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Results 29151-29200 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
29151 Washington, George Wharton, Thomas, Jr. George Washington to Thomas Wharton, Junior, 11 May … 1778-05-11 [ Valley Forge ] May 11, 1778 . Is disappointed that so few militiamen are available. Asks that a...
29152 Moylan, James American Commissioners James Moylan to the American Commissioners, 11 May 1778 1778-05-11 ALS : American Philosophical Society I am this moment informed by a Gentleman from Brest, that...
29153 Williams, Jonathan Jr. American Commissioners Jonathan Williams, Jr., to the American Commissioners … 1778-05-11 ALS : American Philosophical Society <Brest, May 11, 1778: You will have heard the news of Capt....
29154 Washington, George General Orders, 11 May 1778 1778-05-11 A Court of Enquiry to sit tomorrow morning nine ôClock at General Varnum’s Hut to take into...
29155 Baylor, George Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel George Baylor, 11 May … 1778-05-11 Your favor of the third instant I receivd by Capt. Lewis and shall endeavour to merit your...
29156 Custis, John Parke Washington, George To George Washington from John Parke Custis, 11 May … 1778-05-11 Having been disappointed by a Series of Accidents in visiting you the Winter past, I am now...
29157 Day, Benjamin Washington, George To George Washington from Benjamin Day, 11 May 1778 1778-05-11 I have lately had an offer made me in the civil Department of this State, which I think to my...
29158 Washington, George Johnson, Thomas From George Washington to Thomas Johnson, 11 May 1778 1778-05-11 I was, some little time past, empowered by Congress to call for 5000 Militia from the States of...
29159 Washington, George Lacey, John Jr. From George Washington to Brigadier General John Lacey … 1778-05-11 Brigadier General Potters return from the Westward, affords me an opportunity of releiving you in...
29160 Washington, George Laurens, Henry From George Washington to Henry Laurens, 11 May 1778 1778-05-11 I take the liberty to transmit to Congress a copy of a Letter from General Howe, which I received...
29161 Laurens, Henry Washington, George To George Washington from Henry Laurens, 11 May 1778 1778-05-11 Since my last of the 6th Instant by Sharp I have not received any of Your Excellency’s favors....
29162 Lawrence, Jonathan Washington, George To George Washington from Jonathan Lawrence, 11 May … 1778-05-11 The Legislator of the State of New york agreable to the Resolution of Congress of the 26th Febr....
29163 Washington, George McDougall, Alexander From George Washington to Major General Alexander … 1778-05-11 I am favd with yours of the 6th instant inclosing a Return of the Troops under your command. From...
29164 Maxwell, William Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General William … 1778-05-11 I am now at the Cross roads refreshing the Men Major Haws sent me a light horse by way of crooked...
29165 Washington, George Stirling, Lord (né William Alexander) From George Washington to Major General Stirling, 11 … 1778-05-11 I have received your Letter of yesterdays date. I had no particular person in view when I issued...
29166 Washington, George Wharton, Thomas Jr. From George Washington to Thomas Wharton, Jr., 11 May … 1778-05-11 I have been duly honoured with your favour of the 5th. It is matter of regret, that the want of...
29167 Lee, Richard Henry Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Richard Henry Lee, 11 May 1778 1778-05-11 We have once more ventured into the field of composition as the inclosed Address will shew you....
29168 Franklin, Benjamin Melmoth, Courtney From Benjamin Franklin to Courtney Melmoth, [on or … 1778-05-12 AL (draft): American Philosophical Society It was with greater Inconvenience to myself, than you...
29169 Adams, John May 12. Tuesday. 1778-05-12 Dined, at Mr. Dupré’s, at the Montagne. The Gardens and the Prospect are very fine. It lies...
29170 Adams, John [May 12. Tuesday. 1778.] 1778-05-12 May 12. Tuesday. 1778. Mr. Deane had left the care of his Son Jesse with Dr. Franklin and Dr....
29171 Adams, John Vernon, William Jr. From John Adams to William Vernon Jr., 12 May 1778 1778-05-12 Passy, 12 May 1778. printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams ,...
29172 Bondfield, John First Joint Commission at Paris John Bondfield to the Commissioners, 12 May 1778 1778-05-12 Yesterday came into this Port the Brig Peggy Captain Kelly from No. Carolina. She has on board...
29173 Dumas, Charles William Frederic First Joint Commission at Paris C. W. F. Dumas to the Commissioners, 12 May 1778 1778-05-12 Je ne vous parlerai de mes opérations ici, en conséquence de vos ordres du 30e. Avril, que...
29174 Dumas, Charles William Frederic First Joint Commission at Paris C. W. F. Dumas to the Commissioners: A Translation, 12 … 1778-05-12 I will not refer to my dealings here with respect to your orders of 30 April until I am in a...
29175 Hamilton, Alexander Oath of Allegiance, [12 May 1778] 1778-05-12 I Alexander Hamilton Lieutenant Colonel and Aide De Camp to His Excellency The commander in Chief...
29176 Washington, George Connor, Morgan George Washington to Lieutenant Colonel Morgan Connor … 1778-05-12 Valley Forge, May 12, 1778 . Discusses courts-martial. Df , in writing of H, George Washington...
29177 Melmoth, Courtney Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Courtney Melmoth, 12 May 1778 1778-05-12 ALS : American Philosophical Society I wish you would (in the present Exigence) extend your...
29178 Bondfield, John American Commissioners John Bondfield to the American Commissioners, 12 May … 1778-05-12 (I) and (II) ALS : American Philosophical Society I have just time in Compliance to Mr....
29179 Dumas, Charles-Guillaume-Frédéric American Commissioners Dumas to the American Commissioners, 12 May 1778 … 1778-05-12 ALS : American Philosophical Society <The Hague, May 12, 1778, in French: I shall not speak of my...
29180 Bouffé, Pierre-Gabriel Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Pierre-Gabriel Bouffé … 1778-05-12 ALS : American Philosophical Society Deux Particuliers desireroient acquerir une ou plusieurs...
29181 Ingenhousz, Jan Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Ingenhousz, 12 [May] 1778 1778-05-12 Letterbook abstract: Gemeente-Archief, Statserf, Breda To Dr. Franklin in passy that sir john...
29182 Le Roux, C.-J. Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from C.-J. Le Roux, 12 May 1778 1778-05-12 ALS : American Philosophical Society Tandis que vous travaillez avec autant d’ardeur que de...
29183 Washington, George General Orders, 12 May 1778 1778-05-12 The General Court-Martial whereof Coll Febiger is President is dissolved and another ordered to...
29184 Washington, George Connor, Morgan From George Washington to Lieutenant Colonel Morgan … 1778-05-12 I have duly received your two favours of the 25th of April and 6th of May, with the inclosed...
29185 Hunter, James Sr. Washington, George To George Washington from James Hunter, Sr., 12 May … 1778-05-12 Letter not found : from James Hunter, Sr., 12 May 1778. On 15 June, GW wrote Hunter : “Your favor...
29186 Washington, George Laurens, Henry From George Washington to Henry Laurens, 12 May 1778 1778-05-12 I had the Honor to receive in due time, your several favors of the 3d 6th & 9th Inst., with the...
29187 Washington, George Livingston, William From George Washington to William Livingston, 12 May … 1778-05-12 I was, a few days ago, honoured with yours informing me of the probable strength of Militia which...
29188 Peters, Richard Washington, George To George Washington from Richard Peters, 12 May 1778 1778-05-12 The Board ever since their Institution have been anxiously endeavoring to establish a...
29189 Pickering, Timothy Washington, George To George Washington from Timothy Pickering, 12 May … 1778-05-12 It often happens that soldiers are discharged without being paid off, or furnished with a...
29190 Adams, John May 13. Wednesday. 1778-05-13 Dined at M. Chaumonts, with a great deal of Company. After Dinner took a Walk to Chaillot to see...
29191 Adams, John [May 13. Wednesday. 1778.] 1778-05-13 May 13. Wednesday. 1778. Dined at Mr. Chaumonts, with a great deal of Company. After Dinner took...
29192 Lee, Richard Henry Adams, John To John Adams from Richard Henry Lee, 13 May 1778 1778-05-13 Our public letter does not leave me much to add, but friendship will not suffer me to let this...
29193 Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Comte de First Joint Commission at Paris Vergennes to the Commissioners, 13 May 1778 1778-05-13 Les fermiers-generaux viennent de me faire passer, Messieurs, un proces-verbal relatif au refus...
29194 Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Comte de First Joint Commission at Paris The Comte de Vergennes to the Commissioners: A … 1778-05-13 The Farmers General have just brought to my attention a report concerning the refusal of S....
29195 American Commissioners Waldo, Joseph The American Commissioners’ Passport for Joseph Waldo … 1778-05-13 DS : Boston Public Library Nous Benjamin Franklin, arthur Lée et John adams deputés...
29196 Moylan, James American Commissioners James Moylan to the American Commissioners, 13 May 1778 1778-05-13 ALS : American Philosophical Society I beg leave to refer you to my last of the 11th since which...
29197 Vergennes, Charles Gravier, comte de American Commissioners Vergennes to the American Commissioners, 13 May 1778 … 1778-05-13 L (draft): Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; two copies: Library of Congress...
29198 Cooper, Samuel Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Samuel Cooper, 13 May 1778 1778-05-13 ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Having been inform’d that the French Frigate from...
29199 Cushing, Thomas Sr. Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Thomas Cushing, Sr., 13 May … 1778-05-13 Two ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library I am now to Acknowledge the receipt of your agreable...
29200 Gordon, William Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from William Gordon, 13 May 1778 1778-05-13 ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I must first of all congratulate and thank you, for and...