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Results 29101-29150 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have recd your favr of yesterday, inclosing a letter for General Greene, which I shall not...
Some advices are just received from England which add to the favourable complexion of affairs. I...
I thank you for your late affectionate Letter ; and as a Citizen of Pennsylvania thank you for...
When you passed by this place in your way to Dover you mentioned that there were a number of Arms...
My friend Mr. Basset has given me the inclosed Letter to Mr. Fox of the Navy Yard for the purpose...
We had the pleasure to write you the 7th Ulto advising the state of our market relative to Corn,...
I landed here the Evening before last and by reason of Several Inconvenenices Could not make an...
We have been at cross purposes about the inclosed letter of July 24. 1793. in answer to Mr....
Well assured that matters of high consideration press upon thy attention I feel diffident in...
most readily my Dear Lucy do I acknowledge the tittle of friend with which you address me—and am...
I have received your kind note of this afternoon. Mr De Wint and his family are all in Boston and...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; copies: National Archives (two); incomplete copy:...
8 February 1802, Naples. Refers JM to his letters of “last Month [not found] in answer to your...
29114[Diary entry: 5 October 1774] (Washington Papers)
5. At Congress as above, Dined at Doctr. Bonds. Dr. Thomas Bond (1712–1784), physician and...
The President yesterday, sent the Senate a nomination of Mr Murray to be appointed Minister...
I enclose to your care a Letter to Mr Cowvenhoven in answer to his Memorial & request, and his...
Our last mail brought me your favor of the 5 th and I hasten to answer by it’s first return....
I want to write an Essay.—Whom Shall I choose for a Model?—Plutarch, old Montaigne, Lord Bacon,...
29119Amicus, [11 September 1792] (Hamilton Papers)
For the National Gazette. A writer in the Gazette of Saturday last, after several observations,...
Letter not found: from William Thornton, 24 July 1795. On 29 July, GW wrote to the commissioners...
ALS (two letters): American Philosophical Society I am unluckily so much engag’d that I cannot...
New Windsor [ New York ] June 25, 1779 . Acknowledges receipt of information concerning enemy....
I am always sorry to lose a good officer or when the circumstances of his affairs render his...
Such is my situation at this time that I can do little more than enclose the Report and...
Be it enacted by the General Assembly, that if a bill of exchange, for the sum of five pounds, or...
Letterbook copy: Massachusetts Historical Society I have received yours of the 31: of Octr. by...
The Commander in Chief requests you to provide Hospitals for the British Sick & wounded agreeable...
Captain Segond formerly of Pulawski’s Legion complains of being unjustly arranged by Colo....
Your letter of the 13 th ult. I have received previous to which I had paid the duties on the...
From an Acct just recd from the Gentn who went over Schuylkill, I conceive there will be an...
An appeal to the Executive, when justice is understood to be refused by any department, is always...
There being many reasons to believe that our Specie has been much lessened not only during the...
I have received your two last favours, and thankfully accept the early intelligence given by that...
Not having received your letter of the 20th. Ult: covering a Resolution of the Legislature of Pa....
Mr. Tyler has this moment reciev’d a Letter from Cousin Nabby by Captn. Lyde. I hope there are...
Letter not found. 23 July 1789. Acknowledged in Turner to JM, 2 Aug. 1789 . Discusses the...
MS ( NA : PCC , No. 20, I, 9–10). Report entirely in JM’s hand. Docketed “Report of the Committee...
To the worshipful the County Court of Albemarle Setting in Chancery, the bill of Complaint of...
Both your letters detailing the conversation held with Mr Willet have been duly received, the...
I have received, M. le Comte, the dispatches that you did me the honor to send. Mr. Franklin’s...
Your favor of May 25. is duly recieved & I have to observe that I used the mouldboard you mention...
Soon after M r . Genet’s arrival from New york he had an interview with the Attorney general, at...
29143[Diary entry: 21 April 1760] (Washington Papers)
Monday Apl. 21st. Crossd at Southern’s and Tods Bridge and lodgd at Major Gaines’s. After leaving...
Having been advised by Mrs. Barclay of the safe arrival of Mr. Barclay at Magadore the 10th. of...
Vous aurez reçus par le Chariot de poste parti d’ici à 1 heure après midi, un paquet contenant...
The Governor did himself the honor of transmitting to your Excellency some Months since, a Copy...
Your Enemies and the Enemies of the Republican party calculate much on the success that Otis, and...
Your agreable Letter of the 9. Jan. has lain too long unanswered.—M r Mappa, I should be happy to...
Yours of the 15th. (last) was left here by Mr. Tyler while I was on a trip to Albemarle. The...
I received your favor of Jan. 24. the day before yesterday; the President’s of the 21st. was 16...