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Results 29401-29430 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
20 March 1810, Baltimore. Describes himself as an orphan placed under the guardianship of a “miserly ould uncle” who neglected his education and failed to curb his “idle propensityes.” The recent death of his uncle, however, has arrested his career of dissipation and rendered his future prospects “gloumy.” Requests appointment as a midshipman, as he desires to spend the rest of his days in the...
19 December 1801, Kingston, Jamaica. Has had no further news regarding arrival of French troops since his last. Americans who have been impressed are being discharged almost daily, but many are still held for want of papers. Will obtain their names and places of residence of their families and transmit them to JM. Those discharged have been clad only in “a Frock Trowsers & Hatt” and must be...
I have but just returned to this city, having been unavoidably detained at Albany much longer than I had expected. Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. See H to James McHenry, January 15, 1800 ; H to Elizabeth Hamilton, January 26 , 30 , February 5 , 10, 1800 .
Enclosed I have the honor to transmit your Excellency the proceedings of a General Court Martial held in this City by order of the Secretary at war, who directs me to refer them to your Excellency’s decision. I have the honor to be with profound respect, Your Excellencys most obedient servant DLC : Papers of George Washington.
Mr. Adams being absent I replie to your Letter this day received, that Mr. Adams has written to you upon the subject you refer to. Our time here is short and pressing. Yet short as it is Mr. Adams is obliged to Set out on fryday for the Hague in order to take leave there. Owing wholy to the neglect of Congress in omitting to send him a Letter of recall, tho he particularly requested it of...
I learn that you have recieved D r Byrd ’s journal on the survey of our Southern boundary , from mr Harrison of Barclay . it is a work I have wished to see, and if you think yourself at liberty, when done with it, to trust it in my hands for perusal only, it shall be promptly and safely returned by mail. if you do not feel entirely free to do this, I will write to request it of mr Harrison . I...
The President has left here a Blank Commission for Supervisor of New York, with his signature, & with instruction to fill it up either in your name or that of Nicholas Fish, giving you the first option. I am therefore to request, that you will inform me as speedily as possible, whether the appointment is acceptable to you. The present gross emoluments of it may amount to about 1300 Dollars of...
Letter not found : from Volckert Pieterse Douw, 27 July 1779. GW wrote Douw on 29 July: “I last night received the favour of your letter of the 27th on the subject of the restoration of the Onondaga prisoners.”
I have the Honor to request the serious Attention of the Government of the United States to a Case of the most gross Violation of the Law of Nations; & of Insult to His Majesty, by a Citizen of the United States & an Inhabitant of this Town of Philadelphia, (W. Duane) who having by the most dishonorable Means, obtained Possession of certain Dispatches on His Majesty’s Service, from The Hon: G....
I have just received a letter from the Secy. of War to the following effect— “War Dept. Augt. 9th. 1799” “I have received a letter from Dr Samuel Osborne inclosing his commission as Surgeon’s mate in the Army of the United States.” “You will be pleased to inform Dr. Osborne, if no circumstances exist to render it improper, that his resignation — accepted, and that his pay and emo l uments...
I have received your letter of yesterday. I do not object to the excursion you propose upon Staten Island; if upon full enquiry you think it promises success—and advantage equal to the risk. You are sensible that if we make a second attempt and fail it will add much to the disagreeable effect of what has already happened. This I say not to discourage you, but as a motive to caution. You ought...
I nominate Robert Smith, now Secretary of the Navy, to be Attorney General of the United States. Jacob Crownenshield of Massachusets to be Secretary of the Navy. Obadiah Jones of Georgia to be one of the judges of the court of the Missisipi territory. PoC ( DLC ); TJ added a check mark at each entry. Isaac A. Coles delivered TJ’s message to the Senate on 2 Mch. The Senate dispensed with the...
John W. Boott Esq. of this city being desirous, with his friend Mr M Cale, of Philadelphia, to pay his respects to you and has requested me to give him that opportunity. He is one of our most respectable citizens and I shall be happy to enable him to enjoy the gratification of the interview he wishes Very respectfully / Yrs MHi : Adams Papers.
I am this Moment favoured with yours of the 12th Instant but wish it was not so urgent, as I am but too well assured that my presence on the Occation, on which it’s required—will give me more pain—than executing any Order—which your Excellency would please to favour me with in the field. my presence will be Indispensibly Necessary in this place tomorrow, the next day you will be waited upon by...
As directed by Col o Randolph I am to enclose a letter for him, which it is important he should receive with the least possible delay, that you may have the goodness to forward it to him at Staunton.—The inclosure contains a Copy of proceedings in a Suit depending in the Superior Court of Chancery here between himself and his very dear & respected relatives, intended to sustain his application...
I received Your kind Letter, began at Washington, and finished at Philadelphia. I received much pleasure from the perusal. the communications were of a nature to excite Sober reflections: I find your sentiments in perfect unison with my own; we have both of us been for a series of years so intimately connected with political affairs that we must have been very inattentive observers not to have...
I wrote to your Excellency the 16th feby & 8th March to which please to be refered, And now inclose you a Report of our Battalion made to me this Day, which I defered Sending you before, in expectation of our Officers coming in with all their Recruits. but the distance they were obliged to go rendered it impossible. I am informed Capt. Colson is on his way with near his Company compleat, &...
Your favour of the 22d ultimo came to hand about 4 days ago. In answer to that part which relates to Colo. Corbins gross and infamous reflections on my conduct last spring; it will be needless I dare say to observe further at this time, than that the liberty which he has been pleased to allow himself, in sporting with my character, is little less than a comic-entertainment, discovering at one...
26 May 1802, London. No. 68. Reports anxiety among British manufacturers and merchants “founded upon the Belief that France would exclude, either wholly or in a very great degree,” British manufactures. “The prohibitory Laws of France passed during the War have been declared to be in force, and were it not for a recent and extraordinary Law which puts into the hands of the Chief Consul,...
I now send by Bp. Madison the balance which should have gone from our last court by mr Barber: but not seeing him the first day of the court, & that breaking up on the first day contrary to usage & universal expectation, mr Barber was gone before I knew that fact.—is it not strange the public should have no information of the proceedings & prospects of our envoys in a case so vitally...
Since the 2 of November last I have repetedly solicited a settlement of my worke with the Proctor , of this fact, their is evidence—on yesterday I renewed the subject again when he positively refused to do any thing with it—and decleared that I should not receive one cent of pay until it suted him to give it—I am advised to make an appeale to Mr Jefferson and to give a statement of the...
29422[Diary entry: 11 August 1787] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 11th. In Convention. Dined at the Club at Springsbury and after Ten returnd. home.
I enclose a letter from Dr. Genet together with his account, the settlement of which he requests may take place as speedily as possible; but he has, as you will see, purposely omitted fixing any rate for his services. You will therefore please to fill up the blank, calculating the compensation due to him for the time of his service, on the principle of his receiving the emoluments of a...
29424[Diary entry: 25 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
25. Very warm with some appearances of Rain but none fell.
I have signed the commission for Mr. Ebenezer Bushnell of Lebanon, & sent it on in your letter to him, inclosed in yours of the 31st Aug. to MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
A ; I opend my Letters this morning and found a Number—dated last Novbr and December, the first which John Smith wrote on Board Ship, which in his second he refered to, one from mr A. which I inclose for you only. I am much obliged by the paper you sent containing an account of the Lord Mayor feast. I approve the Toast given by the American Minister. it was liberal patriotic, and concilitary...
Tho’ the incessant drudgery of my office puts it out of my power to write letters of mere correspond[ence], yet I do not permit them to suspend the offices of friendship, where these may affect the interests of my friends. You have in the funds of Virginia in loan office certificates reduced to specie value £985–17–6½ and in final settlement £62–8. These are of the description allowed by the...
Considering the late pretensions set up by the British at Ghent , to be of such a nature as to set aside all the ordinary principles of reasoning, I was of opinion that the best mode of exhibiting their nature and tendency was to publish a map representing the proposed Boundary, which I have the honour to enclosed enclose accompanied by the Documents relative to the negotiation, and remarks on...
On the 19th of June I wrote a Circular letter to such Gentlemen in the Different parts of this State, as I conceived would be likely to give me the best information respecting Manufactures of every kind carried on Within their knowledge. The letter inclosed is the only one as yet received in answer; as they come to hand shall forward. I am Sir,   with all due respect   your Very Humb Sert. ALS...
I have rec d . your Letter of the 25 Nov r — Altho the Privations you voluntarily submit to, exceed the “ne quid nimis” of the wise men, yet they evince a sound mind, and will I hope tend to preserve it long in a sound Body. My Inquiries respecting Speltz were in Terms too general. To sow wheat here, is like taking a Ticket in a Lottery—more blanks than prizes—the Fly destroys more than we...