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Results 28951-29000 of 184,264 sorted by author
Philadelphia, January 25, 1796. Acknowledges receipt of Hamilton’s letter of January 22, 1796 . Discusses legislation necessary for the ownership of land in New York State by aliens. LC , Gemeentearchief Amsterdam, Holland Land Company. These documents were transferred in 1964 from the Nederlandsch Economisch-Historisch Archief, Amsterdam. This letter, which is in French, was addressed to H in...
Philadelphia, July 5, 1797. States: “Mr. Benson’s absence retarding the answer upon my letter of the 29 May, which answer I have sollicited from your friendship, permit me to add to that letter some observations relative to the same Subject.” Asks if the Holland Land Company “is allowed to sell at 10 & 12 years credit;… will She be allowed to hold the mortgage upon the Land as a pledge for the...
New York, April 29, 1795. “Je vous serez bien obligé d aider de vos conseils & bons services en votre nouvelle qualité d’homme de Loy. Le porteur de la presente, Mr Boon, co-interessé & directeur d’un etablissement que l’association des maisons d’amsterdam (dont les noms sont connus) a fait commencer sur les terrains dit Service patent….” ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. See H to...
Les lumières et l’intégrité du Ministre des finances sont constatés par les principes qu’il établit et qu’il developpe dans le rap̄ort qu’Il a delivré le 14 Janvier dr. Il y fait aux Citoyens des Etats Unis un présent digne d’Eux, en les engageant d’établir un ordre sage et immuable dans leurs finances et en les detournant de la funeste impolitique de mepriser la foy publique. Ce rap̄ort...
Je vous prie de me faire savoir si les éclaircissemens que vous désirés rélativemt. aux piastres seront fournis par la réponse aux questions detaillées sur la Notte que j’ai l’honnr. de vous envoyer. Mes amis d’hollande m’ont authorisés á leur assurer quelque intérét dans les entreprises utiles qui se formeroient ici: je considere comme tel le plan de la Compe. de manufactures que Mr. Duer m’a...
Quelques détails Sur les circonstances & le Carracterre des propriétaires des titres à la charge des Etats Unis provenants des Emprunts faits en Hollande, mettront le mieux à même de juger la probabilité de la réussite de la mutation projettée & de l’espéce d’appas qui tenterait les propriétaires. Quoi qu’il y ait sans doute dans les Provinces Unies un grand nombre de particuliers fort riches,...
The Petition of James Cebra of the City of New York humbly Sheweth. That your Petitioner is a Native of this City, in which he has formerly sustained the Character of a reputable Merchant, to which Business he was regularly bred: that he lived untill the late War, reputably and comfortably, but from its Effects, has become at the age of Fifty Nine, unable to support a Wife and small infirm...
13 June 1812, Elkton. Enclose “certain resolutions of the Citizens of Cecil County expressive of their sentiments and feelings on the present State of our public Affairs.” RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 59, ML ). RC 1 p.; signed by David Smith and John Partridge as chairman and secretary of the meeting, respectively. For enclosure (7 pp.), see n. 1. The enclosure was a record of a meeting held at...
Printed announcement: American Philosophical Society Weddings of the children of Parisian nobility and haute bourgeoisie were announced by notices issued by both families. Spare in wording, these coordinated announcements mention neither date nor place. Franklin received at least ten sets of these notices, characterized by a large initial M, often highly decorated, in the upper left corner. The...
Lyons, France, 12 Jan. 1801 . TJ’s great reputation prompts her to write in regard to the estate of Gaspard Cenas, who died in Philadelphia about two and a half years ago. Gaspard’s father François Cenas, who lives in a home for elderly people in Lyons, is unable to pursue inquiries with regard to the estate. The writer, the Widow Durand, is François Cenas’s daughter and has taken up the...
Articles of Agreement made and concluded this twenty third day of June one thousand eight hundred and seventeen between Alexander Garrett as Proctor of the Central College in Albemarle on the one part and John M. Perry on the other part, Witness, First, that a Pavilion or Schoolhouse being to be built for the said College on one of the lots of land purchased for the s d College of the said
An Act for establishing a College in the county of Albemarle and for amending the act for establishing public schools. Be it enacted by the General assembly that there shall be established in the county of Albemarle , at the place which has been, or shall be established selected by the trustees of Albemarle Academy , and in lieu of such academy , an institution for the education of youth, to...
Dr. The Central College in account with Alexander Garrett , Treasurer. Cr.  1817.  1817. June 
A Statement of donations by individuals patroniseing the Central College ex hibiting the amount subscribed the several Instalments of such subscriptions what part thereof hath been paid and what part hath not been paid on the 2 9th day of March 1819 prepared in Obedience to a resolution of the board of Visitors of the University of Virginia of this date.     Total Sum Subscribed by Individuals...
This indenture made on the 23 d day of June 1817. between John Perry & Frances T Perry his wife of the county of Albemarle on the one part and Alexander Garrett proctor of the Central college acting in trust for the sd college on the other part witnesseth that the sd John
“On Monday last, our court day in Charlottesville , we were gratified in seeing together, Mr. Jefferson , Mr. Madison and Mr. Monroe , the three most illustrious men of Virginia , and successive Presidents of the U. States . The presence of these gentlemen, two of whom have filled with distinguished ability and success, the first office in the gift of a free people, and have successively...
We The subscribers, Visitors of the Central College , having been specially called to meet on the 26 th day of Feb. 1819, and authorised by the act of the legislature , now in session, for establishing the University of Virginia , to continue the exercise of our former functions, and to fulfill the duties of our successors, Visitors of the sd University , until their first actual meeting, have...
Whereas by an Act of the General Assembly for appropriating a part of the revenue of the literary fund to the endowment of an University and for the appointment of Commissioners to enquire & report to the legislature a proper site for the same, the said Commissioners are authorized “to receive any voluntary contributions whether conditional or absolute, whether in land, money, or other...
I postponed the anser to your Kind letter I received by Miss Trista because I couldnt give you any notice of the marbre bust which I find out lately in new York at the costum house under the care of Mr. Siton without any dictiones [i.e. directions], oing thus mistaken to my agent in Florens. I fill my self relieved by the mortification I […] thinkin of the disappointement of your Daughter in...
By the infamous manner with which I have been treated about the plan of suscription, (of which by this time you must be well acquainted) I find my self very much hurted in every respects. The President suscribed generousely but his act was not appreciated, I then withdron his suscription papers and consigned to the care of Mr Randolph from which I had recceived it. Some of the Manegers where...
I take the liberty to enclose to you a Copy of a Memorial which I have the honor of presenting this day to Congress—Give me leave to submit it to the Friend and Patron of the fine Arts as well as to the President of the United States. I have the honor to be with the greatest respect Sir Your most obedient and most humble Servant LS , DLC:GW . The son of a Roman goldsmith, sculptor Giuseppe...
The confidence i put in the persuation of the most high Caracters of this Country, which have all at once retracted from there promises of promoting the plan of a National Monument puts me in the necssity of taking the prudent stop to returne to Europe directely My expence having been of graet consideration, and incresed by my application in the Noble monumental plan i am in the necessity of...
I have been just aquented that the notes of invitation for the general meeting been send by Mr Bingham without any signature, the Gentilmen which recceived them where offended and not willing to attend. If you was to approve it Sir another meeting ought to be called by, and in the names of the five Manegers, as a wright, with publiching in the news papers, an article addressed to the public,...
and persecutions I the anser that contr my com ing in this hapi Contry oigerin Mrs: Ceracchi persuaded here self of this necesstety, and resolved to acconpen me with the reste of the family, wich accompliscad my desires. in few days I shall set of for Philodelphia, where I would wishe to resing my respects to you I hope by this time you will have reccived your bust I had the pleasure to cot in...
As soon I received your valuable Suscription for the National Monument I send it to those Gentilmen appointed to promote the plan, I imagined that under such Reputable Auspice might be forword it with success. but I was disappointed with astonishement when it was told me, that various causes actuating towgater produced invincible difficulties ageinst it, and your example in having suscribed...
No man is happier then I’m in this moment, for I rely feel a tru satisfactory honor in addressing the President of the Unit. Stat’s. I shall communicate this sensetion to my Cildren, they shall learn to pronounce General Washingtons’ name with the highst admiration, and shall, inspire the desire to addresse personaly the Hero of America universily admired trowout the world. My worth being to...
Abstract. 28 July 1792, Amsterdam. Professes great esteem for JM and inquires about the “Monumento per celebrare la Libertà Americana” (the equestrian statue of Washington authorized by Congress in 1783 which Ceracchi hoped to execute). RC ( NjP : Andre deCoppet Collection). One page, written in Italian. Docketed by JM. Ceracchi, an Italian sculptor, first met JM in 1791 when the two men...
By farther information I am absolutely convinced that I have been infamousely dupped by all those persons which have been the busi body of the suscription plan, therfore I must withdrow my self from this scandalous businiss. The summes that cost me ammount to 75000. Dallars and so disononorable expended of which 8500. since my returne. I hope it will be find just on my part to call for the...
Paris, 4 Thermidor Year 8 [ i.e. 23 July 1800 ]. Mr. Bohlen, in repeated letters sent through Amsterdam, having advised him to write to TJ on the subject of the monuments to be built in America to the glory of liberty and to the memory of George Washington, he takes this occasion “to renew my correspondance and presente to you the sentiments of my estime.” He is certain that TJ will not have...
Mr King Boudinot and Wollcot will better explane the reason of there unsincerity respecting the plan of the National Monument they have connected other plots more pernicious, because secretly acting ageinst it to destroi it. My situation thank God, is for to be as the President immagin but if I should give time to the American egerness for foregn mony, my fortune might have been furthed at...
Bein upon my departure for Europe I take the Liberty to draw upon you the somme of 250 . Dollars in favour of Mr George Meade, which you will be pluesed to pay, for the price of Your medallion in alabaster Originaly performed by me. In another I shal explane the cause of my living so soon thi Country while with consideration I am Sir Yor. Most Obt Sert I have kept the above bill & will be...
With graet satisfaction I have recieved the honour of your first letter dated from Philodelphia the 14 of last Nov. in which I find explaned the case that retards the resolution on the intended Monument, which at any time that it will be resolved, I shall consider it as the most honorable commission coming to me throughof your inflonce with the United States, and the patronage you are plesed...
I have the honor to acquaint you of my safe arrival after six weeks passage. Among the books I have read to pas my time, the Istory of American Revolution as being for me very interesting end am very sory that never had time to perused it in Philadelphia. Here I had the satisfaction to see You the most staidy support of the Pileus. You Sir refused to go abroad till it was fixed with a proper...
Joseph Ceracchi, a Roman Sculptor begs leave to submit to your Honors the annexed Design, which he has conceived of a Monument for perpetuating the Memory of the American Revolution. If Congress should think proper to encourage this Design, the Artist, satisfied with the Glory, which his performance will receive from the Subject itself, desires no pecuniary Reward, and only wishes to have the...
M r Ceracchi, respectfull compliments to the Wise President, and take the Liberty to beg him to present the annexed Medal to M rs: Adam, he hopes that this Respectable Lady in honor him with her acceptance, will tink it as a very small degree of the high estime that he intertones for the subjet reppresented in the Medal, as well as for his family RC ( Adams Papers ); endorsed: “Ans d Dec r. 2....
Agriculture been the support of every action; I should be sorry to occasion any waste of your time at the expence of the rular occupation. The bust is ordered to be shipped to Richmond directed to Mr. Gramble Merchant, which shall forward it to Monticello; I hope it will be find caracteristick of what it is maent, and be tolerated in what it may be want, the elevation of it should be upon a...
Been wondered at the daley of the National Monumt suscription coming out, i called this morning upon the Gentilmen of the departements. Mesr. Randolph kindedly assured me that he would signe the papers as soon as they were send to him. Fifty of them signed only by Mr Wolcott are not gon farther till now, than to the Secretary of War office, by this may be consived that it would require a month...
As sun my arrival to Urope I didn’t fall to give my self the plaesure of addressing you tow letters dated from Amsterdam the 16. july last, I am affraid Sir that your ansered is not come to me because I didn’t point out a place for my direction, but if you please to give me this honour you might send it to Amsterdam at Mr. Stapolster, Goll, or Alstorphius this three Gentilmens been equaly my...
By the infamous manner with which I have been treated about the plan of suscription (of which by this time you must be well informed) I find my self very much hurted in every respects. The President suscribed generousely but his act was not apprecieted, I then withdrow his suscription and consigned to the care of Mr. Randolph from which I had recceived it. Some of the Manegers have been...
Ricevo dalla stampa la discrizione della mia idea di cui le ne includo due copie. Il solo onore mi ha fatto impegnare in questo glorioso soggetto, qualunque siasi la riuscita mi sarà sempre lodevole l’averlo progettato, tanto più che non posso aver alcun motivo di rimproverarmi ne il tempo, ne le somme che impiego a quest’ effetto perchè le mie commode circostanze possono facilmente supplire,...
Je l’honneur de vous parteciper mon heureux arrivee en Europe en parfaitte Sante. De tout cotè on me fait des recherches empresseè sur le Monument National. On ne peù pas ce persuader du succes si peu favorable, car on L’envisage comme un objet qui doivent interesser une Nationne Trionfante de satisfaire la juste embition pour Celebrer l’Epoque de sa Gloire. Quant a moi pour me consoler en...
Objects of grandeur and elevation generaly meet with opposition by certain clas of people whose interests or principles been falsely founded are affraide or umiliated by any wirtuos action; evidence of this are Galileus, and Colombus who felt severily Priestcraft and Cortely prosecution for theyr famous discoveries. The Idea of the National Monument that I have consocrated to liberty, is...
Mr. Duers bad affaires cuts in part the Suscription of the Nationale Monument; however my appearance in this City will be certenly of graet use. A small Schatcht that I have finished of my idea as actracted great dill attention already. Too morrow I shall begin the bust of the Governor, end that of the Cef Justice afterwards. Thise operations will consequentely unite the parties upon the...
La malheureuse famille du Sculpteur Ceracchi, pour le quel vous avez eu mille bontés pendant son séjour en Amérique, se trouve en proie aux horreurs de l’indigence la plus horrible et dans l’affreuse Circonstance de périr de misere à chaque instant. Veuve, avec six enfans, hors d’état de gagner leur pain, je ne vis plus que de larmes amères, rongée par le plus noir chagrin. Ma situation empire...
Ayant sur moi le devoir amer de chercher du Secours ou seulement ma faible memoire puisse me donner une Luëur d’Esperance j’azarde ses Lignes pour s’il est possible faire rétentir jusque dans Vos Contrées heureuses les Clameurs de la Deplorable famille de Joseph Cerachi; Veuve avec 6 Enfans n’ayant plus puë exister ni subsister a Rome le Desespoir me suggera de revenir dans ma Patrie pour y...
La tendre amitié que vous avez daigné témoigner à mon époux, pendant son séjour à Philadelphie me fait esperer, généreux Jefferson, que vous aurez la complaisance de lire la lettre cijointe. Elle vous fera connaitre au vrai toute l’horreur de ma situation présente et les besoins urgens de ma nombreuse famille. Les moyens que mon ami ose vous proposer sont faciles, il ne dépendra que de vous...
Since you know the ardor and sincerity of my feelings for the cause of liberty, you can understand my gratitude at receiving the honor of your trust in the letter of 23 October. I regret only that I cannot devote all my powers and abilities to the defense of this noble cause. The duties with which I am burdened at present leave me scarcely a free moment. This did not prevent me, however, from...
J’apprends dans l’instant par l’une de nos Gazettes Hollandoises que Votre Excellence est actuellement à la Haye; & je m’empresse de vous faire passer le renouvellement du respect & de la venération que j’ai toujours eus & invariablement fait éclater pour votre Personne & vos vertus. La confiance & l’amitié dont vous avez bien voulu m’honorer dans les tems de votre Residence dans ce Pays-ci,...
Vos desirs serons toujours des ordres pour moi. Vous verrez que je m’y suis conformé dans le N o. que j’e vous fais passer. J’espere pouvoir faire insérer le reste dans les deux suivans: vous m’obligeriez de me communiques ce que vous pensez de la traduction, si elle est exacte & fidele, vous ne verrez pas non plus sans interêt les détails & anecdotes que j’ai ôsé publier sur notre...
J’espere que dans peu vous aurez la satisfaction de voir paraître l’ouvrage de Mr de Mably, ouvrage qui honore également l’Ecrivain & le héros. Un Régent de cette République a bien voulu se charger de le traduire; il est déjà connu par une traduction de l’Esprit des loix très estimée. Cette production est trop intéressante pour tarder à fixer l’attention des Anglais & des Allemands. J’aurais...