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Results 291-300 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
The only additional inquiry, which I have been able to make, concerning Mr S——l, was from Mr Brown; who thinks that the inclinations of that gentleman are strong towards peace; but that he would not hesitate to contend with zeal for any boundary, which his instructions might prescribe. Indeed, if a doubt of his tendency on this head should be considered as the only objection to him, I suspect,...
I have been honored with the receipt of your letter of the 21. of March, inclosing a copy of an act of Congress which authorizes the President to accept of such Company or Companies of Volunteers, not exceeding 30,000, as shall make a tender of service. The present state of things on the western side of the Mississippi, as far as I am advised, authorizes a hope that no difficulty will shortly...
Mr Burr’s respectful Compliments. He requests Dr. Hosack to inform him of the present state of Genl. H. and of the hopes which are entertained of his recovery. Mr. Burr begs to know at what hours of the [day] the Dr. may most probably be found at home, that he may repeat his inquiries. He would take it very kind if the Dr. would take the trouble of calling on him as he returns from Mr....
As the only friend and acquaintance I have now remaining in Philadelphia, I take the liberty to enclose to your care, for publication, an Advertisement , trusting from your general disposition to oblige, that you will excuse the liberty, when I inform you, that it proceeds from a desire in me to procure the best price I can, on account of those Lands being the principal part of the fortune...
(I) two LS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania; copy: Library of Congress; (II) two LS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania; copy: Library of Congress I have left the enclosed Letter open for your Excellency’s Perusal and am to request that you will be Pleased to apply to the Court and learn what Opportunities may Offer for making the Shippments of Money within directed. The Alliance was...
Your letter of the 26 th of June I have read again & again, with renewed satisfaction ; and believe with you that “there is not a young man now living in the U. S. who will not die an Unitarian.” Yet must the young be enlightened, and the Platonizing christians counteracted; and I have seen nothing so likely to do so much good in the process as your letter, if you will allow me to give it...
I have constantly given information to the Secretary of War, respecting the state of the Territory, in relation to the Indians. Every thing is now perfectly pacific, and I hope we shall experience no future alarms. When I arrived, all business was suspended, and all the people were engaged in preparations for defence. Much sensibility in upper Canada is excited on account of their Slaves. Some...
I was pleased to hear of your alertness in marching to Pattersons Creek upon the last alarm; and doubt not but you will continue to be vigilant and active in the service of your Country; as that is the most certain road to merit applause. I am informed that Mr Parker continues on his place, and has a quantity of Grain: If this be true, I would advise that a party of about twenty or twenty-five...
Your Journal No 7. to Janry 30th, Harriet brought me to day, just as we had sat down to dinner; It being thursday, John and Charles thought they would treat themselves, and miss Harriet with a Sleigh ride to Quincy—our Friends and acquaintance do not fail to improve the Season, and sometimes come upon us a little unwarily, for one day last week, I had nine at once to dine, when I knew only of...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania M. le Roy m’apprend que malgré les grands objets dont vous etes Occupé vous voulés bien nous donner votre avis sur la reconstruction du magazin des poudres de l’arsenal et que vous me faitte l’honneur d’accepter a diner pour mardy prochain ainsy que M. votre petit fils. Permettes moi de vous temoigner toute ma reconnoissance et de vous assurer de tout...