Results 29401-29430 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
25 December 1809, Norfolk. Asks JM to provide for a transfer that would shift his son, John...
25 December 1809, Worcester. Introduces Major Cogswell, a supporter of administration policies,...
Our letters crossing each other on the road have anticipated the grounds of mutual excuse for...
The bearer M r Warrell is a portrait painter who has been introduced to me by Gen l Breckenridge...
With many thanks I acknowledge the receipt of the fine collection of seeds you were pleased to...
You may remember that about a year or 18 Months ago, I forwarded to you from Richmond some United...
The bearer, Colonel John Eugene, of Leitensdorfer, served with me very faithfully in character of...
I Received yours of the 9 th nov. in which was inclose d Three pounds on acc t of money advance d...
I owe you a thousand apologies for not sooner acknowledging your obliging letter of the fourth of...
Hearing that Mr J. Kilty Smith has been appointed Navy Agent at New Orleans, I think it my duty...
Docr Julius R Shumate has been particularly recommended by Mr. Love of the House of...
22 December 1809. Submits for ratification a treaty and separate article concluded on 30 Sept....
When I met with you on Lego the other day I had not been on the lands before for 9. years, and...
In the character of a representative of the People I have been applied to in a case which indeed...
Your letter Came to hand the 6 th of this Month and I have Viewed the Contents & Return you a...
I thank you for the pleasing account of your Family in your favour of the 5th. As I take a lively...
One of the justices of the supreme court, U. S. has this day, left this town on his way to the...
I received your letter of the Sixth of September which I read with pleasure and thank you for the...
AMSTERDAM, June 5, 1781, wrote to congress. “The deputies of Middleburg in the assembly of the...
Much has been said about the triumph of Federalism in this State, both in and out of it. Having...
Fully persuaded that it is your desire to promote Justice and equity throughout the United...
Since I had the pleasure of writing to you, I have received further accounts from our Children,...
19 December 1809, Senate Chamber. Encloses a letter from William Sprigg recommending John Coburn...
I have recd your favour of Nov. 20th and regret very much that your Employments would not allow...
I have the honor of sending you a file of newspapers which contains an acct. of the late...
18 December 1809, Washington. Has come to Washington from the District of Maine seeking an...
According to promise I wrote to the clerk of Goochland for a copy of Reuben Skelton’s will. his...
17 December 1809 , “ Near New Orleans .” Informs JM of the death of his second wife from yellow...
In your letter by Mr. Gooch, You suggestd. it as proper not to open a door from the Center room...
16 December 1809. Transmits report of the surveyor of public buildings. RC and enclosure, two...