29021To Benjamin Franklin from Joseph Ceronio, 9 February 1778 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society In July Last by the means of Mr. Campi I took the Liberty to convey to you two Letters for my son Stephen Ceronio. Said Gentleman has assured me that you would take charge of them, that they may come safely to his hand. By the same channel I Learnt with a particular pleasure, that my said son was at St. Domingo on business for the Congress who’s confidence...
29022Petition of Certain Deserters, with Jefferson’s Observations, [before 7 October 1780] (Jefferson Papers)
To his Excellency Thomas Jefferson Esqr. Governor of Virginia, and the Honble. Members of the Council. The petition of sundry persons whose Names are hereto Subscribed, most humbly sheweth, That your said Petitioners being of the Goochland Militia lately March’d to Hillsborough in divisions, and with shame and Sorrow acknowledge the disgracefull rout your said Petitioners, with most of the...
29023To George Washington from Certain General Officers, 31 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
As General Officers of the American Army we beg liberty to represent that, at a period when the affairs of our country called for the utmost exertion of every friend, we cheerfully embarked in the contest with Great Britain, and accepted such commissions in the army as Congress thought proper to confer upon us—Previous to our appointments we had considered ourselves, as Citizens of America,...
29024To George Washington from Certain General Officers, 11 September 1776 (Washington Papers)
The Situation of the Army under your Excellency’s Command is in our Opinions so critical & dangerous that We apprehend a Board of General Officers should be immediately calld for the purpose of considering it. We do not mean to condemn as unwise or imprudent any Measures which have heretofore been taken; but We conceive a Reconsideration of an important Question determined at the last Board of...
29025To George Washington from Certain Inhabitants of New York City, 9–14 July 1776 (Washington Papers)
New York, 9–14 July 1776 . “Your Memorialists are of Opinion that suffering Tories to remain in this City or near it on Long Island & Shrewsbury &ca will be attended with much danger. . . . Your Memorialists therefore pray your Excellency that orders may be given for the removal of dangerous persons from this City and other Places to some distant parts in the Country, that the minds of your...
29026To James Madison from Pedro Cevallos Guerra, 2 April 1807 (Madison Papers)
Habiendose servido el Rey mi Amo conceder al Marques de Casa-Yrujo licencia pa. ;ausentarse de ese dominio y pasar a Europa, quando lo juzgue oportuno, ha tenido a bien S. M. autorizar desde luego a Dn. Valentin de Foronda Caballero de la Orden de Carlos 3o. y Consul General de Espana en los Estados Unidos pa. que en calidad de Encargado de Negocios pueda entrar con V. S. en las comunicaciones...
29027To John Adams from Mme. V. Chabanel, 31 May 1782 (Adams Papers)
Cet Avec Empressement, que Je Solisitte Monsieur Le Baron de, Brederode, Chanbellan Actuels de Sa Majeste Imperià le et Roÿale et Colonel au Service de LEtat, de vouloir Se Charger de La presente, pour Minformer de LEtat de Senté, de Votre Excelence, Lequel Jespere Sera parfaitte, cequi mefera plaisir dEntendre, Comme Aussi de LEstimable Monsieur Thaxter, on Ma dit quil Ettoit fort Malade ades...
29028Mme. V. Chabanel to John Adams: A Translation, 31 May 1782 (Adams Papers)
I have eagerly asked Mr. Baron de Brederode, the current chamberlain to his royal and imperial majesty, and colonel in the state’s service, to deliver this letter to you so that I may be informed of your health, which, I hope, is perfect, as well as the health of the inestimable Mr. Thaxter, who I have heard has been very ill with fevers. I hope I was misinformed but if not, I do wish him a...
29029To Benjamin Franklin from ——— Chabaud and Other Favor Seekers, 23 August 1784 (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society During the months covered by this volume, Franklin continues to receive unsolicited appeals for favors or help of various kinds. We summarize here the letters to which no responses have been found, publishing the earliest request—from Chabaud—as an example. The descriptions are organized into three categories: letters soliciting positions with the United...
29030To Benjamin Franklin from the Marquis de Chabert, 14 January 1785 (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Mis. de chabert chef d’Escadre a l’honneur de prévenir Monsieur Franklin qu’avant de donner à l’impression pour le volume de l’histoire de l’académie des sciences de 1783 un mémoire dans lequel un objet qui l’interesse se trouve traité, il a à coeur de le ui lire; il prie pour cela Monsieur Franklin de vouloir bien lui mander si, sans le derranger, il...