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Results 29251-29300 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Explanations and Instructions Concerning The Act, Entitled, “An ACT repealing after the last day of June next, the duties heretofore laid upon distilled SPIRITS imported from abroad, and laying others in their stead; and also upon spirits distilled within the United States; and for appropriating the same:” Passed In the third Session of CONGRESS, On the 2d of March 1791. Explanations, &c....
I duly received your letter of the 2d instant. The species of paper you mention presents an embarrassing question. Being issued upon the funds of individual states with a stipulation for the payment of interest by the United States, and a contingent guarantee of the principal, it is not easy to pronounce under what denomination of public debt it properly falls. It is however not in my opinion...
Your circular letter came to hand last evening. I do not apprehend, Sir, that you allude to any illegal, or improper receiving of duties in this office. The laws of Congress, according to my comprehension of their meaning, have always been adhered to here, with the utmost possible exactness; But as my conception of some parts of the “act to provide more effectually for the Collection of the...
I have received your letter of the sixth instant and have paid careful attention to the contents of it. But notwithstanding my earnest desire to meet the wishes of every class of the public Creditors, my judgment of the true construction of the law in the point in question remains as disclosed in my first letter. The fact is, that the Certificates issued by the Register of the Treasury do...
Philadelphia, May 27, 1791. Encloses “two commissions for the inspectors of Surveys No. 4 and 5 in the District of North Carolina.” LC , George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
I have enquired into the subject of your letter of the 30th. of April, and according to the reports made to me by the proper Officers, it appears that the State of Pennsylvania has received its full proportion, namely, six tenths of the whole sum struck upon the security of its funds being 1495000 Dollars. The balance of 78642 Dollars stated by the Comptroller General of the State, as...
By the 18th Section of the Act, making provision for the debt of the United States, it is declared that the payment of interest, whether to States or to Individuals, in respect to the debt of any State which may have exchanged its own securities for those of the United States, shall be suspended until a reexchange shall have taken place or a surrender be made of the last mentioned securities....
Philadelphia, May 29, 1791. Encloses a proposal for a mint which had been sent to President Washington by John H. Mitchell. LC , George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Mitchell’s interest in a mint was of some standing, for an entry in the Journal of the House for April 7, 1790, reads: “A Member from South Carolina presented to the House a letter addressed to him from John H. Mitchel,...
I have written to the Directors of the Bank of Massachusettes, a letter of which the inclosed is a copy. Be so good as to aid in diffusing the knowledge of the arrangement. You need not mention the transmission of the letter lest it should be misinterpreted. I remain very truly   Your friend & serv ALS , Maine Historical Society, Portland. H to the President and Directors of the Massachusetts...
[ Philadelphia, May 30, 1791. On June 13, 1791, Ellery wrote to Hamilton : “I have received your letters of the 26th. and the 30th. of May last.” Letter of May 30 not found. ]
With a view to the accommodation of those in your quarter, who may incline to become subscribers to the Bank of the United States, I have concluded on the following arrangement. That for any sums which shall be deposited in the Bank of Massachusetts to the Credit of the United States, to an amount not exceeding in the whole sixty thousand Dollars, I will cause equal sums to be paid in the City...
[ Philadelphia, May 30, 1791. On June 7, 1791, William Seton wrote to Hamilton : “I … acknowledge the honor of your letter of the 30 May.” Letter not found. ] This letter was presumably the same as H to the President and Directors of the Massachusetts Bank, May 30, 1791 .
Having considered the case of the Ship Warren, Capt Smith belonging to Messr. Brown & Francis, I find it necessary to communicate to you some remarks concerning it. I find from the letters of the Collector of Newport that this ship had departed from his district for India before my letter directing him to proceed against the Captain was received: and I learn from the papers that several days...
Treasury Department, Comptroller’s Office, May 31, 1791. “The enclosed Letter from William Benson, containing his resignation of the Office of Surveyor of the Customs, at the Port of Windsor, in the district of Edenton and state of North Carolina, was just now received at this Office; and I consider it, to be my duty, immediately to transmit it, for your consideration.” LC , RG 217, First...
I have this morning had the honor to receive your letter of the 27th instant. The application of the 30th. of April was made on a supposition of the facts being as you state them. But the Legislature having made provision for the redemption of the whole sum of 1,495,000 dollars, it is supposed that the State is credited by the United States for the whole of the 4/ 10ths which were reserved in...
It is my wish that you make the Bank of Maryland, which is established in the Town of Baltimore the place of depositing the Cash belonging to the United States which may be from time to time in your hands as collector of the District of Baltimore. I shall transmit a circular letter with respect to the receipt of its Notes, to which I must refer you on that point. I am, Sir   Your most Obedt...
I enclose you a Letter Similar to a Number that have been Sent to the Officers of the Late Continental army and I beg Leave to give you the reason of its being done. When Government under the new Constitution was making arrangements for the payment of the public debt the officers from the Massachusetts Line prefered a Memorial to Congress praying some mode might be adopted to ascertain the...
Savannah, June 1, 1791. “I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of my appointment as Inspector of the Revenue for the port of Savannah.… I take the liberty to inform you, that the excise is by no means a popular measure in this Country—people urge a variety of arguments against it—and it will require propriety & stability in the execution of the several Offices, to carry the Law into...
[ Boston, June 1, 1791. On February 28, 1792, a committee appointed by the “Officers of the Massachusetts line of the late Army” wrote to Hamilton: “By a letter bearing date June 1, 1791, you were informed of the measures adopted in persuing that object.” Letter not found. ] For background to this document, see James Blanchard to H, May, 1791 .
[ June 1, 1791. In a letter to Dayton on June 6, 1791, Hamilton referred to “your letter of the first instant.” Letter not found. ] Dayton, a New Jersey lawyer, had been a member of the New Jersey Council in 1789 and speaker of that state’s Assembly in 1790. He was associated with John Cleves Symmes in the Miami Purchase.
Treasury Department, June 1, 1791. Requests the commissions for the Virginia inspectors of the revenue. LC , George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
[ Philadelphia ] June 1, 1791 . “In compliance with your request, I … transmit the commissions filled with the names as you directed.…” LC , George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Treasury Department, June 1, 1791. “Your letter of the 24th Ultimo has been received. I approve the intention of the Surveyor to use generally the substitute for Dycas’s Hydrometer, the difference being so small. Yet, in any case, where that difference would convert one class of proof into another, Dycas’s must govern; unless it should appear by any imported Hydrometer of Dycas’s, which you...
I have already communicated to you some general instructions to govern you in the execution of your duty as the Commander of the revenue cutter for the [Massachusetts] Station. I have now to inform you that your vessel will be under the management of the Collector of [Boston] as to supplies of provisions, stores, and occasional repairs, and I shall write him to that effect this day. You will...
I have this day written to the Captain of the revenue cutter building for the [Pennsya.] station and I enclose you the letter unsealed which you will deliver to him open after you have caused a copy of it to be made and kept for your own information. It will also be proper that you retain a copy of my circular instructions to him, which are likewise transmitted unsealed. You will perceive that...
The Bank of Maryland being in operation, and its paper having gone into circulation, it is my desire, that the cash notes (that is those payable in specie on demand) be received by you in discharge of all duties of impost and tonnage, arrising in your district under the laws of the United States, and that you will exchange whatever specie you may at any time have in your hands for those notes....
Inclosed I transmit a copy of a letter from the Register General of Pennsylvania, proposing an arrangement relative to the subscription of the State Certificates to the loan of the United States; in which, as it will expedite the business, and furnish the proper checks to the State Officer, I hope it will not be inconvenient to acquiesce at the Treasury of the Union. I am, Sir   Your most obed...
As the time for subscribing the State Certificates to the loan of the United States has arrived, I think it my duty to submit to the consideration of your Excellency a plan of arrangement that may probably expedite the business & furnish the proper checks to the State Officer with but little trouble to the Creditors of this State intitled to the benefit of the Act of the 9th April last. The...
[ Philadelphia, June 3, 1791. The catalogue description of this letter reads “Letter concerning a proposition made by the Register General of Pennsylvania.” Letter not found. ] LS , sold at American Art Association, April 10, 1929, Lot 255. See Mifflin to H, June 2, 1791 . An entry in the executive minutes of Pennsylvania for June 6, 1791, reads: “Copies of a Letter from the Secretary of the...
[ Philadelphia, June 3, 1791. “The want of the return of survey of the tract on Lake Erie purchased by Pennsy, from the United States, has hitherto prevented my adopting the measures you have desired for the completion of that business.” Letter not found. ] LS , sold at Parke-Bernet Galleries, March 26, 1957, Lot 87. See Mifflin to H, May 5, 1791 . Text taken from dealer’s catalogue.
I have had the honor of recieving a few days ago, the 3d & 4th. of your letter of April 13th.—one by the way of England, the other by the way of Holland. This is the only letter I have recieved from you since that of Sep. 1. 90. The 1st. & 2nd. have not yet arrived. It gives me infinite pleasure Sir to find that the manner in which I proceeded in the business you confided to me, has met your...
We have the honor to inclose a Letter We received for you this Morning ⅌ the English Mail, which brought us late Intelligence from America. It is with satisfaction We inform you, that We have delivered near all the Bonds of the Loan of March, and that the actual Price for them is ¾ ⅌ Cent above Par. They will probably still rise, and We flatter ourselves sufficiently high, by postponing yet...
Boston, June 4, 1791. “… Your Circular Letter 27th May is received. It has not been in my power to see the Treasury of this State since your Letter came to hand but I am very confident that this State never redeemed a Continental public security by issuing their own obligation. This State has loaned considerable Sums of Old paper money which was recd. for taxes & public Securities which were...
As you are speedily to enter upon the Duties of your Station, it becomes proper briefly to point them out to you. Accordingly I send you a copy of the Act under which you have been appointed & in which are contained your powers, & the objects to which you are to attend & I shall add such observations as appear to me requisite to guide you in fulfilling the intent of that Act. It may be...
You will by the post immediately succeeding the closing of your books, preparatorily to the payment of interest, in each quarter, transmit to the Treasury a summary of the amount of each kind of stock then standing on your books, in order to the requisite provisions for making such payment. I am, Sir,   Your obedt. servant LS , to James Tilton, Delaware Historical Society, Wilmington.
In consequence of a Circular letter of the Asistant Secretary dated the 10th. of March last a few weeks since received, I herewith inclose you Returns of the decked Vessels built in the District of Portsmouth N. H. for two Succeeding years, the first commencing the 4th. of March 1789. The Same letter Signifid to me your wish to have forwarded from time to time as they may come into my hands...
I send you herewith sundry papers, relating to applicatons of John MacRae and John Morrison to the Judge of the District Court of Virginia, upon the Act for the remission or mitigation of penalties. This transaction appears to me thus far in an extremely questionable shape, so that I am very far from being satisfied, that there has not been more than inadvertence in the case. Unwilling...
I have, this day, received, under cover, a letter from you to Messrs. Elliot & Williams, which I shall forward by the first opportunity. This day, also, I have received a letter from Mr. E. Williams, dated “Fort Washington May 3d. 1791.” informing that he was preparing to leave that Country, and expected to be in Hagarstown in all this month, June. He also informs that he will forward in the...
Since my letter of the day before yesterday I have procured the inclosed works on the fabrication of money. Supposing they may be useful to you on the question at present under your consideration I have the honor of forwarding them. One is a report of the committee of money made to the national assembly, another the speech of Mirabeau on the subject, & a third the observations of an artist of...
[ Philadelphia, June 6, 1791. “My determination on the subject mentioned in your letter of the first instant is still suspended on the answer of the Attorney General, which has not yet been given.” Letter not found. ] ALS , sold at Anderson Galleries, April 28, 1915, Lot 162. Letter not found. Text taken from extract of letter in Adrian H. Joline, Catalogue of Autographs and Portraits of...
I received a letter from the Surveyor of the Port of Warren some time ago inclosing a letter from you of the 13th. of Decr. 1790. relative to the lawful portion of the compensations the Surveyors are respectively to receive for their services. It is I am sensible my duty to pay them their lawful portions of fees received by me; but a dispute has arisen between the Surveyors of Warren &...
On the 3d. instant I recd. your circular letters of the 13th. & 25th of May last. I do not recollect that in any instance duties on goods brought into this district have been ascertained otherwise than on the actual landing thereof, and by the measuring, weighg. & gauging, where those operations are required by law. A particular attention will be paid to your direction in that respect. Your...
As the holders of Certificates in the Debt of this State are now presenting them at this Office for deposit agreable to the Act of the 4th Augt. 1790 I think it my duty to apply to you for any farther Instructions you may judge necessary in the execution of this business the situation of which appears as follows. This State has been Issuing consolodated certificates for a number of small ones...
In consequence of an enquiry made of me, I think it necessary to inform you that I consider the holders of Certificates received from the Government of any State in lieu of certificates of the federal debt, as having a right to subscribe those State Certificates to the Loan of the Assumed debt, and I consider the State as having a right to subscribe the continental Certificates which they have...
Before the receipt of your letter of the 25th. of May the question concerning the true intent and meaning of the Act to amend and explain the last impost law, relative to printed, stained, and coloured goods had arisen from another quarter. In determining the articles to which the amendatory act will apply the defect alledged to exist in the original law seems proper to be had fully in view....
Providence, June 7, 1791. “I have received your Two circular Letters of the 25th and 26th of May. The information contained in the first, relative to the Emoluments of the Officers of the Customs, I have communicated to the Naval Officer and Surveyors of this District, agreeable to your request. I shall attend to what you say in providing for the Boat wanted for the Service of this Harbour.…”...
I am desired by the President & Directors to acknowledge the honor of your letter of the 30 May; this having been the first board day since its reception. The President & Directors of this Bank will chearfully Co-operate in the measures you point out for the reception of subscriptions to the National Bank; and have given me Orders to comply with the tenor and spirit of your Letter, which shall...
It has occurred to me that it would be productive of very useful information if some Officer of the United States in each foreign Country, where there is one, were instructed to transmit, occasionally, a state of the coins of the Country specifying their respective standards weights, and values, and, periodically, a state of the market prices of gold and silver in coin and bullion, and of the...
I have this day written to Col. Thomas Newton of Norfolk in Virginia on the subject of your letter of the 23rd of May. It is my wish that you may proceed without delay upon the terms mentioned to him. I doubt not you will carefully and justly estimate the extra work in the foundation (should it prove necessary to go deeper than is stipulated in the contract) but as the matter is placed by law...
[ Philadelphia, June 8, 1791. On June 8, 1791, Hamilton wrote to John McComb, Jr. : “I have this day written to Col. Thomas Newton.” Letter not found. ]