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Results 29401-29450 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor respectfully to submit to the president of the United...
The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor respectfully to submit to the President of the United...
[ Philadelphia ] July 9, 1791 . “… the President has received a letter from Mr. Rue, who was...
[ Philadelphia, July 9, 1791. On July 14, 1791, William Seton wrote to Hamilton : “The President...
In answering your communication of the 10th. of december last, I cannot do better, than...
New Bern [ North Carolina ] July 10, 1791 . “Last year when the Law passed laying duties on...
[ Philadelphia, July 11, 1791. On September 8, 1791, Hamilton wrote to Delany : “I have...
Newport [ Rhode Island ] July 11, 1791 . “… Inclosed is a statement of the case of the Brig Seven...
I have had the Honour to receive your Favour of the 27th. of the last month. In answer to which I...
Boston, July 12, 1791. “… I improve the first oppo. to inform you of the amount of the dividend...
Lieutenant Colonel Beckwith.   The gazette of the United States, published this morning gives us...
The Act of the legislature of New Hampshire, inclosed in your letter of the 28th June, is...
I received your letter of the 16th. Ultimo, on the subject of the certificates of the late...
The account taxed by the Judge of the District Court and rendered by you, on the 28th Ultimo,...
A short time since we had a vessel entered here with about one hundred quarter chests of tea. It...
The assessors of the town of Boston are now apportioning a large tax on the inhabitants. Their...
The President & Directors desire me to acknowledge the receipt of your Letter of the 9th instant...
The Collector of this district has this day Furnished me with an Extract of your letter to him...
Inclosed is my Statement of fees &c. on which I beg leave to make a few remarks. The number of...
Newport [ Rhode Island ] July 18, 1791 . “… The Light-House has been examined by the Carpenter,...
Since I wrote you of the 8th I have been to Cape Henry & took a veiw of the place for fixing the...
Having for a Considerable time entertaind an Opinion that proper Encouragement wou’d be given in...
Providence, July 19, 1791. “I have received your Letter of the 6th. Instant, relative to Mr....
I had the honor of writing to you on the 8th. of this month by the French packet & of...
On the 26th. of May last I had the honour to address you on the Subject of the purchase which...
I have before me your letter of the 15 instant, which first apprised me of any controversy...
[ New London, Connecticut, July 22, 1791. On August 25, 1791, Hamilton wrote to Huntington : “I...
Having received a letter from Mr. Arnold informing me that the delay of payment of his bond had...
The Governor of this State with the advice of his Council two days past, Entered into a...
Since writing you on the Subject of the States becoming a Subscriber, the inclosed. was handed me...
A Proposition of His Excellency the Governor. Having received information that the States of New...
[ July 23, 1791. On September 1, 1791, Hamilton wrote to Foster : “I have had the pleasure of...
Agreeably to your orders I here send you a description of the Cutter Massachusetts built at...
Providence, July 23, 1791. “I have recd. your circular Letter of the 8th instant, relative to...
Portsmouth, New Hampshire, July 23, 1791. Acknowledges receipt of the “Commissions of the three...
From the Nature of your enquiries on Saturday I have ventured to presume so far on your time and...
Since my last of the 19th inst. in which I gave you an account of the then prospects with respect...
Newport [ Rhode Island ] July 25, 1791 . “… A person usually residing in this District, is in the...
[ Philadelphia, July 25, 1791. On March 14, 1794, Hamilton wrote to Martin : “Since mine to you...
After closing & forwarding my letter to you yesterday I recieved one from the bankers at...
We have your respected favor of 15 Instant, in consequence of which We have confirmed to Messr....
Portsmouth [ New Hampshire ] July 26, 1791 . Describes the case of “the Brig Polly Wentworth R....
A Temporary absence from the seat of government has delayed an answer to your letter of the 14th...
I am again My beloved Betsey in the hot City of Philadelphia; but in good health. And you may...
Mr. Morris has just recieved a letter from his correspondent at Antwerp in which he informs him...
By the Presidents command T. Lear has the honor respectfully to transmit to the secretary of the...
I have been honoured with the receipt of your circular letter of the 8th. instant. I will aim at...
I am astonished that Mr. Arnold, to excuse the non-payment of his Bond, should have recourse to a...
The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor respectfully to submit to the President of the United...
The Secretary of the Treasury having had the honor to lay before the president of the United...