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Results 29301-29350 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
By your last return it appears that the musket cartridges in camp amount only to about 140,000...
From a variety of concurring circumstances and the general information of persons coming from...
Every piece of intelligence from Philadelphia makes me think it more & more probable, that the...
From a number of concurring circumstances there is reason to beleive that the enemy mean to...
The Enemys Transactions in Philadelphia as related by divers intelligent persons indicate the...
I received your Excellency’s Letter of this morning respecting the probable evacuation of...
I received yesterday your favor of the 15th Instant, inclosing a paper, subscribed by Sundry...
I am told that houses are preparing in New York for the reception of Refugees from Philadelphia....
From a variety of concurring circumstances and the general information of persons coming from...
From a variety of accounts, all concurring, I am fully of opinion that the Enemy are making...
I have inclosed you the Proceedings and sentence of a Court Martial against one Jetson a person...
General Knox informs me that he gave you directions to send from albany two thousand Arms with...
29313May 18 Monday. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Mr. La Frété’s Country Seat, at the Foot of Mount Calvare. The House, Gardens, and Walks...
29314[May 18. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
May 18. 1778. We wrote the following Circular Letter to all the Seaports. Certain Intelligence...
I have waited with great patience, restraining as much as posible every anxious Idea for 3...
Paris, 18 May 1778. printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams ,...
Le Docteur Franklin, Monsieur, a qui j’ay eu l’honneur D’ecrire pour Savoir Des nouvelles D’un...
Dr. Franklin, sir, to whom I had the honor to write for information about a young man, Chevalier...
Under the auspices of my friend Mr. Recules de Basmarin I take the Liberty of addressing myself...
The Humble Petition of Christian Stenger and William Stragham Showed that Your Petitioners with...
My last informed your Excellencies of my Arrival at this place from Morlaix and my Motives in...
[ Valley Forge ] May 18, 1778 . Sends instructions. Df , in writing of H, George Washington...
LS : Massachusetts Archives; AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; copies: National...
DS : American Philosophical Society <On board the Ranger , May 18, 1778: One of us commanded the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Brest, May 18, 1778: Mr. Schweighauser writes Capt. Jones...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Quelle occuppée que soit votre Excellence des intérêts...
ALS : Princeton University Library; AL (draft): National Archives; copies: Library of Congress ,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Nous prenons la liberté de vous remettre sous ce pli...
AL : American Philosophical Society Ruault a l’honneur de présenter ses respects à Monsieur...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library I write by this Post to the Ministers to which I refer...
29331General Orders, 18 May 1778 (Washington Papers)
The Commander in Chief has the pleasure to inform the Army that the Honorable the Congress have...
Your Excellencys letter of the fourteenth instant has been read in Council. The “mistake”...
Inclosed you have a duplicate of a letter which I forwarded yesterday by an express. The accounts...
Agreeable to my Instructions I shall send off for Wilmington this Week about 300 Recruits. I have...
The detachment under your command with which you will immediately march towards the enemy’s lines...
I have been honored with your two favors of the 11 & 15 Instant, with the several papers alluded...
Your favor of the 15th Inst. gave me singular pleasure—I thank you for the agreeable intelligence...
I am favd with yours of the 13th on the subject of the Militia which have been stationed at...
I have called on a Majestrate and taken the Testimony of five persons in regard of the Barbarity...
Since Last thirsday ten foot, three Sailors, one Light Dragoon with horse and Accutriments,...
I have dispatch’d two Officers one to Governor Johnson at Annapolis & the other to the head of...
Whereas it is necessary for the Governour and council to be provided with a person learned in the...
Whereas divers persons receiving money of the United states of America for publick uses, apply it...
Agreeable to your orders I sent Capt. Norwood to obtain a List of the Stores at the head of Elk,...
29345May 19. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Dined with Mr. Challut, one of the Farmers General. We were shewn into the superbest Gallery that...
29346[May 19. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
May 19. 1778. We wrote to Congress, and to the Count De Vergennes. We have the Honor to inclose a...
29347[May 19. Tuesday. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
May 19. Tuesday. 1778. We dined with Mr. De Challut, one of the Farmers General.... We were...
Will you permit me to congratulate with you upon the favorable appearances in our American...
Ma derniere, en forme de Journal, commencoit par le 7e. et finissoit par le 15e de ce mois. Vous...
My last, in the form of a diary, began with the 7th and ended on the 15th of this month. You will...