Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Jacques-Donatien Le Ray de Chaumont, [before 23 March 1779?]

From Jacques-Donatien Le Ray de Chaumont

AL: American Philosophical Society

[before March 23, 1779?]1

L’hotesse de L’hostel de Joui a versailles Rue des Recolets Reclame L’avantage qu’elle a eu de Loger M. franklin chez elle pour le Recevoir et ses Equipages quand il ira faire sa Cour.

C’est unne femme Estimée et Recommandée par les Bureaus de M. de Vergennes.

1The date BF was finally presented at the French court as the first American minister plenipotentiary. See our annotation of an account of the duc de Croÿ’s dinner with BF under March 1, above, and, for a description of the presentation, BF to JA, April 3, below.

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