Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Ninian Pinkney, 29 March 1804

From Ninian Pinkney

Annapolis March 29. 1804


The Governor did himself the honor of transmitting to your Excellency some Months since, a Copy of a law respecting the manner of choosing a President and Vice President of the United States. As it received its authenticity under my direction, I will thank you to inform me whether form has been sufficiently attended to, in case that it has not an opportunity may be afforded of transmitting another.

I have the honor to be Very Respectfully Your Excellency’s Most Obed: Servant

Ninian Pinkney

Clerk of the Executive Council of Maryland

RC (ViW: Tucker-Coleman Collection); endorsed by TJ as received 6 Apr. and so recorded in SJL.

Ninian Pinkney (1771-1824) was the younger brother of American claims commissioner William Pinkney. He served as clerk of the Maryland Executive Council from the mid-1790s until his death (O. Hutton, Life of the Right Reverend William Pinkney, D.D., LL.D., Fifth Bishop of Maryland [Washington, D.C., 1890], 1-3; Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser, 30 June 1796; Baltimore Patriot & Mercantile Advertiser, 27 Sep. 1824).

For Governor Robert Bowie’s letter to TJ transmitting Maryland’s ratification of the Twelfth Amendment, see Vol. 42:183-4.

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