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Results 29351-29400 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have a matter of business of some moment at New Orleans , & not having any mercantile...
New Orleans 11. Aug. 1809 . Recieved of mr Robert Peyton Adm r to the estate of John Peyton dec d...
Upon the supposition that no one has accepted the office of the Collectorship of New Orleans, I...
2 January 1810, Providence, Rhode Island. Urges JM to appoint Henry Wheaton, son of Seth Wheaton...
I had the honor to receive your Favour of the 15th of December, for which I beg leave to express...
AMSTERDAM, June 12, 1781, wrote to Congress: “The States of Holland and Westfriesland are...
I beg your acceptance of a Medallion of your predecessor General Washington, which I have had...
I have the honour of laying before you a Report of the operations of the Mint for the last year....
In compliance with a request of the General Assembly of North Carolina I have the Honor herewith...
1 January 1810, Washington. Suspends building regulations laid down in the first and third...
M r Craven by the lease to him is bound at to sow 50. acres of clover the last year of it. 2....
Permit me to return you my sincere thanks for the very polite Letter I had the pleasure of...
Your concluding words to our conversation in Charlottesville were that you would devote the first...
J’ai prand la liberté de vous Ecrire Cette letre que Je desire vous trouve En parfaite Santé,...
There are two Sentences in Talleyrand’s Letter of the 28th of August, 1798 which ought not to...
John Adams with his Consort and their Family desire prayers that the death of a grandchild may be...
You very well know, that the Publication of my Letters in Pamplets and Numbers, was a project of...
I know not how to acknowledge the date of your last Letter to me. one thing I know, that it is...
29369LCA, brief travel notes, 1809 (Adams Papers)
Sleten village— light house Sophienberg—Palace Hveen island— Taurek Landscrona Weh beg —Paper...
Permit me, Madam, to lay before you these few lines put together at your request. You may indeed...
There are feelings of such a nature, as no language is adequate to express, and it is only such...
Yesterday your father received a letter from William. We rejoice to learn that you are well; and...
96. à James Madison 10 Reçu pour compte de Todd 234.54 MdBS .
29374Memorandum Books, 1809 (Jefferson Papers)
Jan. 2. Printer’s carrier .50. Lemaire’s accts. Dec. 3. to Dec. 31. 08     provns.  servts. ice...
This is the last Day of the year 1809, and almost 4 Months Since you left us. we have been...
Standing as we do upon the confines of the other world, you at the age of four-score, and I at...
In removing my effects from Washington I had the misfortune of having a trunk stolen, which,...
I am about to take a liberty with you which in an ordinary Case I should hardly think myself...
I send you below another quarterly list of groceries which I will beg the favor of you to furnish...
It may seem odd that while I was involved in so much business at Washington , I could yet find...
When I wrote to you on the 9th. inst. I did not expect that I should again trouble you; nor did I...
After what has passed in the House of Representatives I feel myself compelled to declare to you,...
Your Mama has given me a letter to inclose to you, but whether it contains any thing contraband;...
Some days Since I received a letter from the Son of Genl Lee requesting me to apply to the P’t of...
The inclosed letter for M rs Randolph was sent under cover to the President as well as the parcel...
Lego . re-survey of Dec. 29 09. scale 40. po. to the Inch the hedge row mentioned in the survey...
M r J. Millegan requested of me, to inform you that he had has taken all possible pains to...
When I had the pleasure of seeing you in Charlottesville , I had not for a considerable time...
In consequence of your favor of the 11th. instant, I have addressed the few lines inclosed, to...
I have seeun mr Joh n son Since he returnd from Richmond hee Still Sais he is antious to take the...
By the Enquirer of the 19 th just now recieved here I see that the petition of Ashlin to build a...
You will excuse the freedom I take in writeing you on what may be considered my private concerns,...
I have had the honor of receiving your several communications in relation to Manufactories,...
A very particular friend of your’s, who has been much recommended to my esteem, has lately...
I have received the address of the General Assembly transmitted to me on the 15th ult. with the...
Pardon the presumption of a female, in troubling you, with this addres⟨s.⟩ I had the misfortune,...
As an American citizen I think it my duty to inform you of the extraordinary and (as I thought)...
I have duly recieved your letter of Dec. 12. and should willingly have given any information on...
I have considered your proposition of yesterday to endorse a bill of 500.D. for you to be put...
I beg leave to request your acceptance of the small volume on the rotation of the earth, which...