28951To Benjamin Franklin from [the Comte de Sarsfield], [before 26 May 1777] (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society I have made an alteration in the plan of the Spanish reading which I proposed to you the last time I had the honour to See you. I confine it for this moment to the teatro de España by one Garma but If you have a curiosity to know some others, the following you may Send for when ever you please, observing only to write a note A Monsieur Oudin chez Mr. Lecomte...
28952To Benjamin Franklin from John Pownall, 4 March 1767 (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Pownall presents his respectfull Compliments to Dr. Franklyn and shall be greatly obliged to him if he can give him any Information as to the person and [ illegible ] mentioned below. One -- Dimsdale died in the Province of Pensylvania in 1764 or 1765. possessed of a Plantation there, which he left by will in general Terms to his relations in the North...
28953To Benjamin Franklin from Vergennes, 19 January 1780 (Franklin Papers)
L (draft): Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; copy: Library of Congress J’ai reçu, M, la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’h. de mécrire le 15. de ce mois. Comme La distribution de celle du Congrès qui y étoit jointe, ne presente aucun inconvenient, je l’ay addressée à M le Noir, pour qu’il y mette Son permis. J’ay prié en même tems ce magistrat d’en faire le renvoy à la personne que...
28954To Benjamin Franklin from Joseph Banks, 29 March 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society By the hands of Mr. Paradise I have receivd a copy of the instructions for the Protection of Captn. Cooke which you circulated among the Armd Vessels of your Friends in N America. I perus’d the paper with the Greatest pleasure for having never doubted my self that the liberal & enlargd sentiments I had always admird in your mind remaind there in full...
28955To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Williams, Jr.: Two Letters, 8 April 1778 (Franklin Papers)
(I) and (II) ALS : American Philosophical Society I recvd. the inclosed from Capt. Collis who is a prisoner in England, you will see by it an account of his Misfortune and desires of Assistance, which I should be happy to be the Instrument of affording him. It is perhaps needless to tell you that Capt. Collis is the Husband of Jenny Mecom. I also inclose another Letter which by the address I...
28956To Benjamin Franklin from W. Masters, [1769?] (Franklin Papers)
LS : American Philosophical Society Though I have not the honour of an intimate acquaintance with you, yet your character of humanity and benevolence, and the intimacy that subsisted between you and my Father, and especially the desire of contributing to the Peace and Happiness of an old Neighbour whom for several Years I have found an honest worthy industrious Man, imboldens me to give you...
28957To Benjamin Franklin from Augustus Gottlieb Spangenberg, 29 January 1756 (Franklin Papers)
Copy: Archives of the Moravian Church, Bethlehem When I think of the Multitude of Things, which now surrounds you; I wish that God may be with you; and then surely all will go well and prosper in your Hands. As you like to keep Mr. Edmonds a little longer, he being a good Hand to you; and as he himself is very willing to assist you in what he can; it would be ungenerous of us to take him from...
28958To Benjamin Franklin from William Royal, 31 March 1782 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I humble hope your Goodness will excuse the freedom of one who is intirely a Stranger to you, of troubling you with a few lines, tho I have great reasons to believe by my Parents letter to me was inclos’d under Cover of a letter thay sent to your Excellency, that you was no stranger to them I have made bold to write to your Excellency by their desciption of...
28959To Benjamin Franklin from John Whitehurst, 18 January 1770 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society The natural tendency of philosophical minds to promote useful knowledge, seems to render an apology to you quite needless for the favour I’m going to request. I’m inform’d Sir, that the truely eminent Artist Mr. West is one of that Class of men who cultivates the Science he professes for the Sake of the Art only. A most laudable example indeed. A Young...
28960To Benjamin Franklin from Thomas Newenham, 1 February 1781 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Books which your Excellency will receve from the bearer were deliver’d to me by My Uncle Sr Edward Newenham. I have also a letter from that Gentleman to your Excellency which (as it contains little more than an introduction) I mean to deliver in person to your Excellcy: when I do myself the honour of waiting on you. I am Sir with the greatest Respect...
28961To Benjamin Franklin from Jean-François Joly de Fleury de La Valette, 15 March 1783 (Franklin Papers)
LS : American Philosophical Society J’ai reçu, Monsieur, la lettre que Votre Excellence m’a fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 9. de ce mois avec l’état des Lettres de change tirées de l’Inde et de l’Amérique, pour le service de la Marine qui appartiennent aux Américains et dont le paiement est reculé d’une année, en vertu de l’arrêt du Conseil du Roi du 26. fevrier dernier. S’il étoit possible de...
28962To Benjamin Franklin from Isaac Norris, 5 August 1761 (Franklin Papers)
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I wrote the Above in much haste, and yet it got To Town too late, but my Brother informs me he forwarded it a few days after by Capt. Marshall in a Schooner bound to Corke, which may Possably reach London Sooner Than if it had been sent by Capt. Budden; There is an Account in Town That the Ship Indian Trader is Taken off our Capes, and a...
28963To Benjamin Franklin from La Blancherie, 9 May 1778 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Vous me trouverez bien ingrat de n’avoir pas encore été me mettre à vos pieds et vous témoigner ma reconnoissance. Une multitude d’occupations m’a dérangé jusqu’à présent et m’a privé du plaisir que j’aurois eu à remplir ce devoir. Je vous prie, Monsieur, d’en croire ces protestations et tous les regrets que j’en ai. Je me dédomagerai au premier moment en...
28964To Benjamin Franklin from Robert Morris: Two Letters, 18 May 1782 (Franklin Papers)
(I) two LS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania; copy: Library of Congress; (II) two LS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania; copy: Library of Congress I have left the enclosed Letter open for your Excellency’s Perusal and am to request that you will be Pleased to apply to the Court and learn what Opportunities may Offer for making the Shippments of Money within directed. The Alliance was...
28965To Benjamin Franklin from Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier, 9 August 1778 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania M. le Roy m’apprend que malgré les grands objets dont vous etes Occupé vous voulés bien nous donner votre avis sur la reconstruction du magazin des poudres de l’arsenal et que vous me faitte l’honneur d’accepter a diner pour mardy prochain ainsy que M. votre petit fils. Permettes moi de vous temoigner toute ma reconnoissance et de vous assurer de tout...
28966To Benjamin Franklin from Huquier, 18 April 1781 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Jay eu Lhonneur de vous Ecrire le 26 fevrier Dernier quil mavoit Eté remis d’Envois de Mr Grand de Paris deux Petites Caisses, avec injonction de ne les Expedier que Suivant vos ordres. Jesperois de Jour a autre les recevoir. Aujourdhuy Je recois Lettre de Mr Jn Williams de Nantes qui les Reclame: mais Je ne puis, ni ne dois les Expedier sans votre ordre....
28967To Benjamin Franklin from [Gardoqui & Sons], 13 September 1777 (Franklin Papers)
L : Harvard University Library We per this post have had the pleasing satisfaction to be honoured with your very Esteemed and agreable favour of the 1st Instant, for contents of which are exceedingly obliged to your good self, as are thereby informed that our letters have duelly kissed your hands. We returne you our [most] cordiall and sincere thanks for your Kindness in reccommending this...
28968To Benjamin Franklin from Nathaniel Falconer, 18 July 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society The time Draws near for my Leaveing this place I Expect whe Shall be at Graves End about the Second of august I find Capt Barney is arived in France and hope he has Brought Dispatchs for you Mr Bingham I understand has wrote you the Gazet I Sent you hope Got sauef to hand Mr Silas Dean is hear he paid me a viset and I find from him Self that he wrote Some...
28969To Benjamin Franklin from John Bondfield, 17 August 1779 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society The want of Subject say no intelligence from the American States in any of the ports on this Coast keeps me from giving more frequent advices. It cannot be many Days before some arrives. Many Sail were preparing at Philadelphia for Europe and particularly the Deane Frigate— the difficulty to procure Seamen I apprehend the principal obstacle to their...
28970To Benjamin Franklin from Anthony Benezet, 8 May 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote a few days past, by a french Gentleman, but now my dear friend thy daughter having procured me an oppertunity, which appears more sure, I make use of it to inform, that in my last was inclosed an earnest petition to thee from Francis Geay de la Gaconniere, the person to whom an Estate is fallen at Fontenay le Vicomte in Poitou, which I think thou...
28971To Benjamin Franklin from Sartine, 3 May 1779 (Franklin Papers)
Copy: Library of Congress J’ai reçu, Monsieur, la Lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 19 du mois dernier par la quelle vous me marquez que plusieurs Americains qui, après avoir été pressés en Angleterre, ont été pris sur des Vaisseaux de cette nation et conduits dans les Prisons de France desireroient entrer au Service des Etats unis. J’ai deja accordé au Capitaine John la...
28972To Benjamin Franklin from Dumas, 3 November 1779 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief Mes dernieres sont du 25, 28, 29, & 31 Oct. & 2 Nov. Celleci ira demain par voie de Rotterdam. Voici copie de la permission de mettre à terre les blessés prisonniers de la commission expediée par le Commodore en conséquence au L. Col. Wuibert; & de la convention entre les Commodores, Américain & Anglois. Notre Ami m’a...
28973To Benjamin Franklin from William Lee Perkins, 17 November 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library I had the honor to deliver the paper upon the Influenza together with a letter (copies of both which are herewith inclosed) to a friend* in London, near a Year since, to be transmitted to your Excellency, which I afterwards was given to understand were delivered to——Barclay Esqr., who was so obliging as to undertake to be the bearer of to Your...
28974To Benjamin Franklin from John Adams, 17 August 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I never was more amuzed with political Speculations, than Since my Arrival in this country.— Every one has his Prophecy, and every Prophecy is a Paradox.— One Says America, will give France the Go By. Another that France and Spain, will abandon America. A Third that Spain will forsake France and America. A Fourth that America, has the Interest of all Europe...
28975To Benjamin Franklin from Bariatinskii, 9 September 1783 (Franklin Papers)
L : American Philosophical Society Le Prince Bariatinskoy a l’honneur de remercier Monsieur franklein de la communication, qu’il a bien voulû Lui faire du Traite de Paix. Notation: Bariatinskoy 9. 7bre 1783— The next day, Bariatinskii sent Empress Catherine II two gifts from BF : a Libertas Americana medal with its explanation ( XXXIX , 549–55) and a copy of Constitutions des treize Etats-Unis...
28976To Benjamin Franklin from Sarah Bache, 2 October 1779 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society This Letter will be handed you by Coll Fluery, who is not only a Hero but a man of merrit, the same which took the Standard at Stony point, he is a favorite of General Washingtons, and Baron Stuben’s the latter of which Gentlemen introduced him to Mr B: and me, one of the papers you sent over was to enquire him out, he says he has wrote often to his...
28977To Benjamin Franklin from David Sears, 10 June 1779 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Yesterday came up to Town the Sloop Independance belonging to Mr Isaac Sears & Co of Boston she left Virginia the 16th Apl last and came north about but brings nothing so late as you must be already furnish’d with— I have settled my affairs in Europe and shall now return to Boston in the above mentioned Vessell (at least I shall take passage in her) because...
28978To Benjamin Franklin from Bariatinskii, 22 December 1783 (Franklin Papers)
LS : American Philosophical Society Around December 14, Major Pierre-Charles L’Enfant arrived in Paris from Philadelphia on a mission from the Society of the Cincinnati. The society was a fraternal organization of Continental Army officers that had formed the previous spring as the troops were disbanding. Its aims, as stated in its institution (charter), included promoting national unity,...
28979To Benjamin Franklin from Peter Collinson, 5 February 1750 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have so many Obligations to my kind Friend, that I dedicated a time to Visit all the Booksellers in London to search for foreign Electrical Books and could only find Two in French. One I take to be the same I sent for thy perusal but could not be certain which Elce [I] had not bought both for I sent it away just as I received it from France. I have many...
28980To Benjamin Franklin from Amelia Barry, 7 December 1781 (Franklin Papers)
Copy: American Philosophical Society Your mind is too enlarged, as well as your Genius too extensive for your Mind to be wholy absorbed in public cares, hence I dare hope that the woes of your Amelia will be listened to;— They shall not detain you long. My dear Mr. Barry is no more!— he died at this Place (whither we came for the recovery as we hoped, of his health,) the 15th of Octr. and has...
28981To Benjamin Franklin from George Washington, 9 October 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : New Jersey Historical Society; draft: Library of Congress I was very much obliged by the letter which you did me the honor to write me by our amiable young friend the Marquis De La Fayette, whose exertions to serve this Country in his own are additional proofs of his zealous attachment to our cause, and has endeared him to us still more. He came out flushed with expectations of a...
28982To Benjamin Franklin from Alexander Small, 15 March 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society The most upright Intentions cannot command Success. The Shallow Ken of Man cannot penetrate into futurity; and cannot therefore ascertain what is, or is not most beneficial to Societies. What we have here to do, is to act the most consistently with our Judgment of Circumstances. I know you have done this. Britain is most certainly hurting herself by an...
28983To Benjamin Franklin from Louis d’Ussieux, [before 22 January 1782] (Franklin Papers)
Printed invitation: American Philosophical Society La R∴ L∴ des Neuf-Sœurs fera sa rentrée, d’après les Vacances, le Lundi 22 du onzième mois D∴ L∴ D∴ L∴ V∴ L∴ 5781. Elle commencera ses travaux à onze heures précises, par la Réception du Candidat Ginguené & l’Affiliation du F( Gireau . A midi on fera la distribution des Jettons; ensuite les FF( Comte de Milly, de la Dixmerie, Changeux,...
28984To Benjamin Franklin from the Comtesse Conway, 27 March 1779 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je ne puis vous exprimer Combien je suis fachée d’être La Cause innocente, du désagrement que vous èprouvés, pour avoir voulu m’obliger en La personne de mr mullens; ce n’est que d’aprés ses instances que je vous ai engagé à reparer Les pertes qu’il a faites dans sa traversée, et lorsque je lui ai remis La petite lettre de change de votre part je lui ai dit...
28985To Benjamin Franklin from the Eastern Navy Board, 18 August 1779 (Franklin Papers)
LS : American Philosophical Society; copy: New York Public Library We were honored with your favor of the 2d of June, but not till several days after the Arrival of the French Frigate, which prevented us the pleasure of acknowledging it by the Mercury Packet which sailed for France about a fortnight agoe. We are Sorry that any differences have subsisted among the Officers on board the...
28986To Benjamin Franklin from Dumas, 5 November 1779 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief Yr. Favour of the 29th. is just received, & the packet for the Commodore will be forwarded this very night, as were formerly yr. other Letters for the same, & for Capt. Landais without any Loss of time. The Commodore is not yet quite ready to sail. They say it will be so in the week to come; & then the day depends from the...
28987To Benjamin Franklin from Sarah Bache, 2 January 1774 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had sett this day apart to write you a long letter, but my little Will has been so much indisposed as to take up all my time and attention, he is now in a sweet Sleep, but its so late that I can only tell you how much pleasure your desire of hearing from me gave me and to asure you I will write fully and have my Letter ready for the next Opportunity. I...
28988To Benjamin Franklin from Samuel Parker, 1 July 1768 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Being engaged here at Deptford, ever since I had the Pleasure of waiting on you, hindered me from delivering you my Letter, and fearing I should not be at London in three or four Days, hope you will excuse my sending it: My best Respects wait upon you, and conclude myself Your very humble Servant Addressed: For/ Benjamin Franklin, Esqr: / Craven Street/...
28989To Benjamin Franklin from William Temple Franklin, 19 November 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have been long, very long, without receiving a Letter from you—or hearing of you:—but I suppose you & my other Correspondents, have not wrote in expectation of soon seeing me. This will be my last from this Country.— We set out on Monday or Tuesday. I could have departed a few days earlier, but Mrs. H. requested I would delay it that she might be able to...
28990To Benjamin Franklin from James Turing and Son, 2 October 1779 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your Excellency will we trust pardon Our boldness in adressing you on the present Occasion, And we therefore without further apology for the intrusion, beg leave to acquant you that Our Vessel De Brunetta Cap’n Thomas Griffiey with a cargo of Wine & Fruit from Oporto was Seized upon, on the nineteenth of August in Lat: 49”11 Long: 7”3 from Teneriffe by the...
28991To Benjamin Franklin from Charles-Nicolas Jullian and Other Applicants for Emigration, 17 November 1778 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society A number of people, as usual, sought Franklin’s help to emigrate to the New World or recommended their restless friends to his good graces. As far as we know, none of them received any encouragement from him. Louis Fouché writes from Romegoux in the Charente on December 4. Thirty-six years old, a native of the island of Oléron, and son of Capt. André Fouché...
28992To Benjamin Franklin from John Pownall, 7 May 1771: résumé (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society <Whitehall, May 7, 1771, a note in the third person. A warrant is signed appointing Mr. Coxe, on Governor Franklin’s recommendation, to the Council of New Jersey; wishes to know who will take charge of sending the warrant.> For Daniel Coxe see above, XIV , 300 n. WF had recommended him in January on the death of the incumbent; the recommendation was endorsed...
28993To Benjamin Franklin from Isaac Norris, 21 November 1758 (Franklin Papers)
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania It is easy to perceive the Disposition of the People by the last Election under the Burthen of their heavy Taxes and several severe Losses upon particulars from the Conduct of some of the Military Gentlemen towards such as have supplied Our Western Army with Carriages, they are yet willing to bear these and every Thing else in their Power in...
28994To Benjamin Franklin from William Alexander, 28 December 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote you two letters last Summer in which I mentioned the feu Gregois and the Comte de Rostaing. I wish I had known by a single line That They came Safe to Hand. This goes by that Gentleman who is a Genl. officer of Artilery, and a Man of great Worth. If You will venture to take a friend of my recommending I recommend Him to you. He was sent out as...
28995To Benjamin Franklin from [ ——— Montécot], 26 March 1778 (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society A number of letters like this that make concrete and, as far as we know, fruitless offers can conveniently be discussed together here. At about the same time as Montécot’s proposal, but with no date, comes one to the commissioners from Louis-Gabriel Le Roÿ in Paris. He is a master carpenter and cabinet-maker for French officers, and the enclosed prospectus...
28996To Benjamin Franklin from Fleury & Demadières, 10 October 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Nous recevons dans le moment d’envoy de mr Jn Williams de nantes pour votre Compte 6 Caisses de madere, a leur arrivées nous les avons examinées, il sen est trouvé quelsqunes de Cassées & ce parcequ’elles etoient fort mal Embalées, & si il faut vous les expedier dans le tat ou elles sonts vous En aurez plus de la moitié de Cassées dicy Chez vous En...
28997To Benjamin Franklin from Jacques-Christophe Valmont de Bomare, 29 November 1782 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library L’eloignement et une multitude d’affaires, m’ont empêché d’aller vous temoigner moi même, la part que j’ai prise à votre maladie et à votre retablissement— Je n’ai pû envoyer chez vous que mon domestique— Je vous supplie de ne pas douter du vif interêt que je prens à votre conservation et prosperité. Je vous prie aussi de presenter mes civilitez à...
28998To Benjamin Franklin from ——— Chondeville, 2 January 1779: résumé (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bourges, January 2, 1779, in French: I want to warn you against a certain Leralle who has just gone bankrupt for more than 60,000 francs and has sneaked off to Paris to implore your protection. He is a perfect scoundrel who owes money to everybody here and especially to me. He has debauched a young man of good family, baron de Bussiere, whom he is now...
28999To Benjamin Franklin from Patience Wright, 22 February 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I This moment made up my Packet for america Sent by a old faithful Servant of Doct Franklin Sons: from New Jersey of govonr Franklins— This man is Sent off to america from his master who is now Lodging in Suffolk Street no 16 where he Sd. govonor has undertaken to pettition in aid on behalf of all the tories together with the famous of that Partie— His late...
29000To Benjamin Franklin from William Carmichael, [before 23 January 1782] (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society You who know so well the public & private obligations we have to the Marquis de Yranda, would never pardon me, If I should suffer one of his family to pass thro’ Paris, without giving you an opportunity of convincing him of the sense you have of the obliging notice, it has taken of us here—But you would be Still more offended with me, After having been...