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Results 29051-29100 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
29051 Jefferson, Thomas Forrest, Uriah From Thomas Jefferson to Uriah Forrest, 14 August 1791 1791-08-14 Mr. Coxe, the Assistant to the Secretary of the treasury purposing to take a tour of relaxation,...
29052 Washington, George Forrest, Uriah From George Washington to Uriah Forrest, 20 January … 1793-01-20 Previous to the receipt of your letter of the 10th inst. enclosing a copy of Mr Elli[c]ott’s...
29053 Adams, John Forrest, Uriah From John Adams to Uriah Forrest, 13 May 1799 1799-05-13 I received on Saturday, your friendly letter of the 28th of April and I thank you for it. &...
29054 Jefferson, Thomas Forrest, Uriah From Thomas Jefferson to Uriah Forrest, with Enclosure … 1787-12-31 Just before I received your favour asking my opinion on our new proposed constitution, I had...
29055 Jefferson, Thomas Forrest, Uriah From Thomas Jefferson to Uriah Forrest, 20 October 1784 1784-10-20 I received yesterday your favor of the 8th. inst. and this morning went to Auteuil and Passy to...
29056 Hamilton, Alexander Forrest, Uriah From Alexander Hamilton to Uriah Forrest, [5 April … 1793-04-05 [ Philadelphia, April 5, 1973. On the back of Forrest’s letter to Hamilton on November 7, 1792 ,...
29057 Jefferson, Thomas Forrest, Uriah From Thomas Jefferson to Uriah Forrest, 13 June 1790 1790-06-13 Your favor of May 13. found me under a severe indisposition, and I embrace the first moment I am...
29058 Adams, John Forrest, Uriah From John Adams to Uriah Forrest, 28 June 1797 1797-06-28 I received yesterday your favor of the 23d and am very much obliged to you for it; The paper...
29059 Jefferson, Thomas Forsyth, Robert From Thomas Jefferson to Robert Forsyth, 9 August 1780 1780-08-09 It being once settled that you are the person to receive the provisions from the commissioners of...
29060 Hamilton, Alexander Forsyth, Robert Certificate for Major Robert Forsyth, [10 November … 1780-11-10 I certify that Major Forsyth had served in the Army of the United States as aid de Camp to Major...
29061 Washington, George Forsyth, Robert From George Washington to Captain Robert Forsyth, 5 … 1779-09-05 I am always sorry to lose a good officer or when the circumstances of his affairs render his...
29062 Digges, Dudley Forsyth, Robert Dudley Digges to Robert Forsyth, 17 August 1780 1780-08-17 Richmond, 17 Aug. 1780 . Acknowledges a letter to TJ (now absent) brought by Mr. Tate from...
29063 Hamilton, Alexander Fosdick, Nathaniel From Alexander Hamilton to Nathaniel Fosdick, 8 … 1790-02-08 I have received your letter of the twelfth of January, enclosing your returns. With respect to...
29064 Hamilton, Alexander Fosdick, Nathaniel From Alexander Hamilton to Nathaniel Fosdick, 24 … 1790-12-24 It is to be presumed that the Collectors cause all goods which are reported for exportation to be...
29065 Hamilton, Alexander Fosdick, Nathaniel From Alexander Hamilton to Nathaniel Fosdick, 23 … 1795-01-23 Inclosed I transmit to you herewith, the Copy of a Petition of William Gurish to the District...
29066 Hamilton, Alexander Fosdick, Nathaniel From Alexander Hamilton to Nathaniel Fosdick, 11 June … 1790-06-11 It appears to be a defect in our Laws, that the Registry of a Foreign Ship, sold after...
29067 Hamilton, Alexander Fosdick, Nathaniel From Alexander Hamilton to Nathaniel Fosdick, 8 … 1790-02-08 Your letter of the thirtieth of December, 1789, enclosing a weekly return has been duly received....
29068 Jefferson, Thomas Fosdick, Nicoll From Thomas Jefferson to Nicoll Fosdick, 1 March 1804 1804-03-01 It is long since I recieved your favor of Nov. 12. and although business has prevented my...
29069 Washington, George Foster & May From George Washington to Foster & May, 7 May 1798 1798-05-07 Your letter of the 30th ulto with the A/c annexed, have been received—and I shall confess, with...
29070 Hamilton, Alexander Foster, Abiel From Alexander Hamilton to Abiel Foster, 2 March 1800 1800-03-02 I duly received your letter dated December the 26th. with those inclosed from Captains Parker &...
29071 Monroe, James Foster, Augustus John Draft of James Monroe to Augustus John Foster, [ca. 6 … 1812-03-06 This letter represents the cases of the Catharine & Julian, as proofs that the Berlin & Merlin [...
29072 Adams, John Foster, Dwight From John Adams to Dwight Foster, 12 July 1798 1798-07-12 The President of the US: requests the pleasure of Mr. Fosters company to dine on Saturday next at...
29073 Jefferson, Thomas Foster, Dwight From Thomas Jefferson to Dwight Foster, 31 December … 1802-12-31 Th: Jefferson requests the favour of Mr. D. Foster to dine with him on Monday next, the 3rd....
29074 Jefferson, Thomas Foster, Dwight From Thomas Jefferson to Dwight Foster, 1 February 1802 1802-02-01 Th: Jefferson requests the favour of The Honble Mr. Dwight Foster to dine with him the day after...
29075 Adams, John Foster, Dwight From John Adams to Dwight Foster, 29 April 1794 1794-04-29 Mr. Adams thanks Mr. Foster for a delicious Entertainment. Has read nothing American upon the...
29076 Adams, John Foster, Dwight From John Adams to Dwight Foster, 27 January 1798 1798-01-27 The President of the United States requests the pleasure of Mr. Fosters company to dine this day...
29077 Hamilton, Alexander Foster, Dwight From Alexander Hamilton to Dwight Foster, 13 September … 1799-09-13 I have received your letter of the twenty third of August, and have given orders for the...
29078 Washington, George Foster, Isaac From George Washington to Isaac Foster, 18 April 1777 1777-04-18 Gl McDougall in a letter of his dated the 12th Inst. writes “that you in a letter to him of the...
29079 Washington, George Foster, Isaac From George Washington to Isaac Foster, 22 January 1777 1777-01-22 Doctor Morgan having been dismissed from the Director Generalship, by Congress, I must desire you...
29080 Jefferson, Thomas Foster, Jonathan & Isaac Thomas Jefferson to Jonathan & Thomas Foster, 23 … 1810-01-23 Th: Jefferson returns his thanks to Mess rs J. & Thomas Foster for the Prospectus of their paper....
29081 Madison, James Foster, Peter From James Madison to Peter Foster, 8 April 1803 … 1803-04-08 8 April 1803, Department of State. “In consequence of your letter of the 1st. Ulto [not found] I...
29082 Madison, James Foster, Peter From James Madison to Peter Foster (Abstract), 25 March … 1805-03-25 25 March 1805, Department of State . “After several attempts to procure a copy of the proceedings...
29083 Madison, James Foster, Robert C. From James Madison to Robert C. Foster, 17 August 1822 … 1822-08-17 ¶ To Robert C. Foster. Letter not found. 17 August 1822 . Acknowledged in Foster to JM, 6 Jan....
29084 Jefferson, Thomas Foster, Theodore From Thomas Jefferson to Theodore Foster, 9 May 1801 1801-05-09 Your favor of Apr. 28. has been duly recieved, and I sincerely rejoice with you in the...
29085 Jefferson, Thomas Foster, Theodore From Thomas Jefferson to Theodore Foster, 11 September … 1801-09-11 I am very tardy in acknoleging the reciept of your favor of July 25. because being obliged to...
29086 Jefferson, Thomas Foster, Theodore From Thomas Jefferson to Theodore Foster, 6 June 1801 1801-06-06 I have to acknolege the receipt of your favor of May 19. mr. Howell has been appointed to the...
29087 Hamilton, Alexander Foster, Theodore From Alexander Hamilton to Theodore Foster, 1 September … 1791-09-01 I have had the pleasure of receiving your two letters of the 23rd July & 4th of August. You...
29088 Jefferson, Thomas Foster, Theodore From Thomas Jefferson to Theodore Foster, 4 January … 1802-01-04 Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to the honble mr Foster. having now attentively considered...
29089 Adams, John Foster, Theodore From John Adams to Theodore Foster, 6 October 1811 1811-10-06 Last night I received your favour of the first of this month., from the hand of Dr Solomon...
29090 Madison, James Fothergill, Anthony From James Madison to Anthony Fothergill, 5 April 1809 1809-04-05 I have recd your favor of the 28th. Ult: accompanied by two little tracts; one of them the fruit...
29091 Roberdeau, Daniel Franklin, Benjamin From Daniel Roberdeau to Benjamin Franklin or John … 1770-02-27 ALS : American Philosophical Society I have been for weeks past meditating a Voyage to London,...
29092 Franklin, Benjamin Fothergill, John From Benjamin Franklin to John Fothergill, 19 June 1780 1780-06-19 Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., Private Correspondence of Benjamin Franklin (2...
29093 Pemberton, Israel Fothergill, John Israel Pemberton to John Fothergill, [19 May 1755] 1755-05-19 Extract: American Philosophical Society The Light in which Friends here are represented on your...
29094 Franklin, Benjamin Fothergill, John From Benjamin Franklin to John Fothergill, 8 December … 1762-12-08 Draft: American Philosophical Society On Nov. 8, 1762, William Shippen (above, IX , 219 n), who...
29095 Franklin, Benjamin Fothergill, John From Benjamin Franklin to John Fothergill, 6 April 1755 1755-04-06 AL : American Philosophical Society I am but just return’d from a long Journey, having been...
29096 Franklin, Benjamin Fothergill, John From Benjamin Franklin to John Fothergill, [1757–1762] 1757-01-01 MS Autobiography: Huntington Library The filthy streets of Philadelphia and London were a...
29097 Franklin, Benjamin Fothergill, John From Benjamin Franklin to John Fothergill, 14 March … 1764-03-14 ALS : Yale University Library I received your Favour of the 10th. of Decemr. It was a great deal...
29098 Roberdeau, Daniel Franklin, Benjamin Daniel Roberdeau to Benjamin Franklin, John Fothergill … 1770-10-02 AL (letterbook draft): Historical Society of Pennsylvania You’ll please to be refered to what I...
29099 Roberdeau, Daniel Franklin, Benjamin From Daniel Roberdeau to Benjamin Franklin, John … 1770-02-27 AL (letterbook draft): Historical Society of Pennsylvania However reluctant a man may be within...
29100 Roberdeau, Daniel Franklin, Benjamin From Daniel Roberdeau to Benjamin Franklin, John … 1770-02-27 ALS : American Philosophical Society If by this time you have not succeeded in [the sale of my...