George Washington Papers

To George Washington from the Virginia Delegates, 29 April 1778

From the Virginia Delegates

York [Pa.] 29th april. 1778


In compliance with your letter in answer to ours respecting the Paymt of the Bounty to the re inlisted virginia Soldiers,1 we now send you thirty Thousand Dollars, by particular direction of the executive of our State, ordered into your Hands; it should however have been negotiated, in a less troublesome way to you, but the warrant was thro mistake made out in our Names. Eighty Dollars are sent by Mr Banister, for the use of a Soldier one Abner Howell, from his County, whom he has written to Col. Meade to find out.2 I am for myself & Colleagues with the highest Respect & Esteem yr Excellency’s mo. obedt & mo. hble Servant

J. Banister

ALS, DLC:GW. Banister wrote on the cover, “30,080 Dollars by favour of Mr Mills.” The cover is docketed in part, “Ansd,” but no reply has been identified.

1Banister is referring to GW’s letter to the Virginia delegates of 23 April, in reply to their letter of 16 April (see Banister to GW, that date, n.1).

2Banister’s letter to Lt. Col. Richard Kidder Meade has not been identified.

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