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Results 2901-2950 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have before me the two Letters you honoured me with in date of Decr. 1st. and 10th. and am made...
I enclose the proceedings of a General Court Martial held at Fort Sargent on the Mississippi, on...
I have the honor to inform the Vice President of the United States and to request him to cause an...
I have had the pleasure to receive your favor of the 13th instant and I have the honor to enclose...
I expected to have had the Honour of hearing from you before this time, on the subject of the...
En réponse à l’honorée vôtre du 18 e. , la clef de votre Secretaire S’est heureusement retrouvée...
The Pickering, Capt Preeble, arrived at New York two or three Days ago—I expect the George...
I have the honor to submit to your Consideration the inclosed affidavits respecting the English...
I suppose by this time sober hill is in great glory, at least if your spring has been forward in...
The Weather has been & held so uncommonly cold ever since you left Me, that I had no expectation...
I reciev’d this morning your letter of the 14th. in which you speak of Poetry, and although I...
I Do myself the honor to Inclose you a publication of the Committee of this City, whether it will...
We would be most unhappy not to see the young gentlemen Sunday. It is a day made for them since...
Your favour of the 27th. ult. arrived when I was at Worcester attending a session of the Supreme...
I am now much more at my disposal, with respect to my Time, than I was at Haverhill, and can...
Sandwich, 4 October 1772. RC ( MiU-C ); addressed to John Adams in Boston; endorsed. Freeman...
The legislature of the State of North Carolina have, by their resolution of the 24th. Instant,...
I have the honor of your letter of the 17th and respond to it here. According to the Constitution...
In order to keep my promise of sending you all essential news, to save time, and to spare me the...
Being without any of your favours, we take the liberty to addres you these few lines, on occasion...
Since my last we have the formidable Accounts of the Exertion of the powers and Malice of Britain...
Will you Oblidge me, so far as to inform me, the Names of the Seventeen Members of the House of...
Having full assurance of your assiduous attention, to Such of your unhapy Countrymen, as have had...
Mr. Cranch informs me that Hones will go to Town tomorrow, and that I may not miss one...
Your letters are full of aphorisms. Every paragraph in them suggests new ideas, or revives old...
Since my letter of this morning which inclosed the last dispatches I had from General Wilkinson...
Above ten Daies after its date I was honor’d with your favor of the 10 th. instant, & am indeed...
I take pleasure in introducing to your acquaintance the Revd. Mr Barber, who has been some years...
I have spent some considerable time & Propperty in Aiding & Assisting to support Government under...
I received Yours last Evening of the 21st, when on the road; I could not write; I was generally...
Vous nous avez fait, notre cher ami, un veritable plaisir en nous donnant de vos nouvelles; nous...
Mr. Lorthorp call’d here this Evening and brought me yours of the 1 of October a day which will...
I had the pleasure to write you the 3d. inst. I follow it with this to make the explanation of...
I have just received the within Letters, and as I hear Capt. Young is to sail tomorrow I take the...
Two days ago I received your favour of the 18th. March, without ever hearing before of, or seeing...
I took up in a bookstore this morning a work that has just appeared in two volumes entitled “ The...
Honoured with your Excellency’s Confidence, we think it our duty to inform you in our privy, that...
The scene of Action is so entirely transfered to your side of the Atlantick that scarce any...
The Secretary of State has the honour to inform the President, that he received Mr. Pintard’s...
Arriving this moment, I received your Favour of 26; and am happy to find that you continue in the...
Cest bien malgré moi, que je n’ay pu repondre tout de Suitte à Votre lettre de ce matin, mais mon...
So much time has elapsed since the date of my letter in February, that I have dismissed all...
The House of Representatives have passed a bill, entitled “An act to compensate George Gibson,”...
Sir By the hand of Doctor Warner Consul Logie Doctor which Returns to London I hope you will...
I can now answer the questions in your favor of the 30th. July last, viz. Who shall write the...
On the 24th, two messengers arrived with dispatches from Mr. Ellicott and lieutenant Pope, dated...
As you take a deep interest in our College and the conduct of its affairs, I enclose you Mr...
I hope I may address the first magistrate in the United States in this Stile without Offence , as...
Permit me join in the United Voice of America. Accept my sincere Congratulation on the Nomination...
I am, indeed, gratified by the receipt of your letter of the 27th ulto. The approbation of those...