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Results 29101-29150 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Draft: American Philosophical Society I took the 30 grs. of Comp[oun]d Powder of Contrayerva you...
LS : American Philosophical Society The Subscribers Managers of the Contributions for promoting...
Draft: Historical Society of Pennsylvania As I am sensible thou art well acquainted with Benja....
AL (letterbook copy): Historical Society of Pennsylvania Please to be refered to what I wrote you...
Genl Washington presents his Compliments to Doctr Foulke—thanks him for his polite Card, &...
Monsieur Foulloy having delivered to me two books of Silas Deane, to wit his letter book of 1777....
I had the honour of observing to you in our first conference that I had no authority to purchase...
Your Company is to form part of a battalion under the command of Major Hoops. You will,...
New Windsor [ New York ] January 22, 1781 . Sends news of the Pennsylvania and New Jersey...
AL (draft): Library of Congress En examinant les Matrices, Monsieur, je ne trouve pas celui du...
AL (draft): American Philosophical Society Je parle si mal François que je ne suis pas surpris de...
Dr. Bruff a dentist the bearer of this, has resided some years in this place, and has justly...
You will be sensible that the inclosed proposition on the establishment of steam boats might as...
I am aware that an individual has no right to expect that a public office governing itself by...
On the 26th. inst. on my return from Bedford I found here your favor of the 18th. mr Jones’s...
I some time ago authorised Mr. D. Hylton to propose my lands at Elk hill in Goochland for sale to...
I did not receive till lately your letter of Feby. 19. Having always been very favorably...
I wrote you under the 5th of May last respecting a Number of Charges & Accusations exhibited thro...
Being informed that upon a Construction of my former Letter you have insisted on acting as D....
His Excellency the president of Congress has lately transmitted to me the Copy of a letter from...
I have received your letter of to day, and in answer to it must inform you that I have no...
New York, August 21, 1802. “… Alexander Hamilton … shall pay to … Theodosius Fowler … the sum of...
[ Philadelphia, November 9, 1792. On November 13, 1792, Fowler wrote to Hamilton and referred to...
I duly recieved your favor of Apr. 19. and the check which it covered on the bank of Columbia ,...
The cook which I had in Washington ( mr Julien ) and who is now with me for a time, informs me...
Your favor of the 12 th has been duly recieved, and I am glad to learn that you have made the...
I have long waited & waited in the expectation that I might have occasion to make some larger...
On putting up my iron backs & sides, I found that another pannel on each side would be wanting...
The stove arrived safely; I have set it up and find it to answer perfectly. the room is very...
LS and two copies: Public Record Office; press copy of LS , and copy: Library of Congress;...
ALS : Public Record Office; copies: Library of Congress (two), Massachusetts Historical Society I...
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I received yours of June 7. and am glad to find by it...
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I am sorry to acquaint you that the Account Mr....
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I received yours and Mr. Colden’s with the Accounts,...
ALS (letterbook draft) and autograph extract: American Philosophical Society I have written two...
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I had no Line from you by this last Packet, but find...
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I am favoured with yours of Jan. 5. and am glad to...
ALS (letterbook draft; fragment): American Philosophical Society My Love to dear Mrs. Foxcroft,...
ALS (letterbook draft): American Philosophical Society Mr. Todd call’d to see me yesterday. I...
AL (letterbook draft): American Philosophical Society It is long since I have heard from you. I...
MS extract: Public Record Office Extract of a Letter from Anth Todd Esqr. to Messrs. Franklin and...
Copy: Yale University Library His Majesty’s Post Master General having been pleased, at the same...
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I received your Favour of June 22d per Mr. Finlay,...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society I Received your Favour of the 29th Ulto. and had...
Copy: Yale University Library Inclosed I send you, by Command of His Majesty’s PostMaster...
ALS (letterbook draft): American Philosophical Society I received your Favour of June 29. and was...
Copy: Yale University Library The Accomptant General of this Office, having now finished his...
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I wrote to you pretty fully by Capt. All viâ...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This letter and the two that follow directly concern the...
Copy: Yale University Library I am glad to acquaint you that the Postmaster General are very well...