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Results 29221-29230 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have been long, very long, without receiving a Letter from you—or hearing of you:—but I suppose you & my other Correspondents, have not wrote in expectation of soon seeing me. This will be my last from this Country.— We set out on Monday or Tuesday. I could have departed a few days earlier, but Mrs. H. requested I would delay it that she might be able to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your Excellency will we trust pardon Our boldness in adressing you on the present Occasion, And we therefore without further apology for the intrusion, beg leave to acquant you that Our Vessel De Brunetta Cap’n Thomas Griffiey with a cargo of Wine & Fruit from Oporto was Seized upon, on the nineteenth of August in Lat: 49”11 Long: 7”3 from Teneriffe by the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society A number of people, as usual, sought Franklin’s help to emigrate to the New World or recommended their restless friends to his good graces. As far as we know, none of them received any encouragement from him. Louis Fouché writes from Romegoux in the Charente on December 4. Thirty-six years old, a native of the island of Oléron, and son of Capt. André Fouché...
AL : American Philosophical Society <Whitehall, May 7, 1771, a note in the third person. A warrant is signed appointing Mr. Coxe, on Governor Franklin’s recommendation, to the Council of New Jersey; wishes to know who will take charge of sending the warrant.> For Daniel Coxe see above, XIV , 300 n. WF had recommended him in January on the death of the incumbent; the recommendation was endorsed...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania It is easy to perceive the Disposition of the People by the last Election under the Burthen of their heavy Taxes and several severe Losses upon particulars from the Conduct of some of the Military Gentlemen towards such as have supplied Our Western Army with Carriages, they are yet willing to bear these and every Thing else in their Power in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote you two letters last Summer in which I mentioned the feu Gregois and the Comte de Rostaing. I wish I had known by a single line That They came Safe to Hand. This goes by that Gentleman who is a Genl. officer of Artilery, and a Man of great Worth. If You will venture to take a friend of my recommending I recommend Him to you. He was sent out as...
AL : American Philosophical Society A number of letters like this that make concrete and, as far as we know, fruitless offers can conveniently be discussed together here. At about the same time as Montécot’s proposal, but with no date, comes one to the commissioners from Louis-Gabriel Le Roÿ in Paris. He is a master carpenter and cabinet-maker for French officers, and the enclosed prospectus...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Nous recevons dans le moment d’envoy de mr Jn Williams de nantes pour votre Compte 6 Caisses de madere, a leur arrivées nous les avons examinées, il sen est trouvé quelsqunes de Cassées & ce parcequ’elles etoient fort mal Embalées, & si il faut vous les expedier dans le tat ou elles sonts vous En aurez plus de la moitié de Cassées dicy Chez vous En...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library L’eloignement et une multitude d’affaires, m’ont empêché d’aller vous temoigner moi même, la part que j’ai prise à votre maladie et à votre retablissement— Je n’ai pû envoyer chez vous que mon domestique— Je vous supplie de ne pas douter du vif interêt que je prens à votre conservation et prosperité. Je vous prie aussi de presenter mes civilitez à...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bourges, January 2, 1779, in French: I want to warn you against a certain Leralle who has just gone bankrupt for more than 60,000 francs and has sneaked off to Paris to implore your protection. He is a perfect scoundrel who owes money to everybody here and especially to me. He has debauched a young man of good family, baron de Bussiere, whom he is now...