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Results 29401-29410 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor respectfully to submit to the president of the United States, a contract made between the superintendant of the Delaware lighthouse, and Joseph Anthony & Son for oil, the terms of which he humbly conceives to be as favourable to the United States, as could have been effected with any other person for an equal quantity. LC , George Washington Papers,...
The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor respectfully to submit to the President of the United States, a contract between the superintendant of the establishments on Delaware river, & John Wilson, for building a Beacon-boat to be anchored on the shoals of the said river. On a comparison of the estimate of the said Wilson with that of Warwick Hale herein enclosed, and after due enquiry into...
[ Philadelphia ] July 9, 1791 . “… the President has received a letter from Mr. Rue, who was appointed second mate of the revenue Cutter on the Delaware station, declining his appointment & returning his commission.” LC , George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Benjamin Rue was a Philadelphia sea captain.
[ Philadelphia, July 9, 1791. On July 14, 1791, William Seton wrote to Hamilton : “The President & Directors desire me to acknowledge the receipt of your Letter of the 9th instant.” Letter not found. ]
In answering your communication of the 10th. of december last, I cannot do better, than acknowledge my conviction from the reasoning of Mr. Dayton. That reasoning being in your possession, I beg leave to refer to it, as the groundwork of my opinion, that military rights to land ought to be received on account of his that is Judge Symmes’s contract in the manner, contended for by him. I have...
New Bern [ North Carolina ] July 10, 1791 . “Last year when the Law passed laying duties on imported Spirits to be ascertained by Dycas’s Hydrometer, not knowing I should be furnished with that Instrument, I sent by a gentleman to London, for one of Dycas’s patent Hydrometer’s complete which I received in December last just before the law took place requiring the use of that instrument, which...
[ Philadelphia, July 11, 1791. On September 8, 1791, Hamilton wrote to Delany : “I have considered the case proposed to me in your letter of the 11th. July.” Letter not found. ]
Newport [ Rhode Island ] July 11, 1791 . “… Inclosed is a statement of the case of the Brig Seven Brothers, and of the case of Joseph Finch late master of her. I have applied to the Carpenter who covered the Light-House to examine the condition of it. He could not attend this business the last week, but said he will attend it this and make report.” LC , Newport Historical Society, Newport,...
I have had the Honour to receive your Favour of the 27th. of the last month. In answer to which I have to inform you, that this State never issued her own Certificates in exchange for those of the United States. And am respectfully &c. Beverley Randolph. LC , Archives Division, Virginia State Library, Richmond. “Treasury Department Circular to the Governors of the States,” June 27, 1791 .
Boston, July 12, 1791. “… I improve the first oppo. to inform you of the amount of the dividend of Interest made up to 30th June last, it appears at present to be 55.768 ⁸⁰⁄₁₀₀.…” LC , RG 53, Massachusetts State Loan Office, Letter Book, 1785–1791, Vol. “259-M,” National Archives.