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Results 2931-2960 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Since my last letter it has occurred to me that it should have contained an idea which I did not express. It is this—that under the circumstances in which the Governours of States, and the Continental Officers were placed, it is reasonable to suppose that however correct the conduct of the former may have been, the opinions of the latter would be unfavourable to them. Indeed, the more...
on the inst. we shipped to the care of Col. Peyton 3 cases Books from England, 1 from France, & 2 from Germany; & yesterday one other case from Germany. These, with what are now on their way from Europe, and the addition of some American works, which have not, as yet been found, will make about the full amount of our commission. We have received by the last arrivals advice of such works as...
The warm season has come again and delightful as it is to me, is no doubt also very acceptable to you, Sir. The prevailing rule I believe, is a moderate heat, and one which is perhaps better adapted to afford ease to you than extremes either way. My attachment to warm weather excludes any idea of a medium or rather of what is commonly called so. And it is for this reason that I prefer the...
The request, my dear gentlemen; of your letter recieved the day before yesterday, has greater difficulties than you are aware of. whether buildings erected by the public for appropriate purposes, and committed to the trust and safe-keeping of the visitors, can lawfully be applied by them to purposes different from the trust, may well be questioned. another evil is that if once we permit...
I return the correspondence inclosed in yours of the 3d. inst. The reluctance of Mr. Emmett, & probably of his colleagues, to the enlargement of their duties, is neither to be wondered at, nor yielded to. You have put the matter on a ground to which I can suggest no improvement. It may be well perhaps that what has passed should not be generally known. With some it might produce reflections on...
As you are occasionally sending supplies of books to your store here, I am in hopes it may not be inconvenient to supply a private application, and in that confidence request you, with your next parcel, to send me on my particular account those below mentioned. if there has not yet been an 8 vo edition of Turner published, I would rather wait than have a 4 to one. I hope our book room and...
I return the correspondence enclosed in yours of the 3 d inst. The reluctance of M r Emmett, & probably of his colleagues, to the enlargement of their duties, is neither to be wondered at nor yielded to. You have put the matter on a ground to which I can suggest no improvement. It may be well perhaps that what has passed should not be generally known. With some it might produce reflections on...
Having been lately engaged in indexing my memorandum book of the last year, I observed your name not to be in it, this first suggests to me that I must have forgotten the annual remittance to you. I therefore now inclose you 10. D. for the past and present dues. my memory fails too much to be depended on; but if you would send a scrip of a note with the paper closing the year, this should not...
It has given me infinite pleasure to hear from you by the letter which you were so good as to send by M r Randolph, dated March 24. He gave it to me a few days ago only, on his return from Boston; having passed through this City without stopping on his way thither. I was indeed very anxious to hear of you & of your health, though unwilling to trouble you with a letter & impose on you the tax...
Instructions to mr Brockenbrough. 1. Engage mr Broke to come immediately & put another cover of tin on the Dome-room of the Rotunda, without disturbing the old one. 2. the inside plaistering will then be to be coloured uniform with Whiting. 3. the finishing the Dome room to be pushed by every possible exertion, as also the Anatomical building, by employing all the hands which can be got. 4....
When in conversation with you yesterday, I omitted to recommend what I had intended, that is, considering the difficulties of getting up the Capitels, to get the bases first hauled and set the bricklayers immediately to begin the columns, while about them you can get the Capitels in time. The leaks in the roof we must remedy. as soon as Gen l Cocke comes I will consult with him what is to be...
Your favor on the subject of the mathematical volume you propose to publish is just now recieved. I have no doubt of it’s value for our schools in general, and that as an elementary work for their use it will be clear & easy, as every thing is which comes from you. but to establish it as a text book in that branch of our institution would be beyond my province. our Professors of Mathematic and...
Being informed that the Professorship of the French and Spanish languages in the Univ y of N.C. is vacant and now to be filled, and that mr Jesse B. Harrison of Lynchbg proposes himself as a Candidate, it gives me pleasure to bear witness to his character as far as known to me. I have had a general acquaintance with him of several years, but a more special one with his pursuits and acquiremts...
I had the pleasure of recieving your letter of 22 nd ult. some days ago; but unwilling to vex & tire you with the repetition of unsatisfactory communications, I have forborne to reply to it, until I could communicate something decisive upon the subject of the duties. I have now the satisfaction to inform you that the Bill, for remitting them, has this day passed the House of Representatives, &...
I am very thankful to you for your friendly letter of Apr. 15. after so many years of reflection & experience it is consolatory to me to learn that a f. c. still continues to approve of the line of my conduct in the transaction of the public affairs. with respect to my own embarrasmts, when I see so many persons failing who are so much better qualified for private business then I am, and so...
I write to you by a special influence while standing at my Desk, I was looking around the world to see if I could find one man, who had arrived, to a state of compleat happiness, eather in the abundance of riches or honour, in those two pursuits most of men, are engaged. while looking for the man of honour, I could think of no man who had arrived to so complete a state, as your self—this leads...
I have percieved in some of our Professors a disinclination to the preparing themselves for entering on the branches of science with which they are charged additionally to their principal one. I took occasion therefore lately to urge one of them (Dr. Emmet) to begin preparations for his Botanical school, for which the previous works necessary furnished unoffensive ground. His answer confirming...
Your letter of Apr. 26. came to hand on the 1 st instant, and I answer it by our first mail. it really took me by surprise. our bond was payable in 8. months, and our record tells us it was signed on the 4 th of October, which would have carried the payment to the 4 th of June. I now suppose that altho not signed till the 4 th of October, it may have been dated at some earlier day. but for...
At the request of some military friends, and in compliance with a desire which I have for several years entertained, I am preparing a second edition of my fathers memoirs of the Southern war—with his own M.S. corrections, with the advantage of various suggestions from Col. Howard & with such additions and explanations as my own acquaintance with the subject will enable me to furnish. In this...
I have percieved in some of our Professors a disinclination to the preparing themselves for entering on the branches of science with which they are charged additionally to their principal one. I took occasion therefore lately to urge one of them (D r Emmet) to begin preparations for his Botanical school, for which the previous works necessary furnished unoffensive ground. his answer confirming...
I was just getting on my horse to see you when some members of Congress arrive and keep me at home. I am obliged therefore to request you to come to me , as it is of great necessity I should see you to-day if possible. we are called on by the Collector of Boston for immediate payment of our bond, due, as he says, the 6 th instant. I must answer him by tomorrow’s mail. ViU : Thomas Jefferson...
The difficulties suggested in your favor of the 28 th ult. are those which must occur at the commencement of every undertaking. a full view of the subject however will, I think, solve them. In every meditated enterprize, the means we can employ are to be estimated, and to these must be proportioned our expectations of effect. if, for example, to the cultivation of a given field we can devote...
Very soon after the death of my friend, the late M r Gilmer, M r Davis made known to me your wish that I should fill the vacancy thereby occasioned in the law department of the University of Virginia; and four days ago a letter from him informed me of the choice made by the Visitors at their late meeting. I hasten to avail myself of the first interval of ease which an acute, tho’ I hope...
Circumstances induce me to attempt the publication of the courses of analytical trigonometry which I had planed in 1806 and used at the Military Academy of West point, and adapted peculiarly to the habitual mode and order of studying elementary mathematics in this country. Supposing the Knowledge of the most elementary Books of Euclid, and the simplest Algebra, till quadratic equations...
The Subscribers, being desirous of aiding Thomas Jefferson, the Author of the Declaration of American Independence, and late President of the United States, from pecuniary difficulties, attributable in a great degree to his devotion to the public service, do contribute the sums set opposite their respective names, towards that object. Which sums are to be placed at the disposal of the General...
state of virginia. JEFFERSON LOTTERY. Register No. managers. John Brockenbrough , Philip Norb. Nicholas , Richard Anderson . Combination Nos. This Ticket will entitle the holder thereof to such prize as may be drawn to its numbers in the JEFFERSON LOTTERY. Richmond , April , 1826. For the Managers, Yates & M
I am very glad you have engaged mr Southall to assist us in the affairs of the Univ y and following his and mr Carr’s counsel implicitly you cannot go wrong. accding to the opn of these gent. the one in writing the other expressed to me verbally I observe that the following proceedings may be instituted against Mosby & Draffen, if they have license 1 . prosecute them for the forfeiture of 30.d...
I arrived here this morning from New York. Every thing is now ready to commence the sale of the tickets. But a movement has taken place in New-York promising some thing more in its effects than any thing of the kind heretofore. a meeting has been called (in pursuance of the request of individuals) by the mayor to be held to morrow to take the subject in to consideration. I had an interview...
A public meeting will be held at the Exchange Hall on Thursday evening next at oclock for the purpose of adopting measures for the relief of Thomas Jefferson by a general subscription. The meeting will be addressed by some of the gentlemen, who will explain more fully the objects of it. It is confidently hoped that all liberal men of all parties will attend. The rich and the poor, the humble...
I wrote before I left Roxbury expressing as I really felt my deep regret that I could not see you before I set out for this place—for the first since the 28’ of Jany I tried my strengh on Sunday last, but a ride of a mile wch I endured with wch the hope I should be able in the course of the week to have reachd Quincy, but the next day Tho’ Alken injured his hand so much as to render him...