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Results 2931-2940 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Since my last letter it has occurred to me that it should have contained an idea which I did not express. It is this—that under the circumstances in which the Governours of States, and the Continental Officers were placed, it is reasonable to suppose that however correct the conduct of the former may have been, the opinions of the latter would be unfavourable to them. Indeed, the more...
on the inst. we shipped to the care of Col. Peyton 3 cases Books from England, 1 from France, & 2 from Germany; & yesterday one other case from Germany. These, with what are now on their way from Europe, and the addition of some American works, which have not, as yet been found, will make about the full amount of our commission. We have received by the last arrivals advice of such works as...
The warm season has come again and delightful as it is to me, is no doubt also very acceptable to you, Sir. The prevailing rule I believe, is a moderate heat, and one which is perhaps better adapted to afford ease to you than extremes either way. My attachment to warm weather excludes any idea of a medium or rather of what is commonly called so. And it is for this reason that I prefer the...
The request, my dear gentlemen; of your letter recieved the day before yesterday, has greater difficulties than you are aware of. whether buildings erected by the public for appropriate purposes, and committed to the trust and safe-keeping of the visitors, can lawfully be applied by them to purposes different from the trust, may well be questioned. another evil is that if once we permit...
I return the correspondence inclosed in yours of the 3d. inst. The reluctance of Mr. Emmett, & probably of his colleagues, to the enlargement of their duties, is neither to be wondered at, nor yielded to. You have put the matter on a ground to which I can suggest no improvement. It may be well perhaps that what has passed should not be generally known. With some it might produce reflections on...
As you are occasionally sending supplies of books to your store here, I am in hopes it may not be inconvenient to supply a private application, and in that confidence request you, with your next parcel, to send me on my particular account those below mentioned. if there has not yet been an 8 vo edition of Turner published, I would rather wait than have a 4 to one. I hope our book room and...
I return the correspondence enclosed in yours of the 3 d inst. The reluctance of M r Emmett, & probably of his colleagues, to the enlargement of their duties, is neither to be wondered at nor yielded to. You have put the matter on a ground to which I can suggest no improvement. It may be well perhaps that what has passed should not be generally known. With some it might produce reflections on...
Having been lately engaged in indexing my memorandum book of the last year, I observed your name not to be in it, this first suggests to me that I must have forgotten the annual remittance to you. I therefore now inclose you 10. D. for the past and present dues. my memory fails too much to be depended on; but if you would send a scrip of a note with the paper closing the year, this should not...
It has given me infinite pleasure to hear from you by the letter which you were so good as to send by M r Randolph, dated March 24. He gave it to me a few days ago only, on his return from Boston; having passed through this City without stopping on his way thither. I was indeed very anxious to hear of you & of your health, though unwilling to trouble you with a letter & impose on you the tax...
Instructions to mr Brockenbrough. 1. Engage mr Broke to come immediately & put another cover of tin on the Dome-room of the Rotunda, without disturbing the old one. 2. the inside plaistering will then be to be coloured uniform with Whiting. 3. the finishing the Dome room to be pushed by every possible exertion, as also the Anatomical building, by employing all the hands which can be got. 4....