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Results 29351-29400 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Letter not found: from Foster & May, 30 April 1798. On 7 May GW wrote Foster & May : “Your letter...
I have received your favour containing three drafts each of 600 dollars. With respect to the land...
24 September 1804, Copenhagen. “In my last respects of 30th. May I mentioned that the Prince...
Know all men by these presents that we Wilson Cary Nicholas , Thomas Jefferson , and Thomas...
Dollars Cents 20,500,000 Guilders, amount of Five ⅌ Cent: Loans effected at Amsterdam Guilders...
It is Colonel Washingtons Orders that you send a Subaltern and Twenty men with Commissary Jones,...
I had the honor to furnish you lately with some Abstracts (in my hand writing) from a paper...
ALS : American Philosophical Society M. le lieutenant Général de Police fera mercredi 22...
I have the honor now to inclose to your Excellency a copy of the letter from Congress to the king...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We are here, from the Texel, since two days. All things are...
In a letter I have lately received from Major General Lincoln, he transmitted the inclosed for...
I have the honor of proposing for your approbation the following promotions & appointments in the...
Your favor of July 28. from Avon came to hand on the 10 th of August and I have delayed answering...
M r . Jay We are endeavouring to agree— Gen t See we have brot forth valuable Amendm ts . Cannot...
ALS : Yale University Library This letter and Franklin’s brief note below, May 9, are to the best...
On enquiry of mr Randolph I find his process for rolling his seed corn in plaister varies a...
Inclosed you have Colo. Butlers Journal of his expedition against Unadilla and Anaquaga You will...
Will your Excelly pardon the freedom I have taken, of Addressing you, & of inclosing a letter of...
We have received your two Letters, of the 15 & 18. July from Alicant and are sorry to learn that...
I have in contemplation, in concert with Isaac Walker a qr. blood Indian of the Wyandot tribe, to...
The enclosed is a letter from Col. Chace D.Q.M.G. at Boston. The representation it contains, and...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1763–1764 (Philadelphia,...
Letter not found: to Lund Washington, 11 April 1790. In a letter to GW, 28 April 1790 , Lund...
We do ourselves the pleasure of enclosing you the number of square feet contained in your two...
I have been much engaged in my private concerns, tho’ rather indisposed, since my return home, so...
The Mail of yesterday brought, me, the Documents and in the Evening I received from Boston your...
Printed in The New-England Courant , April 16, 1722. Histories of Lives are seldom entertaining,...
I have taken the liberty of informing your Honour that I have a plan to lay before you. that...
29379[Diary entry: 11 May 1760] (Washington Papers)
Sunday May 11th. Mrs. Washington we[nt] to Church. My black pacing Mare was twice Coverd. Proposd...
Mr. Thompson the gentleman whom I mentioned last summer to you as a Candidate for a Consulship...
29381General Orders, 25 August 1782 (Washington Papers)
The Board of officers appointed to settle the rank of the subaltern Officers of the Connecticut...
Bristol, 10 Apr. 1793 . He has not heard from TJ since sending his last letter of 31 Dec. by the...
I have seen Ld. Hawkesbury & expect to be presented to the King soon. I shall mention in my next...
I had the honor of waiting on you at Versailles the day before yesterday , in order to present...
I have to trouble you againe respecting my preparation of going to the western country. I am...
The Bearer of this, Capt. Minor, returns directly. Your Excellency will please issue a Warrant...
As I cannot suppose you for a moment indifferent to the welfare of a country with whose...
Your letter of the 2d instant inclosing General Sullivan’s & General Stark’s letters with the...
Your favor of Oct. 18. came to hand yesterday. the atmosphere of our country is unquestionably...
Major Franks arrived here last Evening. I have not yet got thro the Dispatches he brought. I have...
Th: Jefferson presents his respects to the President and incloses the draught of a letter to...
If I understand the claim of the Creeks it is that they shall have a right of transit across our...
29393Acct. of the Weather in Decr. [1771] (Washington Papers)
Decr. 1st. The Wind exceeding hard from the Northwest, & very cold. 2. Wind variable with Clouds,...
I have the honor to enclose a letter from John Young, a mariner, who being sick within the limits...
29395[Diary entry: 28 March 1773] (Washington Papers)
28. But little Wind and that Southerly. Weather clear & very Warm.
At Doctr Walker’s In Albermarle Coty My Dear Sir Janry 25th 1762. Soon after our last very...
30 November 1803 , “ Near Natchez .” Received JM’s communication of 14 Nov. with its enclosures...
LS : American Philosophical Society Votre goût distingué pour la litterature, et la protection...
The intemperate weather, and very great care which the Post Riders take of themselves, prevented...
ALS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical...