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Results 2901-2910 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Yours’ was duly received but at the very moment when our infant daughter was at the point of death, per the Whooping cough; for six weeks we had very little hopes of her recovery, but he in whose hands are the issues of life and death, hath redeemed her from the jaws of the destroyer. She lives & we are thankful. Long before her birth Mrs Browere declared to herself if the infant lived she...
In consequence of the drouth our well have most all given out and our pipes are so much decayed that we can’t get a supply from the Mountain without going to a considerable expence in renewing them and consequently we are put to considerable inconveniance for the want of a sufficiency of water—The well have also declined in Charlottesville——The people of Charlottesville have proposed that we...
As the poet says, “there are strings in the human heart, which once touched will some times utter dreadful discord.” Per the public vehicles of information the expresident has perceived the very illiberal manner in which my character & feelings have been treated; and that of those of his honor have been unintentionably wounded, mine have b een publickly assaulted, & lacerated?—why?—Because...
I am extremely dissatisfied withe train in which our works at the University are going on, and were it not for my great confidence in the integrity of those we employ, I should be unable to resist the suspicion of a willingness in them to make the job last for life. I am at present suffering under a relapse so serious as to put it out my power to go there as frequently as is requisite. I will...
When I had the pleasure of seeing you yesterday, it escaped my memory to beg of you an inspection of the Bill of Parcels of the unopened Boxes of Books now in the University. I will therefore feel obliged by your sending them to me by the Bearer to the end that I may take out some works essentially necessary for me in the present department of my course—leaving the remainder in their places so...
The subject of your letter of Apr. 20 is one on which I do not permit myself to express an opinion, but when time, place, & occasion may give it some favorable effect. a good cause is often injured more by ill timed efforts of it’s friends than by the arguments of it’s enemies. persuasion, perseverance, and patience are the best advocates on questions depending on the will of others. the...
Yours of the 17th: is now before me. Your Tobacco from Bedford I have never yet heard from; I have rec d from Albemarle, since last fall, 430 Blls Flour on your a/c, and finding no prospect whatever of selling it here, to advantage, ship d it long since to the Eastward, where I hope it will yield you a better return than could possibly be anticipated here, if indeed a sale of it could have...
I congratulate you, on the proper feeling for your long life of meritorious service that seems to pervade every part of our country, and I anticipate from it, in every way, a result such as your friends would wish, and ought to expect. May the attachment of your fellow citizens render the close of your useful life, equally comfortable and honourable. I should not trouble you now with a letter,...
I have so entirely left all my affairs to Jefferson that I know almost nothing of them. I am uninformed whether our tob o from Bedford is all down or our flour from here. before he went away, I stated to him that we should have to make the ordinary and current call on you. he told me I might do it, as he had made provn with you on that subject. my quarterly bills are now due and must be drawn...
I am very sorry that a lapse of attention on my part, shd. have given you the trouble denoted in yours of the 13th. The communication inadvertently addressed to you was intended for your colleague of the War Department, to whom as existing Presidt. of the Agricultural Society of Albemarle, the Botanical Box ought to have been transmitted. I must ask the favor of you to hand over to him the...