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Results 29221-29250 of 184,431 sorted by author
Inclosed herewith you will receive My Work on interest which I have taken the liberty to Send for your perusal When at leisure. I am preparing a Work on interest which will Consist of near 400 quarto pages with the calculations made at 6 pr ct pr Annum on all Sums from One dollar to Four hundred, then by Fifties to Two thousand, then by One hundreds to Three thousand, & then by One Thousands...
Enclosed you will receive my Work on interest which I have taken the liberty to send for your perusal when at leisure. I am now preparing a work on interest which will consist of nearly 400 Quarto pages, with the calculations all made at 6 p r c t p r Annum on all sums from $1– to $400. then by 50 s to $2000.. then by 100 s to $3000.. & then by 1000 s to $10.000.. from 1 to 365 days. Every day...
By the Linnean Society of this City, I have recently been appointed to deliver their next anniversary discourse. The subject which I have selected for the occasion, is, an inquiry into the causes, and changes of climate. In consequence of the almost total want of written documents, I find that I am exceedingly embarrassed to collect a sufficient number of facts to warrant any conclusion...
The very polite manner in which I was received when I had the honor to visit you about two years ago assures me, that, I may safely assume the liberty of enclosing you a Copy of the Prospectus of a work which I am preparing for the Press. You will perceive that my design is to collect, and to preserve by embodying, those Splendid Specimens of the Eloquence of the Bar & Parliament which are now...
I have the honor to inclose you a Copy of the prospectus of a work which I am about to put to press. The value of such a compilation as the one I contemplate is so obvious that, I shall say nothing to recommend it, except, that my exertions in the collection of Speeches have been very successful, & that I shall be able to present the best exhibition of Modern Eloquence. It would be gratifying...
I have now the satisfaction of sending to you the Work on Colonial Policy, which has so long been witheld only, by the want of an earlier conveyance. General Wilkenson has promised me to have it delivered to you. The author , by whom it was presented to me, is extremely anxious to receive your approbation of his Book. Any testimony of its merits from you, I shall take great pleasure in...
Mr. Henshaw and Ambrose Madison [ ]t attend at [ ] your house today at 4 oClock, [for an acknow?]ledgment of the deed, which I enclose you Very respy & affcy RC (DLC) .
You were appointed a delegate, with six others at a large meeting of our citizens on monday, to represent the county in the convention proposed to be held in Charlottesville, on the 10th of July, to deliberate RC (fragment) (DLC) .
Mr. Davis has just requested me to send you the enclosed $100, and to ask you to acknowledge the receipt of it tomorrow, by Post. very affy RC (PPPrHi) .
I am about to trouble you in a matter of delicacy and of interest. I do so, not without great reluctance: indeed nothing could impel me to it, but what I consider an imperious duty to a friend, and to truth. Mr. Smith, the competitor of Mr. Slaughter, in the Senatorial Canvass, asserted on thursday last, at a publick meeting, in the upper part of this county, as a gentleman of intelligence and...
I have at last, got the decree, in the case of your mother’s estate, compleated, which I propose to enter on monday. I send it to you for your inspection, before hand, lest it might not agree with your views. I will thank you to note any alterations which you consider proper, and I will modify the decree accordingly. You will observe, that the commissioners are directed to state an account...
I am very sorry that it will not be in my power to leave home tomorrow; but as it is desirable for obvious reasons, that the execution of the deed should not be unnecessarily delayed, I will, if you wish it, get the gentlemen spoken of as witnesses, to go up; or if you think my presence will be at all necessary, I will go over with them in Fragment of RC ( DLC ). Remainder of text, closure,...
This Indenture, made this day of one thousand eight hundred and thirty between Charles P. Howard and Reynolds Chapman of the first part Coleby Cowherd of the second part, Francis K. Cowherd of the third part and James Madison of the fourth part, all of the county of Orange and state of Virginia. Whereas the said James Madison, in order to secure to the said Francis K. Cowherd the payment of...
I owe you an apoligy for not having before informed you, that there was a final Decree in relation to your Mothers Estate at Augt. term. You are to rece. from Mr<s>. Macon the sum of $227.65. with Interest on $196.77, part thereof from 1<4th> May 1833 & from your brother the sum of $210.87—with Int. on $135.03—part <time>, from 15th May 1833—They pay the mony directly to you, that is, not...
I duly received your letter, covering the packet to your mother, (which was delivered to her) and that of the 18th. inst on tuesday evening last —the $55 inclosed in the latter, I paid to Mr. Taylor; whose receipt you will herewith receive. We had had almost continual rains for nearly three weeks previous to wednesday last, when there was one of the most tremendous showers I ever saw,...
I duly received your two letters and appropriated the money enclosed in the manner you directed; receipts for which you will receive herewith, together with another which has been lying in the office sometime. You will observe by the statemt. below, that the sum last enclosed was not sufficient to discharge the claims mentioned in that letter, the balance I advanced and which you will consider...
I hope you will pardon the Liberty I have taken of Adressing my Self to you but haveing waited on Mr: Barttly Expecting Some Assistance from him, he Informd me it was not in his Line but that your Excellency was the only person to Apply too. These lines will Inform your Excellency that I was Mate of a Con­ tinental Packet Call’d the Active Commanded by John Hodge Esqr: from Philadelphia Bound...
Michael Ross Esqr. Collector of the Revenue for the 21st. District of the State of Pennsylvania, having transmitted his resignation in consequence of indisposition, We take the liberty of recommending Dr. Joseph Wood of the Borough of Williamsport, Lycoming county as his Successor. Dr. Wood, in our opinion certainly possesses the requisite qualifications to discharge the duties of Collector...
The marks of friendship and kindness which you have had the goodness to bestow upon me during my tour through the United States have made too deep an impression upon me not to be remembered with the most lively sensibility. The interest which you have always taken in the welfare of the French gives a title to them and to me to make you acquainted with my arrival at Savannah with the heads of...
Actuated by the great necessity which I now labour for the use of such books as I find almost impossible for me to obtain in my present cramped situatintian I am under the painful necessity of requesting your assistance so far as to let me have access to your library I am por and have nothing to offer you in return for this great favor if it should be granted But a name clear of reproach which...
Calais, France, 21 Nov. 1789. Requests membership in the Society of the Cincinnati for the officers of the régiment d’Auvergne (formerly the régiment de Gatinais). ALS , in French, DSoC . Charles-Bertin-Gaston Chapuy de Tourville (1740–1809) entered the French service in 1755 and by April 1776 had risen to the rank of major in the régiment de Gâtinais. He served with the comte d’Estaing in...
AD : American Philosophical Society Le Sieur Mouret Avocat en Parlement et secretaire du Parquet du Parlement de Provence se trouvant Le Pere d’environ douze Enfants et La modicité de sa fortune exigeant qu’il fit embrasser a ses Enfants des Etats utiles en a fait Elever d’euxs dans La Profession de La Librairie et deuxs dans L’imprimerie. Dans Le nombre des deuxs destines a L’imprimerie L’un...
M. le comte de la Luzerne a eû hier une conférence avec M. le Comte De Montmorin, à laquelle j’ai été appellé, relativement à la Saisie des armes, appartenantes aux états unis, saisies à Nantes par le Sieur Puchelberg, entre les mains du Sieur Schwingauser, et dont vous demandez la main levée au nom des états unis. Ces deux Ministres m’ont chargé d’écrire au Sieur Puchelberg pour l’engager à...
LS : American Philosophical Society Vous pouvez precher l’admiration; c’est un sentiment que vous inspirez; mais je me rends trop de justice pour croire mériter tout ce que vous voulez bien me marquer de flatteur sur mon requisitoire. J’ai fait parler le Langage de la vérité; c’est le devoir de tout magistrat, et je ferai parler celui de mon cœur, et je me joindrai à toute la france, quand...
Je ne puis mieux repondre à la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de M’ecrire qu’en vous envoyant Celle que M. le directeur General vous ecrit relativement à l’arret interpretatif De Celui Du 28 7bre Dernier, et que ce ministre a remis hier à M. Lambert Pour vous La faire parvenir. Je joins egalement ici quelques exemplaires De l’arret du Sept decembre qui n’a ete imprimé qu’hier. Je suis...
10 July 1812. “The memorial & remonstrance of the Inhabitants of the Town of Charlemont in the County of Franklin & Commonwealth of Massachusetts humbly sheweth; that they hold in the highest estimation the right Solomnly guarranteed to them as free Citizens of a great Republic by the Constitution of their Country; of peaceably assembling together & of expressing their Opinion, of the measures...
ALS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères We print this long letter in full because Franklin replied to it at almost equal length. He was convinced that the initiator of the proposals made here was King George himself. But the circumstances of the time make such an assumption questionable. Bona fide agents of Whitehall had already sounded out the commissioners to the point where...
§ From Charles, Grand Duke of Baden. 2 May 1816, Karlsruhe. Announces the birth of his son and prince the previous evening. RC ( DNA : RG 59, Communications from Heads of Foreign States, Baden). 1 p.; in French; in a clerk’s hand, signed by Charles.
Los achaques de que adolezco, no permitiendome soportar por mas tiempo el grave peso del Gobernio de estos Reynos, hé resuelto, despues de la mas seria deliberacion, abdicar la Corona en favor de mi muy amado Hijo Fernando, Principe de Asturias, para gozar en clima mas templado, la tranquilidad de la vida privada. Os comunico esta mi determinacion, añadiendo o s que, estando bien persuadido de...
Extract printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1755–1756 (Philadelphia, 1756), p. 172. Each October from 1751 through 1756 Franklin was appointed to the committee to correspond with the Assembly agents in England. In addition to representing the Assembly in the continuing dispute with the Proprietors, the agents often responded to inquiries from British officials...