Results 291-300 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS (fragment): American Philosophical Society [ Missing ] letters frequently are sent down by the westren [ missing ] post to Annapolis, which occations a [ missing ] delay, Expence, and trouble, Shall be obliged [ missing ] if you give your Young Man directions [ missing ] all my Letters for our New town, or [Chester?]town post, to be by him forwarded me. [ Missing ] Can in any shape serve...
ALS : Noël J. Cortés, Philadelphia (1954) There are, I am informed, Six Hands employed in blowing Glass; at first there were but two, who instructed the Rest. The two first Workmen were taken in as Partners by the Person who found Stock, and set up the Business, the others are Servants, therefore there are no Workmen to be engag’d here for you. They work seven Months in the Year, and ’tis said...
MS not found; reprinted from extract in Benjamin Franklin, Experiments and Observations on Electricity (London, 1769), pp. 1–2. This is the earliest surviving letter in which Franklin alludes to his electrical investigations. It introduced the fourth edition of his Experiments and Observations in 1769. That edition, its predecessors and its successor, will be discussed below, under their...
Transcript: American Philosophical Society I should be glad you’d send me the first informations you receive, of what Admiral Warren is doing or like to do in England. And whether the wasted[?] is returning in Orders. We want much to hear that the Fleet is preparing to come from England, in Order to carry on the Expedition. Billy is so fond of a military Life, that he will by no means hear of...
Printed in The General Advertiser , April 15, 1747. When Franklin wrote The Speech of Miss Polly Baker is not now known, though 1746 is a likely date. How a copy found its way to London is also a matter for speculation. All that is certain is that the earliest printing of the piece yet discovered was in a London newspaper, the General Advertiser , of April 15, 1747. Within a week five London...
ALS : Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, Utica, N.Y. (1955) This is only to cover a Bill of Exchange for Eleven Pounds 2 s. 2½ d. Sterl. drawn on Richd. Atkinson of Colthouse by Wm. Satterthwaite, and to inform you that we are all well, as I hope this will find you and yours. I am Your most humble Servant This via New York. Copy with first Bill and Letter of Advice via Boston by the Mermaid...
Copy: American Academy of Arts and Sciences In my last I informed you that In pursuing our Electrical Enquiries, we had observ’d some particular Phaenomena, which we lookt upon to be new, and of which I promised to give you some Account; tho’ I apprehended they might possibly not be new to you, as so many Hands are daily employed in Electrical Experiments on your Side the Water, some or other...
Printed in The New-York Gazette, revived in the Weekly Post-Boy , June 1, 1747, Supplement. The capitol at Williamsburg, Virginia, was destroyed by fire on January 30, 1747. Addressing a special session of the General Assembly on April 1, Governor Sir William Gooch plunged directly into the matter: “The astonishing Fate of the Capitol occasions this meeting, and proves a Loss the more to be...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Hall will acquaint you of the Footing we are about to go upon &c. &c. I have only time to acquaint you, that I have sent you several Bills lately, and will speedily remit you whatever shall be due to you after the Receipt of the Parcel of Books some time since wrote for. My best Respects to Mrs. Strahan and Wishes of Happiness to you and all Yours, in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I shall be pleased to Hear that Mine per Mesnard and Dowers are come safe to your Hands with the books &c. and 4 Transactions all Committed to the Care of Elias Bland to putt up with his Letters. via N York I advised of your Bill on Oliver for £47 5 s. 5 d. is received and placed to Account. Inclosed are some proposals. Pray send one to J: Logan. I am with...