Christopher Clark to Thomas Jefferson, [4 April 1810]
From Christopher Clark
Mount Prospect 6 oclock wednesdey PM [4 Apr. 1810]
your favor of this instant is just now delivered by mr Griffin I have been compeled for a fortnight past by the necessary attention to a sick family to neglect all other business this same cause has kept me from Campbell Superior Court I think to dey Mrs C is a little mended if in this I shall be happily not deceved and She continues to improv it will be in my power to attend to your request and if so will do myself the pleasure of breakfasting with you on the morning of Fridey which I can easily do by ceting out a little before dey If I shall not be able to attend you will ascribe it alone to the Situation of the family
Christopher Clark
RC (DLC: TJ Papers, 190:33742); partially dated; at foot of text: “Mr Jefferson”; mistakenly endorsed by TJ as a letter of 5 Apr. 1810 received the same day and so recorded in SJL.
Index Entries
- Clark, Christopher Henderson; letters from search
- Clark, Elizabeth Hook (Christopher Henderson Clark’s first wife) search
- Griffin, Burgess; Poplar Forest overseer search
- McCleland, Thomas Stanhope; and TJ’s land dispute with S. Scott search
- overseers; TJ entrusts documents to search
- Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); Overseers at; TJ entrusts documents to search