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Results 29401-29410 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
ALS : American Philosophical Society I would be wanting in Gratitude if I did not make some Acknowledgement for the honour of your Letters to Messrs: Timothy and Lemprie: My Name barely mentiond in them by you would have been sufficient but the Additional Compliment on my behaviour makes me as much at a loss how to Thank you as to restrain my Vanity. Mr: Timothy receiv’d me very kindly, but I...
AL : American Philosophical Society Tho’ your residence in Paris be proclamed in the public papers, (you arch Rebel) yet having left England some months ago, I should have known nothing of you but for a Mrs. Playdell who happened to lodge in the House with you at Paris. Oh tell me I pray you how were Mr. and Mrs. Barrow when you left America? Did you see them were they safe, had they thoughts...
Letterbook abstract: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I return’d him the Reliquiae Bodleianae which he took out of the Library for me, blaming the Editor for not digesting the Letters according to their date, and kept Peter Kalm’s Fauna Suecica by Linnaeus taking notice of his being of Aboae in Finland which as being in that Province I wonder’d he should call their Academy Stockholmiae....
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’avois prié Mr. de chaumont, Monsieur, de me renvoyer Le paquet que je lui avois addresse pour Vous ou de vous redemander les deux lettres qu’il renfermoit; mais il ne m’a renvoye que celle qui le concernoit. Je vous prie, Monsieur, de vouloir bien me renvoyer également La Seconde; je Suis obligé de la mettre sous les yeux du Ministre ce matin à 7. heures....
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have spoken here with a man to make you a model of an Iceboat, but as it must be made in the proportion of an Inche, or perhaps less to a foot it will cost you about 10 Duc., that is between 4 and 5 guineas, and this is the reason why I ask you first if you will give so much for it, if you like it, I’ll take care it shall be made soon, and send it over...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I came here on Thursday last to attend the Funeral of my poor old Mother who died the Monday Noon preceeding. Mr. Bache sent his Clerk Express to me on the Occasion, who reached Amboy on Tuesday Evening, and I set out early the next Morning, but the Weather being very severe, and snowing hard, I was not able to reach here till about 4 o’Clock on Thursday...
Two LS : University of Pennsylvania Library; AL (draft): New-York Historical Society; copy and transcript: National Archives Since my last of which I send a duplicate by this Conveyance nothing material has happened here, unless it be the evacuation of Wilmington, which is perhaps the most important Post of Communication with the disaffected People of the Country of any they held in America—...
AL : American Philosophical Society [November 15, 1769. An invitation to dine with Sir John Pringle on Friday next.] The noted physician, for whom see above, XV , 172 n. The note is merely dated Wednesday, but the invitation is for Friday, Nov. 17; between the knighting of Pringle and BF ’s departure from England Friday fell on the 17th only in 1769.
LS and copy: American Philosophical Society; copy: Library of Congress The Bearer of this Letter Monsieur le Baron d’Arndt will shew you a Certificate for Two Thousand Nine hundred & Ninety Seven Dollrs. & 37/90ths signed by Joseph Nourse Esquire Register of the Treasury of the United States and issued by Virtue of a Warrant this Day from me. This Money is on Interest at six per Cent from the...
Copy: Library of Congress J’ai l’honneur, Monsieur, de vous envoyer differentes Lettres que le Capitaine du Parlementaire Anglois le Dowe arrivé a Cherbourg a remis à Mr. Deshays Commissaire des classes. Comme ces Lettres [ in the margin: 11. Lettres] sont de quelques Prisonniers Americains detenus en Angleterre, et qu’elles sont adressées à des Particuliers de la nouvelle Angleterre, J’ai cru...