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Results 29151-29200 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Wilmington, North Carolina, April 18, 1791. “It being conceived by the Commissioners of the...
I have received two pressing letters, one from the Surveyor of the Port of Warren & Barrington...
Altho many of the Certificates the property of the State of Pennsylvania were not yet assigned...
I send you herewith a plan for a manufacturing Society in conformity to the Ideas we have several...
[ Philadelphia, April 20, 1791. On May 16, 1791, Gibbs wrote to Hamilton : “I have been honored...
I duly received your letter of the 9th. instant about which time I transmitted to you the...
The remarks you propose to make upon the coasting law will be very acceptable, as the new bill...
I do not conceive the laws will admit of a Collectors receiving & certifying a Manifest of goods...
Providence, April 21, 1791. “I have been Honor’d with your favour of 11th Inst.… I am much...
[ Philadelphia ] April 22, 1791 . “I have herewith enclosed a Contract with Joseph Anthony & Son,...
New York, April 23, 1791. “I am indebted to the Honor of your esteemed favor of the 14 Inst &...
Your letters of the 7th of December & 19 of January have come duly to hand. What you mention...
[ Philadelphia ] April 23, 1791 . “I am desirous of having the evidence preserved of the Original...
New York, April 24, 1791. “Whilst Congress was in Session I would not disturb you, I now beg...
I do my self the honour to transmit to you my Accounts which remain unsettled, for the last two...
The 21st. of this month I received a thermometer which by your direction was sent to me from New...
Wilmington [ North Carolina ] April 25, 1791. States that the President thinks that Joseph...
Providence, April 25, 1791. “From a difficulty which arises to git an old Millitary officer of...
Providence, April 25, 1791. “Permit me to introduce to your acquaintance the Bearer… John S....
[ Philadelphia, April 25, 1791. The description of this letter in the dealer’s catalogue reads:...
[ Philadelphia, April 26, 1791. On May 20, 1791, Habersham wrote to Hamilton : “I have … received...
You have been advised of the application of Samuel Dodge to the President for a Pardon. You know...
[ Philadelphia, April 26, 1791. On May 3, 1791, McHenry wrote to Hamilton : “I did not receive...
Boston, April 27, 1791. “I wrote you 9th instant. I am this minute favoured with your Circular...
[ Philadelphia, April 27, 1791. On May 9, 1791, Ellery wrote to Hamilton : “I have received your...
By the last post I was honoured by the receipt of your favours of the 8th. & 11th instant. I have...
The bills of the old emmissions enclosed in your letter of the 22d December are now returned to...
I had the Honor of receiving your Letter of the 26th. and shall pay due Attention to the...
A few days since Captain Codman arrived here from the west indies. In his entery he returned one...
Pursuant to a Resolution of the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,...
[ Philadelphia ] May 1, 1791 . A record of Hamilton’s administration of Church’s affairs “as ⅌...
[ Philadelphia, May 2, 1791. On May 15, 1791, Nathaniel Appleton wrote to Hamilton : “I am...
[ Boston, May 2, 1791. On May 26, 1791, Hamilton wrote to Ward : “I duly received your letter of...
Boston, May 3, 1791. “Your circular Letter 8th April is received. An Account agreably to the form...
I did not receive your letter of the 26th till the morning of the 2d. I immediately after saw...
I am informed, that a doubt has been made, whether in order to obtain the Credit for two years ,...
Instructions relative to the collection of the Duties on Teas are now preparing, and will be very...
Since my last of April 9. I have received a letter from M. de Montmorin in which he informs me...
[ Philadelphia, May 5, 1791. On May 15, 1791, Appleton wrote to Hamilton : “I am … favoured with...
On the 28th. of Augt. 1788, the late Board of Treasury of the U.S. under the authority of a...
Providence, May 5, 1791. “It sometimes happens that Coasting Vessels, belonging to other...
[ Philadelphia, May 6, 1791. In a letter dated May 27, 1791 , and addressed to “Thomas Forrest,...
Treasury Department, Comptroller’s Office, May 6, 1791. “On examining the Accounts of John...
Yours of the 14th & 15th Ulto I have duly received together with the last Acts of Congress. I...
I have transmitted the accounts enclosed in your letter of the 27 Ultimo to the Auditor of the...
The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor to inform the Secretary of State that there are in...
I have received your letters of the 11 & 14 of last month. Concluding from Mr. Shorts statement...
[ Philadelphia, May 7, 1791. On September 7, 1791, Wentworth wrote to Hamilton : “Your letters of...
Charleston [ South Carolina ] May 8, 1791 . “Mr. Cogdell, the Collector of Georgetown appearing...
[ Philadelphia, May 9, 1791. Letter listed in dealer’s catalogue. Letter not found. ] LS , sold...