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Results 29201-29250 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Agreeable to your desire I have enclos’d a Draft on the Bank of Columbia for 257$ 22 Cts. The...
29 January 1810, Sapelo Island. Fears that the book manuscript [mentioned in his 25 Apr. 1809...
29 January 1810, Lenox Castle, North Carolina. Seeks appointment for his brother, Marmaduke...
29 January 1810, Washington. JM grants “a full and entire pardon” to five enlisted men...
29 January 1810, Washington. JM grants a general pardon to all army deserters who “shall within...
Letter not found. 29 January 1810. Described as a one-page letter in the lists probably made by...
Yours of the 25 th came to hand last night & I am quite satisfied to pay the 2. months interest...
Your letter of the 16th Dec r only came to my hands a few Days back. the delay was occasioned by...
I contemplate publishing, under the patronage of D r David Ramsay , a succinct biography, of all...
I have received your favour of the 16th. inst. After I had distinctly named the causes of a...
John Walker a half breed Cherokee who resides on the eastern side of Highwassee river, in the...
This Letter will be handed to you by my son Charles, who is already known to you by...
Your letter of Nov. 5. was two months on it’s passage to me. I am very thankful for all the kind...
Permit me to request you to accept my cordial thanks for the list of your works, obligingly...
Mr Harrison states that the swords purchased by Mr Livingston for the State of Virginia cost 257...
Had not Mr Brent came in & interupted our Conversation I should have mentioned some applications...
I have the honor of sending you by Captain Fenwick, a copy of Mr. Bottas’ “ Storia della guerra...
26 January 1810. No. 2. Asserts that France has espoused the cause of universal monarchy since...
Your letter of the 21 st brought to my mind Col o Bentley’s business. I immediately examined the...
You were one of the Commissioners (and now I believe the only surviving one) for carrying into...
Copy of the statement of paiments furnished by Col o Bentley . ‘the following paiments have been...
During my absence, which was nearly through the whole month of July, the following state papers...
In compliance with directions from a numerous and respectable Meeting of the Citizens of this...
25 January 1810, Washington. On 2 Jan. the president, with the advice and consent of the Senate,...
your esteemed fav r 17 th Instant , conveyed to me, the pleasure of Contemplating the happy...
Your favor of Dec. 12. was long coming to hand. I am much concerned to learn that any...
By the mail of yesterday I received your obliging Letter of the 17th. Your sentiments in favor of...
Your’s of the 15 th is recieved & I am disconsolate on learning my mistake as to your having a...
I have the honor to enclose you a paper containing a late Report of the Adjutant General of this...
I was sorry, by a letter from mr Barlow the other day, to learn the ill state of your health, and...
I was happy to see you so well, when I had the Honor of your last visit at Manchester , I went to...
Th: Jefferson returns his thanks to Mess rs J. & Thomas Foster for the Prospectus of their paper....
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Granger with his thanks for the two specimens of...
The inclosed letter would have been more properly addressed to yourself, or perhaps to the...
A letter from Govr. Tyler answering an enquiry as to the $300 deposited in my hands to pay for...
22 January 1810. Transmits “an account of the Contingent expenditures of the Government for the...
22 January 1810. Transmits a report of the secretary of the treasury “on the subject of...
Having for some time past contemplated the publication of a translation of Buchanan’s Dialogue “...
Thanks for “the light and Truth” as I used to call the Aurora, which you sent me. You may descend...
I had the pleasure yesterday of receiving an address from the first magistrate of the only...
I enclose to you a letter from Colo: Bently of Virginia —You will find among your papers another...
I have duly recieved your favor of the 8 th inst. informing me that the American Philosophical...
I received your obliging favour of the 11 th instant . It would afford me real satisfaction,...
I received some days ago a letter of the 10th inst. from Doctor Logan, containing observations on...
J’ai reçu avec une vive reconnaissance la lettre dont Votre Excellence m’a honoré le 3 décembre...
Having lately, with some pains, been able to obtain a few Merino Sheep, warranted of the best...
J’ai reçu vos deux lettres du 16 may et du 28 juin , la premiere longtems après la derniere qui...
It is so often suspected that marks of attention, in the way of trifling presents, to persons in...
Your favor of the 10 th inst. has been duly recieved & I now return you the paper it inclosed...
M r Watkins , who superintended & worked with my out-carpenters, has left me this year. he was...