Results 29401-29410 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor respectfully to submit to the president of the United...
The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor respectfully to submit to the President of the United...
[ Philadelphia ] July 9, 1791 . “… the President has received a letter from Mr. Rue, who was...
[ Philadelphia, July 9, 1791. On July 14, 1791, William Seton wrote to Hamilton : “The President...
In answering your communication of the 10th. of december last, I cannot do better, than...
New Bern [ North Carolina ] July 10, 1791 . “Last year when the Law passed laying duties on...
[ Philadelphia, July 11, 1791. On September 8, 1791, Hamilton wrote to Delany : “I have...
Newport [ Rhode Island ] July 11, 1791 . “… Inclosed is a statement of the case of the Brig Seven...
I have had the Honour to receive your Favour of the 27th. of the last month. In answer to which I...
Boston, July 12, 1791. “… I improve the first oppo. to inform you of the amount of the dividend...