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Results 29221-29250 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
29221Notes on Debates, 5 December 1782 (Madison Papers)
MS ( LC : Madison Papers). See Notes on Debates, 4 November 1782 , ed. n. Mr. Lowel & Mr. Reed were elected Judges of the Court of Appeals. Mr. P. Smith of N. Jersey had the vote of that State; and Mr. Merchant of Rhode Island the vote of that State. The Resolutions respecting Vermont moved by Mr. McKean on the day of were taken into Consideration. They were seconded by Mr. Hamilton, as...
29222[Diary entry: 18 April 1770] (Washington Papers)
18. Cold & Raw all day. Wind Eastwardly in the Morning & Southwardly afterwards—much like Rain.
To the General assembly of Virginia the Commonwealth of Virginia the petition of Joseph Miller of the borough of Norfolk in the sd commonwealth humbly sheweth That Frances Reed , mother of your Petitioner, having had issue by a former marriage Anne and Thomas Reed , intermarried with
Paris, 7 June 1788. Transmits “le protet faute d’acceptation de la remise de £300. que Mr. Paradise nous a endossée sur Mrs. Rowles & Grimes.” Ask whether TJ wishes them to send to him the draft itself. RC ( DLC ); 1 p.; endorsed by TJ: “Paradise Grand.”
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (letterbook draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief, The Hague Il me semble que j’ai été assez longtemps discret, en n’interrompant point votre retraite; et que je suis bien pardonnable de ne plus résister à la tentation d’adresser directement la parole à notre bon Pere qui est à Passy. Quand j’écris à l’un de vous, Messieurs, j’entends toujours écrire à tous les...
The Secretary of the Treasury presents his respects to the president of the U: States, encloses the arrangement for retrospective compensations to officers of the Revenue, which, agreeably to the intimation of the president, has been retained. Mr. Hamilton will wait on the President between 12 & one to give the explanations desired. LC , George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. The...
Mrs. Byrd the other day inclosed to me copies of two entries under your hand, the one for 1000 acres at and near the Lead mines on both sides New river joining Forbes’s and Herbert’s land including the Mine hill, the other for 1000 acres at the big French Salt lick on the S. W. side of Cumberland river near the mouth of Stone’s creek, both made by Colo. Byrd on the 1st. of March 1774 by virtue...
West Point, September 6, 1779. Approves regulations proposed for the department of prisoners, but makes suggestions for changes in regulations. Df , in writings of Richard Kidder Meade, Tench Tilghman, and H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
(Private) To my letters of the 20th of February and 5th of March, I beg leave to refer you for the disclosure of my sentiments on the subjects then mentioned to you. Very soon afterwards, a long, and animated discussion in the House of Representatives relative to the Treaty of Amity, Commerce & Navigation with Great Britain, took place; and continued—in one shape or another—until the last of...
The inclosed , recd Yesterday is presented. you for your Government.—The Painter —Mr Dougherty—informed me was in Town a few days ago.—said he abt. to set out for Monticello—in a day—or two—I desired Mr D. to tell him—I wished to see him—not having called. presume he is on his way to M. The within Articles I hope will reach Rd: & M. in time for a seasonable use of them— with due Respect to the...
I have received your Letter of the 5th inst. announcing the Choice of a new President of Congress, upon the Principles of the Confederation—I shall in future conduct myself agreeable to this Information. I have the Honor to be Sir Your most Obedt Servant DNA : Item 152, Letters from George Washington, PCC—Papers of the Continental Congress.
Your favor of the 13 th was rec d last night, from the contents of it I presume my letter of the 12 th was not sufficiently explicit on some points to be correctly understood in the way that I intended it should be, you will therefore please excuse my again troubling you on the subject—It was not my intention to claim additional compensation for any business wherein this institution itself was...
To abolish Coloniel distinctions, however desirable it may be, is next to impossible—Great pains in the early part of this war was used, in vain, to do this; but even in the New England States, where the Sentiments—& customs of the People have an exact semilarity, it was found impracticable. The new modeling of the Army, and reducing supernumerary Officers is a very desirable matter, and...
Th: Jefferson has the honor to present to the view of the President the subjects relative to Algiers, under their different aspects. on further consideration, & paying special attention to the circumstances of the present moment, which render expence an obstacle perhaps to what would be the best plan, he suggests others which would not be eligible under other circumstances, or for any length...
This being the appointed Day 25 Senators attended & the Budget was opened & read. No discussion has yet taken place, & it has been determined that untill otherwise ordered by the Senate no publication of its contents shall be made. This will account for my not giving you particulars. I will however barely hint to you, that Capt. Blaneys statement where inacurate, was in favor of the...
I nominate Hore Browse Trist of the Missisipi territory to be collector of the district of Missipi. Benjamin Morgan of New Orleans to be Naval officer of the port of New Orleans William G. Garland of New Orleans to be Surveyor and Inspector of the revenue for the port of New Orleans. Alexander Bailey of the Missisipi territory to be Collector of the district, and Inspector of the revenue for...
§ From Robert Patton. 20 December 1814, Fredericksburg. “By desire of your Brother, Genl. Madison, I have paid Two Installments on your Turnpike Stock, 8th & 9th, amounting to Two Hundred Dollars, which you will please remit to me at your convenience.” RC ( DLC ).
The more I reflect upon the late Revolution in the British Ministry the more I am Struck, with the Conduct of Mr Fox. I am become, upon certain Conditions his Admirer, and almost wish to be his Friend! . The Conditions are two 1. That his Conduct has been the Result of Deliberation and Judgment, not of mere Jealousy Ambition, or Resentment. 2. That he has Patience and Fortitude enough to...
To enable me to forward by express, to the department of State some public Dispatches, I have this day drawn upon you for five hundred Dollars, payable at 5 days sight to J. W. Gurley or order. I am sir, very respectfully your hble sert. DNA : RG 59-TP-Territorial Papers, Orleans.
29240General Orders, 1 December 1775 (Washington Papers)
The fatal consequences which have at all times, and upon all Occasions, befallen Armies attacked at unawares, when Men are scattered and remote from their posts, or negligent whilst at them, are too well known, and very often too unhappily felt, to stand in need of description: Whereas, a handful of men, prepared for an Attack, are seldom defeated. It is therefore ordered, in the most express...
29241[April 6. 1776.] (Adams Papers)
April 6. 1776. Congress resumed the consideration of the Report, from the Committee of the whole, and the same being twice read, and debated by paragraphs, was agreed to. These Resolutions are on the Journal, and amount to something. They opened the Ports and sett our Commerce at Liberty: But they were far short of what had been moved by Members from Massachusetts, Maryland and Virginia. There...
29242[Diary entry: 29 January 1780] (Washington Papers)
29th. Clear and cold without much wind—which in the forenoon was Westerly & in the afternoon to Southwd.
§ From George Read. 25 November 1815, New Castle. “I beg leave to offer you my resignation of the office of attorney of the United States for Delaware District—which I have the honor to request your acceptance of.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, LRD ). 1 p.
I have received your letter of the 6th. inst. and enclose an answer for Mr. Wigginton. Mr. Lee’s statement accompanies it. If Mr. W. be innocent, it is necessary to suppose that his assurance to the latter was founded on a fraud of which he was made the dupe himself, and that his privity in the corrupt agreement, by drafting it, is falsly testified by Erving and the broker. Mr. Lee on a former...
Queries. 1. What are the settlements of citizens on the East side of Pearl River? stating their geographical position, extent & numbers. 2. are there good lands adjoining them to render them capable of enlargement 3. have they encroached on the Indians? 4. are the settlements in a course of enlargement by persons settling down on lands without title? 5. the general character of the inhabitants...
Upon taking up your Register the other day, a communication respecting drawing rooms, attracted my attention. Your correspondent must have been misinformed when he states, that there was any distinction of party made at the drawing room while I had the honor to preside there; any gentleman or lady, of either party, who chose to visit there, were received with equal civility. And from your...
29247[August 1772] (Washington Papers)
Augt. 1. Rid to the Ferry Plantn., Mill, Doeg Run, and Muddy hole. 2. Went to Pohick Church and Dined with Mrs. Washington & Patcy Custis at Captn. McCartys. Came home in the Afternn. 3. At home all day alone. 4. Rid to the Ferry Plantation and returnd from thence. 5. At home all day alone. 6. Rid to the Ferry Plantation Mill Doeg Run and Muddy hole. 7. At home all day writing & Posting my...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I recd. your Favour by the Count d’Attems. I should be happy to procure him a Passage on the Terms desired but know of no way of doing it unless he goes on board one of the Frigates at L’orient; but even there it will not be without expence as he has not any money for his daily subsistence. I cannot say anything of the Lion to him, as I must even deny...
ALS (draft): American Philosophical Society This well known letter was apparently first published in The Gentleman’s Magazine , LIX (1789), 384–5; the printed version differs substantially from the draft in only a few passages, noted below. Little is known about John Alleyne: he was the son of Thomas Alleyne of Queen Street, Westminster, was admitted to the Middle Temple in 1767, married Nancy...
Inclosed are letters from David Hobbs, Richard Bland Lee, Wm. Mason, H. G. Otis, Lt. Gov. Gill, Thomas Seymour, John Lillie, Gen. Philemon Dickinson, James Coskey, Judge Peters, John More, Samuel Panneli late ensign requesting or recommending to offices in the army which I transmit to you that all may appear upon your books & files. MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.