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Results 29251-29260 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Agreable to your excellency’s orders I have taken the oath of the gentlemen officers in general woodfort’s brigade and theyr certificates have been sent to the adjudant general’s office—give me leave now to present you with some observations delivered to me by many officers in that brigade who desire I may submit them to your perusal. I know, Sir, (besides I am not of theyr opinion in the fact...
The last I had the honour of writing to Your Excellency was dated the 11th by the hand of Colo. Gimad. I have since presented to Congress Your Excellency’s favors of the 11th & 12th which were immediately Committed & remain unconsidered. Your Excellency will receive under this Cover an Act of Congress of the present date for allowing Officers in the Army certain half pay after the end of the...
Permit me to congratulate you on the passing a Resolution for a Kind of Establishment at this late Hour It is not what you wished but it may do You must pardon a little to the Republicanism of our Ideas. What is a little extraordinary there was no Dissentient State and only two Individuals Yet no Measure hath ever been more severely contested. We shall now go thro the Regimental & other...
By last nights post I received your favor of the 5th Instant. I thank you for your exertions to raise a body of Cavalry for reinforcing and relieving those belonging to the Army, which by the severe service of the last campaign are much reduced. As motives of generosity and duty bring your Corps to the field, I flatter myself they will render essential services; and that their conduct will be...
I have been duly favoured with your letters of the 16th and 26th of last month, with their inclosures. I am sorry to observe, that the Disposition of the Indian nations is not generally so favourable, as could be wished; but it is not to be wondered at, when we consider, the advantages the enemy possess over us, in the means of supplying their wants, and rewarding their friendships. I doubt...
AL : Princeton University Library Be so good as to answer to our Friend that it is impossible Mr. Hartley could have said what is represented above, no such Thing having ever been intimated to him; nor has the least Idea of the kind ever been in the Minds of the Commissioners, particularly Dr. F. who does not Care how many Spies are plac’d about him by the Court of France having nothing to...
I do myself the honor to inclose the postscript to Hall & Sellers’s Paper of the 9th instant containing the message of the undersigned Ambassador of the Court of France to the Court of London; his Majesty’s Speech in Consequence &c. &c. The message is couched in terms very ludicrous and merry. It also speaks tacitly the Power and determination of France. It has chagrined the King and Ministry...
Messrs. Basmarine, Raimbeaux and Co. having represented to Us, that they have applied to Government for a Frigate, to be employed in Defence of their Commerce to and from America, and in making Reprisals for the Losses they have lately Sustained by our Enemies. We the Commissioners of the united States of North America, hereby request, that Such a Frigate may be granted them: and in that Case,...
We had this Morning the Honour of receiving your Excellency’s Letter of the 13. Instant relative to the Boston Frigate. We beg leave to assure your Excellency that the Frigate called the Boston, now at Bourdeaux, is a Ship of War belonging to the 13 United States of North America, built and maintained at their Expence, by the Honourable Congress. We therefore, humbly presume that his Majestys...
As I hinted to you in my letter of yesterday, which goes by a different Vessel from what bears this, Half-pay for 7 years, if they live so long, is granted to the Officers who serve the War out. It was also resolved to give 80 Dollars to the Men in addition to their Land. The Commissioners at the Courts of Tuscany Vienna and Berlin are to have plenipotentiary Commissions and not to be...