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Results 29251-29260 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have received your favour of the 10th. Your anxiety that our country may be kept out of the vortex of war, is honourable to your judgment as a patriot, and to your feeling as a man. The same anxiety is, I sincerely believe, felt by the great body of the nation, & by its public councils; most assuredly by the Executive Branch of them. But the question may be decided for us, by actual...
In a late Letter I mentioned to you my intention of embarking for England: Some circumstances have since occured which will prevent that event taking place at present. Two days ago I had some conversation with Mr: Onis. He expresses anxiety that a good understanding should be preserved between Spain & the UStates: he laments that he was not received at Washington; as he had full powers...
19 January 1810 , “ Near Boston .” Assures JM that in the event of war “thousands of N. England’s hardiest Sons” will “rally round their government.” Promises to send to the War Department plans for a “portable battery” for use on riverbanks and shores. RC ( DLC ). 2 pp. Docketed by JM.
Your’s of the 7 th inst. has been duly recieved, with the pamphlet inclosed, for which I return you my thanks. nothing can be more exactly & seriously true than what is there stated; that but a short time elapsed after the death of the great reformer of the Jewish religion before his principles were departed from by those who professed to be his special servants, & perverted into an engine for...
Th: Jefferson returns to mr Baldwin his thanks for the copy of the letters of Cerus & Amicus just recieved from him he sincerely wishes it’s circulation among the society of friends may have the effect mr Baldwin expects of abating their prejudices against the government of their country. but he apprehends their disease is too deeply seated: that identifying themselves with the mother society...
Resolutions. Résolutions. Resolved by the Legislative Council and by the house of Representatives of the Territory of Orleans , that the long, important and faithfull public services of Thomas Jefferson , late President of the United States , entitle him to the thanks of a gratefull nation. Résolu par le Conseil Legislatif
Th: Jefferson returns mr Ritchie thanks for the copy of mr Wood’s New theory of the rotation of the earth which he has safely recieved. he thinks he was indebted to mr Ritchie some time ago for a copy of Peter Plimley’s letters also, and that he has failed to make his acknolegements for it. he begs him now to recieve them, and to assure him that he has rarely met with such a treat. he...
I have the honor of sending you, by Captain Fenwick , a copy of Mr. Bottas’ work — Storia della guerra Americana . It is well written, and contains information not found in any other narrative on the same Subject. The Author is a member of the French Legislative body: his principles are just and liberal, and he is a most amiable man.— you will have been informed of the Emperors orders to sequester
I had the honor to receive your highly estimated Favour of the 7th Inst. Its contents afford me, much information, amusement, and instruction. And convince me more & more that the public mind, and especially our rulers, want information. Your publications in the Patriot may, if they will study them, illume the path of our rulers. But the Sun shines in vain if men will not open their eyes. And...
A letter has been received by Mr. Kenan of North Carolina from an officer of the army of good character and veracity stating That of the Troops at Orleans only 950 remain—That of these 520 are on duty and convalescent—That 150 have deserted and about 850 have died since their being stationed there. This extraordinary situation of our force there is attributed to a disobedience of orders from...