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Results 29401-29410 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
25 December 1809, Norfolk. Asks JM to provide for a transfer that would shift his son, John Griffin, “from Michigan to a western or Southern position: he finds the Climate too cold for his Constitution.” Since his son is fluent in both French and Spanish, a judicial vacancy “upon or near the Mississippi” might be “advantageous to the public.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1809–17, filed under...
25 December 1809, Worcester. Introduces Major Cogswell, a supporter of administration policies, “from whome you may learn the state of the public spirit in this part of the Country.” RC ( DLC ). 1 p. Amos Cogswell (1752–1826) rose to the rank of brevet major during the Revolution ( DAR Patriot Index , p. 142; Francis B. Heitman, Historical Register of Officers of the Continental Army during...
Our letters crossing each other on the road have anticipated the grounds of mutual excuse for their being the first which were written. my occupations are now almost entirely without doors, in the farms the garden, the shops E t c. I shut up my room on going to breakfast & scarcely enter it again but to dress for dinner, after which I read little, & never write. this of course withdraws me...
The bearer M r Warrell is a portrait painter who has been introduced to me by Gen l Breckenridge as a man of genius in his profession— He is desirous of being made known to you and of having an opportunity of seeing your paintings—I have taken the liberty to addr of complying with his request and of assuring him that your desire to encourage emprovement in any branch would insure him a...
With many thanks I acknowledge the receipt of the fine collection of seeds you were pleased to send me some time ago, and would have done this much sooner, were I not in daily expectation of receiving from London a variety of esculent vegetable seeds, that I wished to send you some of, at the same time. Having received them by the Ship Coramandel which arrived here a few days ago, I do myself...
You may remember that about a year or 18 Months ago, I forwarded to you from Richmond some United States Stock in the name of Adam Hope with a power of Attorney to receive the interest thereon. The Certificates I think you informed me last winter you had deposited with Mr Grayham one of the Clerks in the department of State. Mr. Hope has now nominated Mr Sheffey of the house of representatives...
The bearer, Colonel John Eugene, of Leitensdorfer, served with me very faithfully in character of adjutant and inspector general in my expedition on the coast of Barbary, in 1805. He exhibited talents, courage, and perseverance. Before the battle of Marengo he commanded a regiment of Tyrolese chasseurs , He was extremely useful to us in passing the desert, and at Derne. He seeks an asylum in...
I Received yours of the 9 th nov. in which was inclose d Three pounds on acc t of money advance d for nails for you also your directions to have the cellars Clean d out &c by Phill. but as he is to go away at Ch r istmast he will not have the Chance to do it as M r
I owe you a thousand apologies for not sooner acknowledging your obliging letter of the fourth of November; but it would be more than useless to trouble you with the enumeration. With respect to my intended history, my design is to commence with the discovery of America by Columbus, & bring it down to as late a period as my time & health will permit. I have commenced, but am very far from...
Hearing that Mr J. Kilty Smith has been appointed Navy Agent at New Orleans, I think it my duty to state that he was formerly a collector of the internal duties under his uncle Mr Kilty late Supervisor for the district of Maryland; that when he left that office & became a clerk in the Navy department, he was, as appears by the Supervisor’s accounts, debtor to the United States in bonds & cash...