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Results 29401-29410 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I thank you for your two favors of the 17th Instant which came to hand yesterday. I had heard before, that Houses were preparing in New York, and from a variety of concurring circumstances it would seem, that the Enemy mean to evacuate Philadelphia and make that their Rendezvous, at least in the first instance. The event only can determine the authenticity of the information; but added to the...
I am honored with your favor of the 17th by Express; and shall wait your future Commands at this Place. I am entirely agreed with your Excellency in Opinion, that New-York will be the last place of the United States the Enemy will quit. The Inclosed from Colonel Graham is the last Advice I have had from that City to be relyed on. He commands a Corps of New Levies of near 200 men; now at...
We are going on with the regimental Arrangements as fast as possible and I think the Day begins to appear with Respect to this Business. Had our Saviour addressed a Chapter to the Rulers of Mankind as he did many to the Subjects I am perswaded his Good Sense would have dictated this Text. Be not wise overmuch. Had the several Members who compose our multifarious Body been only wise enough Our...
It may perhaps be some entertainment to you, to be informed of the proceedings of the present Assembly. After choosing Colo. Harrison Speaker by a great majority, they seemed to be determined against every act of legislation, which did not in some measure tend to the security of Independence. The sense of the house was taken, as to their inclination to proceed upon the report of the revisers...
Upon perusing the Petition hand’d by you this Morning in favor of Lieutenant Peck—I have given orders that he may be released from his Arrest. The Nature of the Charge exhibited against this Gentleman is very weighty, & which, the excellent Character he has hitherto borne, could only induce me to overlook—I hope this Instance will sufficiently warn him, & prevent his doing any thing in future...
Whereas [< Whereas > by an act of the last session of General assembly intituled an act for raising a supply of money for public exigencies it was enacted that a tax or rate of ten shillings for every hundred pounds value should be paid, among other things, upon all slaves by the owner or proprietor; and that the value of such slaves should be estimated by assessors to be appointed in every...
AL : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief <The Hague, May 22[–26], 1778, in French: The Grand Pensionary wants to acknowledge your letter but cannot give you, until authorized, your due titles; he has offered to communicate verbally through me, and I shall wait until I can furnish him a copy of the treaty. Our friend [van Berckel] wants to know how the British...
Valley Forge, May 22–23, 1778 . Orders removal of stores from the Elk and urges Smallwood to be on continual guard against enemy. In postscript states the enemy is preparing an offensive move. Df , in writings of James McHenry and H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. The postscript is dated May 23, 1778.
2940922 Fryday. (Adams Papers)
Dined at home with a great deal of Company. Went after Dinner to see the Misanthrope of Moliere, with Mr. Amiel. It was followed by the Heureusement.—Called at the Microcosme. Called at Mr. Amiels at the Pension.
29410[May 22 Fryday.] (Adams Papers)
May 22 Fryday. We sent the following Letter. Mr. Joseph Parker of London has made Application to Us concerning a Claim, that he has of Property in a certain Vessell, which has been as he informs Us, in the Custody of the Public, since the Spring of the Year 1775, requesting Us to write to your honours, on the Subject. From what some of Us know and all of Us have heard of Mr. Parker, We have...