every Thursday at the Dog...
ALS : American Philosophical Society L’Abbé soulavie prie Monsieur francklin de vouloir bien se ressouvenir qu’il est prét de S’occuper aux ordres du Ministre De L’histoire civile des pays montagneux de la france meridionale ou il montrera toutes les operations de la Grande Bretagne pour Le soulevement de ces regions et leur changement en Republique. L’abbé Soulavie est logé hotel de M....
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have this day contracted for a small Brig which I shall send off with all diligence to Philadelphia. She will load only about eighty Tons so that I hope to have her at Sea in fifteen Days. As it is Nessessary on her becoming American property that her papers are conformable I request the favor you will please to transmit me a passport for the said Vessel,...
Two LS and L : University of Pennsylvania Library; transcript: National Archives Congress a few days since passed the enclosed Resolution No. 1. by which they have added Mr Jefferson to the Commission for concluding a peace; the established character of this Gentleman gives me reason to hope, that his appointment will be very acceptable to you, and the other Gentlemen in the Commission, I have...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am got thus far on my Journey, much fatigued by the Vehicle in which we travelled; We set off from Paris at 12 the Night I left you, & have been, ’till an hour ago, on the Road to this Place. No stopping for Sleep, & no means of taking any in so Rough a Machine. It is the first, & I hope will be the last time, I shall ever climb into such a Thing. I made,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; three copies: National Archives; copy: South Carolina Historical Society Article XIII of the proposed commercial treaty that Franklin had brought with him prohibited French export duties on West Indian molasses coming into the United States. This provision had raised uncertainties at the start, and the commissioners had been empowered to waive it if need...